Office of Hispanic Ministry
4a Conferencia Anual Hispana para Hombres “El Amor en la Familia como Expresión de Dios”
Presentada por la Diócesis de St. Petersburg y Suncoast Catholic Ministries. El evento será el sábado, 23 de abril, 2022, de 7:30 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., en el salón social de Nativity Catholic Church, 705 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon. Conferenciantes invitados: el P. Mario Castañeda, el P. Chuck Dornquast y el Sr. Wilson Tamayo. La santa Misa será presidida por el P. Chuck Dornquast. Los boletos incluyen el almuerzo. Boletos individuales: $35. Combo de padre/hijo: $20 cada uno. En la puerta (si quedaran): $40. El cupo es limitado a fin de cumplir con los requisitos establecidos para minimizar el contagio del COVID-19.
4th Annual Hispanic Men’s Conference “Love in the Family as an Expression of God”
Presented by the Diocese of St. Petersburg and Suncoast Catholic Ministries. The event will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Social Hall of Nativity Catholic Church, 705 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon. Guest speakers are Fr. Mario Castañeda, Fr. Chuck Dornquast and Mr. Wilson Tamayo. The Holy Mass will be presided by Fr. Chuck Dornquast. Cost is $35 per individual ticket, and $20 per ticket for father and son attending together. Cost at the door (if tickets still available) is $40. Capacity is limited to follow guidelines to minimize the spread of COVID-19. For more information and to buy tickets, visit: