Dear Parishioners,


Alexander Pope, the poet from the 18th century once said: “To err is human, to forgive is divine”. And this is exactly what happened to our office accounting of our ADA. Last Sunday we have celebrated pre-maturely the reaching of our ADA goal due to a $30,000 error. For some reason, instead of reporting about having reached $64,320 in the week four of our Appeal, I have reported $94,320 and celebrated with you this amazing result. The number “6” can be treacherously deceiving.

Well, I must say that the celebratory feeling was great but as soon as I saw the official report from the Diocese (we erroneously reported our numbers without having the official report) on Monday, it occurred to me that something went wrong.

And it did indeed: our numbers were wrong! That’s why I started with the line: “To err is human”, and now I’m asking for you to finish the remainder of that line: “to forgive is divine”.

You have been great when reacting to those numbers and I’m sure you will forgive us the error. We had few more families generously giving to our ADA this last Sunday but now, instead of reporting the new numbers, we will wait for the official report from the Diocese. I hope once again that you divinely forgive us for this error. But I’m nevertheless proud of our community because I know that this was only a small stumbling block on our way towards the victory. When we meet our goal and when it becomes much warmer, I will start inviting you as the community members, to stop by at my newly renovated backyard where we can have a glass of wine, have a talk, and laugh at our mistakes.


Now, let me share with you some reflection for this Sunday.

As we continue our journey through Lent, today’s reading from Exodus enumerates the commandments God’s people were to live by as part of the covenant relationship God established with them at Mount Sinai. The first three commandments shape our relationship with God, and the remaining seven shape our relationship with one another. Jesus summarized these with the great commandment: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. If we live this dual commandment of loving God and neighbor, we will fulfill the 10 Commandments.


Have a blessed 3rd week of Lent.


Fr. Tad



During Lent Season, Reconciliation service will be offered on 1st Fridays after evening Mass from 7-8 PM and during the mid-month Adoration from 11:30 AM – 12 PM and upon request by appointment.


  • Remember to silence, turn off, and put away your cell phones, tablets, and gaming devices prior the start of Mass.

  • Remember not to chew a gum in the church, especially during Mass.


  • Keep in mind the Communion fast – we are to fast from food and drink (water and medicine excluded) one hour before receiving Holy Communion. Let us prepare our body and soul to worthily receive our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

  • When we are in the church (specifically in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament), we should keep our volume to a reverential whisper, if conversation is necessary. This is to promote prayer to prepare our hearts and minds for Mass. Thank you for your mindfulness.


March 13, 2024

All are encouraged to come for our next daytime Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday, March 13. We are being offered something wonderful – time with our Lord. Come when it works best for you. Adoration begins after the 8:00 AM Mass and ends with praying of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and the benediction, completed at 12:00 PM.


Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life. Night and day, He is there. If you really want to grow in love, come back to the Eucharist, come back to that Adoration. - Mother Teresa


Join us this Lent for A Biblical Walk Through the Mass

Wednesdays, February 21 – March 20

3:00-4:30 pm or 7:00-8:30 pm

Location: McKean Road Church

Make this one of the special things you do this Lent. Discover the beauty and riches of the Mass through videos and small group discussions.


Please come when you can—to one, some, or all of the sessions. Bring a friend or family member. No preparation or homework is required, and there is no fee. It is okay if you did not sign up. Just drop in. Come and see!


Feb 21 Introduction: The Biblical Foundations of the Mass

Feb 28 The Introductory Rites

Mar 6 The Liturgy of the Word

Mar 13 The Liturgy of the Eucharist: Preparation of the Gifts and Eucharistic Prayer

Mar 20 The Liturgy of the Eucharist: Communion Rite and the Concluding Rites

Have you ever tried to “Sing the Hours”? 

The Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office or Breviary, is the daily prayer of the universal church, with prayers dispersed at intervals throughout the day to sanctify time and work. The Office is organized around the Psalms, which train our voices speak and sing along with the voice of Christ.

Now, there is a new and easy way to learn the Liturgy of the Hours, by listening to the twice-daily podcast “Sing the Hours” with Paul Rose.  Visit to get started! After a few weeks of listening and praying and singing along, you will find the timeless prayers of Jesus and His Church becoming your own prayers as well!





Nowadays, in Morazán, El Salvador, it is very difficult to know when the rainy or dry seasons will be. The unpredictable weather puts the livelihood of Sandra's family in jeopardy. Despite the challenges, Sandra and her husband, Santos, remain dedicated to ensuring their children grow healthy and succeed in school. Learn how their strong family dynamic enabled Sandra to participate in a Catholic Relief Services’ project on raising chickens and how her determination has helped her family and community. Visit to read this week’s Story of Hope.


Are you interested in learning acupressure self-help points? Learn about points to help headaches, migraines, neck pain, insomnia, anxiety, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, carpal tunnel, TMJ, constipation/diarrhea, memory improvement, etc.

Betty Ko Licensed acupuncturist will be giving a class on Mar. 9, 2024 from 9 - 11am at St. Anthony Church at 20101 McKean Rd., San Jose, CA 95120. Cost is $60 can be paid by zelle to 408 348-3755, or cash or checks made out to Betty Ko. If you would like to repeat this class the cost is $30.

If you are interested, sign up for the course, click on this link ( or sign up after all masses.

Goal: $92,582

Week 4: $64,320

Thank you to the 74 families from our St. Anthony Parish who generously answered the call to participate and support our 2024 Annual Diocesan Appeal!

Gifts to the Annual Diocesan Appeal invest in the mission of our Church by supporting clergy formation and training, seminarian education, pastoral case at our 11 hospitals, promoting vocations and developing lay leaders. For instance, this year the Diocese is supporting six seminarians in their formation for the priesthood. Any gift or pledge, regardless of size, helps our Diocese reveal the presence of Christ in our community. For more information on the work of the Diocese of San José or to make a gift online, visit 

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce; then will your barns be filled with grain, with new wine your vats will overflow.” - Prov. 3:9 

2024 Lenten Virtual Pilgrimage of Prayer

Join us as Kathleen Nichols unveils the timeless beauty of Christian prayer in Jerusalem, where believers follow the footsteps of the Lord and his disciples. Enjoy a daily brief and enriching spiritual exploration of the holiest city on Earth.

To receive daily videos in your mailbox, please click on the ‘subscribe’ button link below:

February 7, 2024

Dear Fathers, Deacons, Religious, Principals, and Diocesan Synod Delegates, Commissioners, and Action Team Members:
In 2021, Pope Francis called Catholics worldwide to engage in the Universal Synod, a significant two-year journey of listening and discernment. Themed “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission,” the process invited deep reflection and meaningful dialogue across the Church globally.
Our diocese actively participated in this transformative initiative. We held various listening sessions, welcoming voices from all walks of life, including those on the margins. These gatherings culminated in the diocesan universal synthesis report (available on our website: DSJ Universal Synthesis Report 06.2022). Informed by this report and embodying Pope Francis' call to be a "listening synod," we held a local diocesan synod assembly in January 2023, where delegates from all over the Diocese of San Jose listened and discerned how to renew our mission locally as One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church to live and proclaim the Gospel. This led to the development of our new pastoral plan, "Renewed in Christ, Together in Mission," which was promulgated on December 6, 2023. This pastoral plan represents a remarkable opportunity to renew our faith in Christ and participate actively in the life and mission of the Diocese of San Jose through the new pastoral plan.
While we begin to implement our diocesan pastoral plan, Pope Francis is once again asking for our collaboration for the Interim Phase of the Universal Synod. He is asking us to conduct local listening sessions (spiritual conversations) and synthesizing these conversations into a report, which will assist and contribute to the Synod Gathering of the Bishops of the United States (USCCB) of this year and the October 2024 Universal Synod General Assembly in Rome.
I therefore invite all the diocesan delegates as well as interested laity, religious, priests, and deacons to participate in one of two listening sessions to be held in our diocese. These sessions are an opportunity to reflect on how the synodal experience, both globally and locally, has transformed us and deepened our understanding of synodality.
We will contemplate two key questions during these sessions:
  • How has our synodal experience influenced our commitment to proclaiming the Gospel and living as a community of love and mercy in Christ?
  • How does this synodal experience align with and enhance our ability to fulfill our mission and ministry, especially in relation to the universal synod and our local pastoral plan?
We have scheduled the listening sessions for early March and hope that you will find the time and space to attend one of them:
  • March 5, 2024, from 6-8 pm at the Chancery offices (refreshments will be provided)
  • March 14, 2024, from 6-8 pm at the Chancery offices (refreshments will be provided)
Please register for one of the sessions here: Please indicate in your registration form if you are willing to be a small group facilitator. We will be providing an online training session.
I have appointed Sister Ellen Hess ( as the lead for these listening sessions and communications. If you have any questions about the listening sessions or the facilitator training, don't hesitate to contact Sr. Ellen. 
Thank you to all who have participated in this synodal process. The insights from these sessions will inform our upcoming US Bishop’s meeting and our own pastoral plan implementation as we seek to spiritually renew our local church at all levels. I look forward to seeing you at one of our listening sessions in early March.
Let us pray together that through this synodal process of listening and engaging in the life of the church, we may achieve full communion, openness, and participation in our mission to evangelize the world.


It is easier now more than ever to make your stewardship and second collection contributions online. A "Donate" button has been added to the upper right corner of the parish website home page and an "Online Giving" button to the end of each week's parish email. Clicking these buttons will take you directly to our online giving app. 

The 2024 Mass Intention Book

The 2024 Mass book is available

A very special prayer practice that is offered at every Mass is a Mass Intention. Intentions are offered for many reasons, for the living and the dead. Masses can be offered for birthdays, anniversaries, illness, special intentions and answered prayers. Consider remembering a loved one this upcoming year. If you are looking for a specific date for the Mass, call soon to reserve your date so that it isn’t taken. Contact Edith Baretta at the parish office ~ (408) 997-4800; email us at 

A donation of $10 is suggested. 

Father Tad encourages you to praise and pray by singing at Mass. Here’s a chance to familiarize yourself with the songs planned for Sunday, March 3.

Click. Listen. Sing along. We look forward to hearing you!

8:30 MASS


In This Place


O God You Search Me



Open My Eyes



We Belong to You

10:30 MASS



In This Place


O God You Search Me



Open My Eyes



We Belong to You


Vigil Mass, March 2

"Little Church" McKean Rd

4:00 PM

Sunday Mass, March 3

"Big Church" McKean Rd

8:30 AM

10:30 AM

Weekday Mass:

Tuesday - Friday

8:00 AM

Visit the parish website for updates and other news
Visit our Website
Online Giving
Contact Us

St. Anthony Parish

20101 McKean Rd

San Jose, CA 95120

(408) 997- 4800