Office of the Chancellor for Canonical Affairs
Chrism Mass
Please mark your calendars for this year’s Chrism Mass, to take place on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 11:00 a.m., at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. Petersburg. Most Reverend Gregory L. Parkes will be the principal celebrant and homilist.
As is customary during each year’s Chrism Mass, priests observing their 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th and 65th anniversary of ordination will be honored. Please note: If you are celebrating one of the aforementioned anniversaries and your name does not appear in the list below or if you know of a priest who is not included on this list and should be, please provide this information to Maria Gonzalez in the Chancellor’s Office at 727-341-6831 or by e-mail:
This year, 25 priests will be honored. Our Jubilarians are as follows:
25th Anniversary
Most Rev. Gregory L. Parkes
Rev. Rodolfo Ramón Cabrera, O.F.M.
Rev. Agustinus Seran, S.V.D.
Rev. Pedro J. Zapata
40th Anniversary
Rev. Pierre A. Dorvil, S.M.M.
Very Rev. Thomas T. Morgan
Rev. Randall Roberts, O.F.M.
Rev. John G. Tapp
Rev. Alan C. Weber
50 th Anniversary
Rev. Francis X. Buu
Rev. Bruce Craig, S.D.B.
Rev. Andrzej Gorczyca, M.I.C.
Rev. Paul Kochu
Rev. Vincent A. Laviano, O.F.M.
Rev. Michael R. Lydon
Rev. Salvator M. Stefula, T.O.R.
Rev. William Keane, S.D.B.
60 th Anniversary
Rev. Robert R. Barczak, O.F.M.
Rev. Kevin E. Mackin, O.F.M.
Rev. James P. McAteer, I.C.
Rev. Msgr. Brendan Muldoon
Rev. John C. Murphy
Rev. Thomas G. Spillett
Rev. Adam E. Szufel, O.F.M.
65 th Anniversary
Rev. Msgr. Antonio Diez