Vol. 39: No. 13 ~ April 2, 2024

Official Announcement

Office of the Bishop

Vote No on Amendment Four, Florida’s Extreme Abortion Amendment

The Florida Supreme Court will allow placement of the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion” on the November 2024 ballot. The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement that reads in part:

"Under the guise of limiting government interference, this extreme ballot initiative would legalize full-term abortion, including when the baby is capable of feeling pain. The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops will work hard to oppose this cruel and dangerous amendment and urge all Floridians to vote ‘no’ on Amendment 4.”

To read the full statement, click here.

Also, a grassroots group called, Florida Voters Against Extremism, is working to defeat Amendment 4 and issued a statement that can be read here

For the Faithful Departed

Let us keep the souls and the families of the faithful departed in our prayers:

  • Update: Mercedes Cedeño, former Administrative Assistant for the Intercultural Ministries Office for the Diocese of St. Petersburg.

  • Mrs. Alice Flanagan, mother of Ms. Sheila Osorio, St. Brendan Church, Clearwater Beach and of Ms. Kathleen Flanagan, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, Dunedin

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed

by the mercy of God, rest in peace!

Bulletin Announcements

View current information that can be included in parish bulletins here.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

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Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Morris
Vicar General
Diocese of St. Petersburg
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