Vol. 38: No. 25 ~ July 10, 2023
Official Announcements
Office of the Chancellor for Canonical Affairs

Learn about the Order of Saint Benedict at Saint Leo Abbey
Reverend Lucius Amarillas, O.S.B., from Saint Leo Abbey, has been tasked with promoting the Saint Leo Abbey community (the only monks in Florida) for vocations and

If you are interested in inviting Father Lucius to speak to a group at your parish, please contact him at the phone number or email address included in the advertisement at this link.
Saint Leo University to Host The MANE Event on July 15, 2023
Saint Leo University will host The MANE Event on Saturday, July 15th from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. on campus at 33701 County Road 52, St. Leo, FL This is the largest admissions event of the year for undergraduate students who are attending or interested in attending Saint Leo’s University Campus for the Fall 2023 Semester and their guests.

Prospective and committed students may complete new-student steps in person and earn the maximum of $500 in 2023-2024 micro-scholarships for attending a campus event prior to fall. For more information, contact admissions@saintleo.edu or call (352) 588-8283. Registration can be found at this link.
For the Faithful Departed
Let us keep the souls and the families of the faithful departed in our prayers:

  • Mrs. Alba Lugo, wife of Deacon Gregorio Lugo of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish, Spring Hill

  • Mrs. Mary Ann Sokol, mother of Margaret Ann “Maggie” Rogers, Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Diocese of St. Petersburg

  • UPDATE Mr. Marvin Hays, brother of Reverend John Hays, Pastor of St. Anne Parish, Ridge Manor.

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
by the mercy of God, rest in peace!
Bulletin Announcements
View current information that can be included in parish bulletins here.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
GulfCoastCatholic.org is a news website to help Catholics know, live and share the faith. You’ll find articles that inform and, hopefully, inspire
Important Links
Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Morris
Vicar General
Diocese of St. Petersburg