Dear Parishioners,


The Gospel depicts an eventful day for Jesus, to say the least. His relatives are out to seize him; the scribes are calling him Satan; and on top of it all, he cannot even eat because the crowds are so large.


No doubt, the disunity Jesus felt in this moment pained him. Imagine having the leaders of your faith community and your own family out to get you. If God is a relationship of love, as the Scriptures consistently tell us, then disunity is the antithesis of God. Perhaps this helps us understand the meaning of the Gospel’s reference to blasphem[ing] against the Holy Spirit, the only sin that Jesus says cannot be forgiven. Jesus tells the crowd that if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. Disunity tears us away from ourselves, from others, and from God. We blaspheme the Holy Spirit, who is God’s uniting force, when we cultivate division or independence over unity and interconnectedness.


In today’s first reading from Genesis, Adam eats the apple in disobedience, and the immediate result is separation. For the first time, the Lord and Adam are detached, and thus the Lord calls out to Adam, Where are you? Adam replies that he hid himself in the garden out of fear. He does not trust God’s mercy and love for him, the bedrock of unity, and instead blames his sin on the woman.


This foundational story of our faith tradition reminds us that we were created for unity. It is in our DNA, so to speak; unity is the very essence of who we are, what we were made for, and to which we ultimately will return. In today’s Gospel, when Jesus replies Who are my mother and my brothers? his intention is not to slight his family, but to widen the circle of connection. He reveals that everyone around him are his mother and his brothers – a revolutionary shift from bloodline to generational relationships.


Jesus came to teach us that the circle of God’s love encompasses everyone, making all of us family. Our job is to widen the circle until no one is left standing outside of it.


Is there anyone in our life from whom we are divided? Are there groups of people with whom we would rather not associate? Is there sin in our heart that disconnects us from God? Amid such disunity, the Lord calls out, Where are you? He says, “Come, be united to me, be united to those around you, your real brothers and sisters.” This unifying work is the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the end goal for each of us.


As we come forward to the table with outstretched hands, we recognize that the Eucharist is the “sacrament of unity.” May our hearts and bodies long for this transcendent unity, with God and with one another.



Fr. Tad


  • Remember to silence, turn off, and put away your cell phones, tablets, and gaming devices prior the start of Mass.

  • Remember not to chew a gum in the church, especially during Mass.


  • Keep in mind the Communion fast – we are to fast from food and drink (water and medicine excluded) one hour before receiving Holy Communion. Let us prepare our body and soul to worthily receive our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

  • When we are in the church (specifically in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament), we should keep our volume to a reverential whisper, if conversation is necessary. This is to promote prayer to prepare our hearts and minds for Mass. Thank you for your mindfulness.


Hospitality Sunday on June 9

Happy Birthday, Dear Fr. Tad!!

Please join us this coming Sunday, June 9, in wishing Fr. Tad a wonderful birthday (June 6) and many more as he continues to serve the Lord and our community. May God provide him always with knowledge, wisdom and strength to guide his flock!

Our amazing Hospitality Sunday crew will offer coffee, donuts and delicious homemade treats.


Daytime Eucharistic Adoration, June 19

“Do you realize that Jesus is there in the Blessed Sacrament expressly for you, for you alone? He burns with the desire to come into your heart!” - St. Therese of Lisieux

Please join us Wednesday, June 19, at 8:00 AM Mass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will begin immediately after Mass, and it will end at 12:00 PM with praying of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and the Benediction.


The 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM choirs are looking to recruit more singers and musicians. Please consider sharing your talent and joining us in praising God through music.

Rehearsals for the 8:30 AM Mass are on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM and rehearsals for the 10:30 AM Mass are on Thursdays at 7:00 PM.

For more information, contact Denise Delong at: or speak to a choir member after Mass.


It is time to call upon our children to come to church and to be engaged in the life of the parish by becoming an altar server. All boys and girls who have already received the First Holy Communion are invited to register for this program.

Parents, please, help your children to do so if they express such a desire to become an altar server. PLEASE, submit the names of your children to the Parish Office.

We are aspiring for a life-giving and vibrant liturgy!

Your kids will have an important role in it.

Religious Education Classes at Saint Anthony Parish begin in September. Forms are available in the parish office. The cost is $80 per child. Please sign up your child asap. 

Any questions, please call Katrina Votaw at (408) 927- 8224. 

We hope your children will join us this year!!

Have you ever tried to “Sing the Hours”? 

The Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office or Breviary, is the daily prayer of the universal church, with prayers dispersed at intervals throughout the day to sanctify time and work. The Office is organized around the Psalms, which train our voices speak and sing along with the voice of Christ.

Now, there is a new and easy way to learn the Liturgy of the Hours, by listening to the twice-daily podcast “Sing the Hours” with Paul Rose.  Visit to get started! After a few weeks of listening and praying and singing along, you will find the timeless prayers of Jesus and His Church becoming your own prayers as well!


(Commissioning of the altar servers and Eucharistic Adoration Ministry, Corpus Christi Procession)

Save the Date

30th Anniversary Celebration

October 6, 2024


Saint Anthony will be celebrating

the 30th anniversary of

 the Big Church on McKean Road.


On that day there will be one mass at 10:30.

The Bishop will be the main presider assisted by former pastors. 


Afterwards there will be outdoor celebration.


Remember to Save the Date!


It is easier now more than ever to make your stewardship and second collection contributions online. A "Donate" button has been added to the upper right corner of the parish website home page and an "Online Giving" button to the end of each week's parish email. Clicking these buttons will take you directly to our online giving app. 

The 2024 Mass Intention Book

The 2024 Mass book is available

A very special prayer practice that is offered at every Mass is a Mass Intention. Intentions are offered for many reasons, for the living and the dead. Masses can be offered for birthdays, anniversaries, illness, special intentions and answered prayers. Consider remembering a loved one this upcoming year. If you are looking for a specific date for the Mass, call soon to reserve your date so that it isn’t taken. Contact Edith Baretta at the parish office ~ (408) 997-4800; email us at 

A donation of $10 is suggested. 

Father Tad encourages you to praise and pray by singing at Mass. Here’s a chance to familiarize yourself with the songs planned for Sunday, June 9.

Click. Listen. Sing along. We look forward to hearing you!

8:30 MASS


Come to the Lord


Give Me Ears to Listen



You Call Me



Shout to the Lord

10:30 MASS



Come to Jesus


Turn to Me






All That We Have Seen


Vigil Mass, June 8

"Little Church" McKean Rd

4:00 PM

Sunday Mass, June 9

"Big Church" McKean Rd

8:30 AM

10:30 AM

Weekday Mass:

Tuesday - Friday

8:00 AM

Visit the parish website for updates and other news
Visit our Website
Online Giving
Contact Us

St. Anthony Parish

20101 McKean Rd

San Jose, CA 95120

(408) 997- 4800