Vol. 39: No. 03 ~ January 22, 2024

Ministries Updates

Office of Communications


New Documentary to Premiere: For the Sake of the Gospel

More than twenty years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts, a group of Franciscan missionaries left their homes in Spain to evangelize and minister to the indigenous people of the south Georgia coast. Between September 14 and September 17, 1597, all but one were murdered. The Diocese of Savannah has produced a documentary about these missionaries called, “For the Sake of the Gospel,” that will premiere on EWTN on Monday, February 5, 2024, at 5:30 PM EST. To learn more, click here.

Please note: The Franciscans that are part of the Georgia Martyrs are a separate cause than the Florida Martyrs, which was just submitted to Rome in the Fall. Please continue to pray for the beatification of the Servants of God Antonio Inija and Companions (aka the Martyrs of La Florida).

Floridians are Asked to Pray a Novena to Defeat a Pro-Abortion Amendment

On February 7, 2024 the Florida Supreme Court will review the language of a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize full-term abortion for any age without parental consent in Florida. The Bishops of Florida are rallying people around the state to pray each day from January 30th through February 7th. All are asked to pray that both women and preborn babies will be protected, and that this misleading and dangerous amendment will not be permitted on the November ballot.

You can sign up to receive reminders to pray each day of the novena via this link.

Prayer graphic at this link.

Office of Prison Ministry

Pinellas County Jail - Ministry Request

Pinellas County Jail will soon be offering a training for volunteers (clergy and lay) assisting with religious services. Currently Catholic Communion services are held every Friday morning in one section of the Jail. We are hoping to add enough ministers to add services for other parts of the Jail (Women, Spanish, and East wing). 

If you have an interest in learning more about prison ministry or helping out at Pinellas County Jail, please contact the Office of Prison Ministry (727-344-1611) or via email at (prisonmn@dosp.org) for an application.   

For the Faithful Departed

Let us keep the souls and the families of the faithful departed in our prayers:

May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed

by the mercy of God, rest in peace!

Bulletin Announcements

View current information that can be included in parish bulletins here.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

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Vicar General
Diocese of St. Petersburg
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