July 25, 2024 | Issue 413

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Dear Britt,

I am looking forward to this Sunday because I am back from vacation. I enjoyed the time to refresh and focus on family, but I have been missing you. I believe the Lord is going to do a great work through our church this fall. This Sunday and next Sunday, we will study two stories based on Elisha, who was Elijah’s successor, as a short Part 2 of our Courage in Crisis message series. These are powerful redemptive Gospel stories that will challenge and encourage you. Then, on August 11, I am starting our fall sermon series, “Always Only Jesus,” a study through the Gospel of John. We will take a close look at Jesus and how he is the only one who can fulfill the desires of our heart.

I can’t wait to see you!


Your calling is not to the whole world,

but to your garden!


Pay attention to where you are,

what neighborhood you live in, where you work.

There are reasons you are there!

GO... to the end of your driveway and minister!

These are just some of things Dr. Mike Glenn challenged us with a few weeks ago week in his message, "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" (if you missed it click here to watch)

We have a wonderful tool to help you pray for your neighbors. It is free and confidential. You'll receive a map and list of your closest neighbors, along with emails at the frequency of your choice to pray for your next five neighbors that day. When you get a chance, walk or drive by those homes as you pray for them.

VISIT THIS LINK to sign up on the website!

July Prayer Focus

Pray for our short-term mission trip teams being sent out all over the world this summer:


◊ July 12-20 team led by Cray Roach heading to Europe to serve in partnership with the SC Baptist Convention.

◊ July 24 – August 2 led by Christian Mahler heading to South Africa to serve with our partners in Johannesburg.

◊ August 3-10 led by Kim Hames heading to Canada to serve with FCA partners in Toronto.

The Bridge is a great place to serve! 
Visit our website at www.thebridgeatgreenstreet.org and look for the Orientation video to learn how you can join The Bridge Volunteer Team.

Proverbs 3:9-10 (ESV) says, “Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.”


God’s word teaches us that when we honor Him first with our resources, He will bless us. This blessing is not just to provide for our needs and even better it allows us to give back more to His Kingdom.


Your tithes and offerings to First Baptist allows the many ministries to keep going strong in order to reach more people for Christ. Thank you for your generous stewardship by faithfully giving of your firstfruits so we can see lives changed for eternity in Spartanburg and around the world.


As you think about your financial stewardship, here are a couple of the many options you can consider: 


·     You can always give online, but if you are unable to attend on Sunday morning and don’t wish to give online, you can mail your gift to 250 East Main St. Spartanburg, SC 29306.


·     You can also stop by the church during office hours throughout the week and securely leave your gift in the drop box at the welcome center.


Finance Office Director

Student Ministry Associate

and more!

Learn more at www.fbs.org/apply

Watch and Share!

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Take a look at the latest video update for what's happening at FBS.

First Look Video
For the friends you want to invite to Worship, share last week's video and invite them to church this Sunday!
Celebration Stream


Invite a friend to watch the Genesis Service online, or live in the Hangar this Sunday

Genesis Stream









Click the photo below to follow and share our ALIGHT Ministry. Help us set the world ALIGHT with the love of Jesus.



If you use a hearing aid manufactured in the last 10 years, you have a built in feature allowing you a direct connection to our sound system in the Sanctuary!

It is called the T-Coil hearing loop. Our Sanctuary has this installed on the main floor only, not the balcony, and is typically "channel 2" on your Hearing Aid. Your audiologist can give you more information or feel free to email info@fbs.org or text us at 877-443-2273 and we will be glad to help!

"Whoever has ears let them hear"

Matthew 11:15

Adoption Ministry Update!

Tabitha Harder shared the vision behind our new Foster and Adoption Ministry at FBS. If you missed the meeting, click the link below to watch. To stay on top of all the developments as this ministry takes off... click the link and follow our new Facebook page. Remember this is not just for those wanting to Foster and Adopt... it is for those who want to WRAP these families and children with the love of Jesus!

Connect on Facebook
Watch the Information Meeting

Whether you want to get in shape, stay in shape, or get faster in a particular event and set a personal best, this is the place for you!

 We plan to do this with a variety of avenues, primarily through an app called Strava! This is a social media app for recreation activities and we have a group under the name "FBS Running"! Using the Strava app you will be able to like and comment on activities of other people in the group, as well as upload your own workout to the group (which can be done automatically).  Please contact us with any questions that you may have about FBS Running!

Click here to discover more! Click here to sign up!


If you are pursuing a degree in ministry and need financial assistance, our church has an educational grant program that could help you along the way. CLICK here to apply!

Click to Apply

A few spaces are available - Sign up now!

We Are Senior Adult Ministry
Jesus is here for us all.
We are here for you all.

Because we love you, our ministry team is committed to walk with you through this challenging time.  We are here to:

  1. Listen 
  2. Pray
  3. Share Jesus
  4. Talk
  5. Encourage

Feel free to call us anytime at 864-583-7245.  You may also connect with live prayer lines at 1-877-443-2273 or visit our website at www.fbs.org

Praising God for Salvations!

Already this year over 3700 people have called, texted or emailed for prayer and 71 people have given their lives to Jesus through the outreach of The Encouraging Word!

Join us in praying for more to accept Jesus as Savior!


Stay Connected with ALIGHT:



CLICK HERE to request a FREE copy of The Daily Encouraging Word devotional. You can sign up to receive it daily via email or request the quarterly booklet. You can make that request by phone at 864-699-1750 and for prayer 24/7 call or text 1-877-443-CARE (2273)

Take a moment to pray for these church members

Members in the Hospital

Mary Black Mem. Hospital

Lauren Greene


Sptbg. Regional Med. Ctr.

David Good (Katherine) (Procedure, 8-2)

Glenda (Byron) Hames (Surgery, 8-1)

Mike Hamrick (Karen)

Dan Harder (Alice) (Procedure, 7-26)

Patricia “Diane” Henderson (Randy Willingham’s Sister)        

Marilou Koepsell

Robert Moore (Joy)


Medical University of South Carolina

Seth Cooper (Surgery, August 1)



(Lillian) Toodie Gaines


Sptbg. Restorative

Elaine Gibson

White Oak at North Grove

Chester Lawson (Carolyn)

Members in Hospice Care 

Mannie Horton—At Home

Peggy Biggerstaff—Eden Terrace

Kay Herd—Landrum Hospice House

Jenny Johnson—Wellmore of Daniel Island

Barry Jennings—At Home


Special Prayer Requests

(Due to the many requests for prayer, we try to leave names on this list for 30 days. Please feel free to request a name to be listed again)

Mason Cook (Kelly Gaston’s Great Nephew), Richard Messer (Kim Messer’s Son), Peggy Pitts (David), Becky Morris (Tim), Rachel Jones, Phyllis Gowan, Thomas and Gary Cox (Jeanette (Ken) Kirby’s Sons), Kasey Redfern (Lauryl), Elda Webber, Tammy Hendricks, Jean Ruff (Horace Cheeks’ Sister-in-Law), James Stephen (Steve) Hiott (Joyce), Rylee Blair (Barbara Vess’ Great Granddaughter), Barbara Lovelace (Steve), Eddie Dutton (Darlene), (Marion) Rusty Robinson (TN), Peggy Morris (Scott Morris’ Mother), David Holliday (Teresa), Mary Pearman, Connie Springs, Byron Hames (Glenda), Vivian McAbee, Jim Barrett (Patti), Met Schrieffer, Sam Taylor (Doris), Francis Norris (Rhonda), Rhonda Kirkland, Don Patterson (Trudy), Norm Burleson, Karen Crosby (Philip) (Corey Crosby’s Mother), Blake Kendrick (Son of Darrell and Vick Kendrick), Robin Price (Roy), Lydia Jewell (Debra Key’s Cousin), Mona Ezell (Don) (Marie Scott’s Mother), Pat Moore, Jim Trammell, Tom White (Jean), Dianne Hilderbrand (Walt), Kathryn McMillan (Tony), Jerry Keeter (Diane Eason’s Brother-in-law), Sherri Kamplain (Carolyn Tilghman’s Sister-in-law), Norma Lagerholm, Joan Blalock (Janis Couch’s Sister), Audrey Hampton, Denise Nolan, James Long, Glen Hartis, Linda Lewis (Harry), Billy Campbell, Molly Truell, Doris Ann Mauney (Leslie Shields’ Mother), (Charles) Gerald Moore (Dean Moore’s Brother), Lula Armstrong (Johnny McCraw’s Granddaughter), Jim and Elaine Mann, Marge Haas (Ray), Barbara Braley (Bonnie Tubb’s Sister), Bobby Welborn (Sharon), Anna Nicholls (Jason), Scott Hayes (Audrey Hampton’s Son), Chappell Hughes, Kathy Dillard (Lee), Ray Haas (Marge), Jim Humphries (Judy Humphries’ Brother), Ashley Riddle, Elizabeth Dunn (James), Rhonda Coffey (Danny), Jim and Elaine Mann


Christian Sympathy is extended to:

Family of Tom Sawyer who passed away 6-11

Family of Karen Holder Monts (Jenny Toney’s sister) who passed away 6-26

Family of Marsha Ball who passed away 6-30

Family of Wayne Tweed (Nellie Ruth) who passed away 7-2

Family of Vivian Butler (Charles Butler’s Mother, Lori Cramer and Kristen Foster’s Grandmother) who passed away 7-4

Family of Alice Prince who passed away 7-6

Family of Nancy McGaha (Tony McGaha’s Mother) who passed away 7-9

Family of Grace Bradley (Charlotte and Ryan Smith’s Daughter, Kim Messer’s Granddaughter) who passed away 7-10

Family of Doris Shurburtt (Julie Walker’s (David) Mother) who passed 7-15

Family of Dot Burns (Anna Nicholls’ Aunt) who passed away 7-15

Family of J. W. Gardner (Charles Gardner’s Father) who passed away 7-22

Family of Harold Culberson (Kathy) who passed away 7-24


At Home Neighborhoods


Ashlan Village

Miriam Vickery

Betty McMillan


Brushy Creek Cottages—Greer

Martha Turner

Chandler Creek Village

Norma Jean Lagerholm

Eden Terrace

Peggy Biggerstaff

Jim & Elaine Mann

Barbara Shepherd

Suzanne (Suzi) Smith

Billy Campbell

Easley Nursing Home

Carolyn Crowe

Fairhaven—Forest City

Carolyn Morgan

Golden Age

Larry Gowan

Lakewood Senior Living—Assisted Living

Betty Heatherly

Met Schrieffer

Lakewood Senior Living—Independent Living

Betty Medford

Magnolia Manor—Inman

Samuel Lee Perry

Palmetto Patriots Home

Howard Miller

Physical Rehabilitation & Wellness (PRW)

Rhonda Fisher

Restoration Senior Living at Westgate

(George) Eddie Robertson

Rolling Greene—Greenville

Sally Hutcheson


Betty Toney

Rosecrest—Independent Living

Loretta Cassell

Ruby Donald Residential Care

Donna Garrison

Summit Hills—Independent Living   

Linda Arnold

Henry H. Hamilton

Peggy Wakefield

Summit Hills—Memory Care

Martha Hines

Terra Bella

Mary Alice Wingo

Jean Lowery

The Waterford—Columbia

Jane Littlejohn

The Blake @ Hollingsworth Park

Len Carroll—Assisted Living

Kay Carroll—Skilled Nursing 

The Blake @ Carnes Crossroads, Summerville, SC

Pat Tate

Wesley Court Assisted Living—Boiling Springs, SC

Helen Young

Bobby Martin

White Oak Asst. Living—Webber Rd

Jo Ann Adams

White Oak—Skilled Nursing

Shirley Allen


White Oak—Independent Living

Harriet Baughman

Sara Hall

Jim Miller

Lou Ann Walker

Eula Williams

Vivian Funk

Sue Anthony

White Oak—North Grove

Mirth Bolton

Elaine Dunger

Ann Taylor

Pray for our missionaries who have birthdays or anniversaries in June

Kellee (SIL)                           July 16  

Ashley (SA)                            July  3

Levi (SA)                                     July 26

Bolton (Charlotte)                     July  9

Mack (Charlotte)                       July 27

Birk (Charlotte)                         July 27

Pray for our ladies and gentlemen serving in our military

Lt. Caleb Robinson, US Navy

Brandon Easler, US Navy - Jacksonville, FL

Brandon Duke, US Air Force - Reserves USA

Captain Timothy E. Edge, U.S. Army—Ft Drum, NY

Dakota Biggerstaff, Air Force Academy - CO

Harrison Roberts, US Marines - Camp Lejeune, NC

Matthew Smith -US Military Academy at West Point

Cameron Dorsey – Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Joshua Land, Army - Overseas


To add an active duty service lady or gentleman please contact kedwards@fbs.org

Minister on Call:  For assistance, call 864.583.7245 - option 6 
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First Baptist Spartanburg
(864) 583-7245