Dear Parishioners,


Today we cover more ground with Jesus than on any other Sunday. We begin with Jesus at Bethpage, preparing for his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Once in the city, Jesus joins the disciples in the Upper Room for the Last Supper. Later, he awaits his fate in Gethsemane. After his arrest, he is taken to the high priest, then to the governor. Finally, he is scourged at the praetorium, crucified at Golgotha, and buried in the tomb.


On this circuitous journey from Bethpage to Golgotha, so much changes and so much is lost. Jesus goes from hailed hero to crucified criminal. He loses his status, his friends, and his dignity. His disciples face losses as well; they lose their courage, their leader, their sense of security. Jesus predicted his passion more than once, but never in specific terms. Neither the disciples nor Jesus himself knew exactly what it would take from them.


On our journey with Jesus through life, we, too, experience changes and loss. We often make sacrifices out of love for children and grandchildren, our parents, and other relations. We give to, and do for, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and fellow parishioners. And we all experience loss living on this earth, some more than others. 


Jesus is with us in our loss, and he knows what it means to sacrifice for love. He emptied himself, becoming human to be with us, to love us, and to show us how to love like him. He surrendered his hero status and humbled himself out of love, even to the point of accepting death as a crucified criminal.


In the face of loss, we can be like the disciples, or we can join in love with Jesus. At the Last Supper, the disciples denied that they would betray Jesus, or that their faith would be shaken. Still, they could not stay awake with him in Gethsemane, and they fled as soon as he was arrested, leaving the women alone at the cross and burial.


Unlike the disciples, Jesus does not flee. The sorrow and distress he exhibits in Gethsemane are real. He prays that his cup should pass, but ultimately, he accepts God’s will. He surrenders to his fate and all he is to lose. He does so out of obedience to his Father, and out of love for us.     


Jesus’ passion is our passion too. We journey together through loss – never alone, but always united with him. In this Eucharist we recall the Last Supper and how he shares himself with us out of love. Gathered as one with him through this sacrament, we face together whatever losses may be. 



Fr. Tad


During Lent Season, Reconciliation service will be offered on 1st Fridays after evening Mass from 7-8 PM and during the mid-month Adoration from 11:30 AM – 12 PM and upon request by appointment.


  • Remember to silence, turn off, and put away your cell phones, tablets, and gaming devices prior the start of Mass.

  • Remember not to chew a gum in the church, especially during Mass.


  • Keep in mind the Communion fast – we are to fast from food and drink (water and medicine excluded) one hour before receiving Holy Communion. Let us prepare our body and soul to worthily receive our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

  • When we are in the church (specifically in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament), we should keep our volume to a reverential whisper, if conversation is necessary. This is to promote prayer to prepare our hearts and minds for Mass. Thank you for your mindfulness.



Every Friday

Holy Thursday

(March 28)

Good Friday

(March 29)

Easter Vigil (March 30)

Easter Sunday (March 31) 

6:30 PM Stations of the Cross

No Mass in the morning

7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper

9:00 PM -12:00 AM Altar of Repose/Adoration

No Mass in the morning

6:30 PM Stations of the Cross

7:00 PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

No Mass at the Little Church

8:30 PM Mass (Big Church)

9:30 AM Mass (Big Church)

Holy Thursday

A special feast day for priests

On the Last Supper Jesus instituted together the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

On Holy Thursday please take a moment to thank God for our priests and pray for them who have chosen to serve the Lord and the Church with their lives.


April 5, 2024 

"The Eucharist is connected with the Passion. If Jesus had not established the Eucharist we would have forgotten the crucifixion. It would have faded into the past and we would have forgotten that Jesus loved us. There is a saying that to be far away from the eyes is to be far away from the heart. To make sure that we do not forget, Jesus gave us the Eucharist as a memorial of his love … When you look at the Crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then, when you look at the Sacred Host you understand how much Jesus loves you now."- Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Eucharistic Adoration will follow at 6:30 Mass on Friday, April 5th at the McKean Road church. Come to sit quietly in meditation, pray, or read your Bible or other spiritual books, or to simply be in Jesus' presence. All are invited to come at their convenience throughout the night and also for the 7:00 am breakfast that follows the benediction on Saturday. 

Have you ever tried to “Sing the Hours”? 

The Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office or Breviary, is the daily prayer of the universal church, with prayers dispersed at intervals throughout the day to sanctify time and work. The Office is organized around the Psalms, which train our voices speak and sing along with the voice of Christ.

Now, there is a new and easy way to learn the Liturgy of the Hours, by listening to the twice-daily podcast “Sing the Hours” with Paul Rose.  Visit to get started! After a few weeks of listening and praying and singing along, you will find the timeless prayers of Jesus and His Church becoming your own prayers as well!





Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. As we walk with Jesus this week, we remember the countless women, children and men who carry heavy crosses even today: crosses of hunger, of vulnerability to climate change, or of a lack of resources. How—like Simon of Cyrene—can you help to carry the crosses of our sisters and brothers in your local community and around the world? Visit to learn more. 


Roll up your sleeve and save the date! 

The Pastoral Care Ministry of St. Anthony Parish will host their “spring” blood drive on Saturday, April 13, 2024.

The Stanford Blood Center will be taking donations in the Big Church parking lot from 8:30am until 12:15pm. Whether you are a first-time donor or a seasoned giver, please consider saving a life through blood donation. Did you know, the Stanford Blood Center is the primary source of blood here in the Bay Area? A single pint of blood can provide lifesaving products to as many as three individuals in desperate need. In person sign-ups will be held after each mass on Palm Sunday weekend, March 23- 24th.

Don’t want to wait, contact Corinne Jarrett ( or 408-892-3152) today to get on the schedule. You can also sign up online by visiting the Stanford Blood Center website. Thank you all for your continued support! 

Outreach Easter Box Thank you

Thank you to all the parishioners who helped assemble a total of 436 Easter Boxes for the St. Joseph Family Center in Gilroy.  The boxes were delivered to St. Joseph’s Family Center and will be distributed this coming week.  The boxes are handed out to children whose families are receiving nutritional donations from the family center.  


Outreach wishes all of you a Happy Easter!



Goal: $92,582

Week 6: $103,910

Thanks to the 127 families who have already responded with a gift to the 2024 Annual Diocesan Appeal. There is still plenty of time. Gifts can be made through our parish office or online at

2024 Lenten Virtual Pilgrimage of Prayer

Join us as Kathleen Nichols unveils the timeless beauty of Christian prayer in Jerusalem, where believers follow the footsteps of the Lord and his disciples. Enjoy a daily brief and enriching spiritual exploration of the holiest city on Earth.

To receive daily videos in your mailbox, please click on the ‘subscribe’ button link below:


It is easier now more than ever to make your stewardship and second collection contributions online. A "Donate" button has been added to the upper right corner of the parish website home page and an "Online Giving" button to the end of each week's parish email. Clicking these buttons will take you directly to our online giving app. 

The 2024 Mass Intention Book

The 2024 Mass book is available

A very special prayer practice that is offered at every Mass is a Mass Intention. Intentions are offered for many reasons, for the living and the dead. Masses can be offered for birthdays, anniversaries, illness, special intentions and answered prayers. Consider remembering a loved one this upcoming year. If you are looking for a specific date for the Mass, call soon to reserve your date so that it isn’t taken. Contact Edith Baretta at the parish office ~ (408) 997-4800; email us at 

A donation of $10 is suggested. 

Father Tad encourages you to praise and pray by singing at Mass. Here’s a chance to familiarize yourself with the songs planned for Sunday, March 24.

Click. Listen. Sing along. We look forward to hearing you!

8:30 MASS


Hosanna to the Son of David


Your Only Son



Lead Us to the Cross



Take Up Our Cross

10:30 MASS



Hosanna to the Son of David


Your Only Son



Lead Us to the Cross



Take Up Our Cross




Vigil Mass, March 23

"Little Church" McKean Rd

4:00 PM

Sunday Mass, March 24

"Big Church" McKean Rd

8:30 AM

10:30 AM

Weekday Mass:

Tuesday - Friday

8:00 AM

Visit the parish website for updates and other news
Visit our Website
Online Giving
Contact Us

St. Anthony Parish

20101 McKean Rd

San Jose, CA 95120

(408) 997- 4800