August 8th, 2024

Pastor Connection

A Note From Pastor Randy

How is your summer reading going?  I hope you found an interesting book for some quiet time of meditation or relaxation.  I like to take a book with me when I go on vacation.  On August 21, I will start a two-week vacation, so in thinking ahead I purchased Brian McLaren’s new book, “Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart” (2024).  

I mentioned one of Brian McLaren’s earlier books in a recent sermon because I liked how he summarized the activity of the missional church.  He said we are to make disciples in authentic community for the good of the world.  In his new book, he is clear that the world, for which the church seeks to do good, is falling apart.  

I peeked into the book’s early chapters just to learn what McClaren means by the word “doom” and the phrase “a world falling apart.”  

He defines doom as the “unpeaceful, uneasy, unwanted feeling” that “we humans have made a mess of our civilization and our planet, and not enough of us seem to care enough to change deeply enough and quickly enough to save it” (1-2).  Interestingly, he sees it as a kind of pre-traumatic stress disorder.  Doom “is the emotional and intellectual experience shared by all who realize the dangerous future into which we are presently plunging ourselves, our descendants, and our fellow creatures” (6). 

McClaren believes there is life after doom, but first we must face doom.  He does this in chapter 2, which he titles “Welcome to Reality.”  In this chapter, McClaren summarizes the views of scientists and other experts about the current situation confronting us.  This includes climate change, ecological exploitation, economic inequality, racial injustice, and religious corruption.  Taken together, these realities contribute to a process of civilizational collapse.

Only what is faced can be changed.  McClaren suggests that the changes needed will require great strength of spirit in individuals, local communities, and nations.  I look forward to reading how he believes wisdom and courage can rescue our world and lead to life after doom.  Here is an opportunity for the missional church to play a vital role for the good of the world. 

All Presbyterians Gathering

The annual All Presbyterians Gathering is in just a few short weeks, on Saturday, August 24! This year, we will meet at First Presbyterian Church, 208 W State Street, Jefferson, Iowa.

Activities begin at 9:00 AM with coffee/social time and end at 3:00 PM with a social debrief. In between, there will be worship, workshop choices, lunch, and more! This gathering is the perfect time to mingle with Presbyterians from across the state. Share your joys, gather ideas, and feel the Holy Spirit at work more!

Quilt Stories

This quilt was made for Sherrianne Noyes by her mother Wendy Noyes in 2018.  Her mother had made several quilts as a youth but hadn’t been quilting for several years. When she reached her 50’s, she decided to get back into quilting and decided she would make a quilt for Sherrianne first.

Using Sherrianne’s favorite colors, orange, green, and purple, she picked a pattern and off they went to the quilt shop to buy fabric. That plan went out the window when they saw the panel of fabric picturing the ocean and sharks; two of Sherrianne’s favorites. The pattern was changed to use the panel and added fabric in orange, green, and purple. You can see the results.  

Wendy wanted the backing to match the colors in the front. They found sliced geode fabric with matching colors so that became the backing fabric.  It was quilted by Treasured Quilting & Gifts in Waverly.

Sherrianne’s mom went on to make many more quilts. She died three years ago, so this quilt gives Sherrianne comfort coming from her mom.

Did you miss our Dementia Friend training? This training is free and open to the public at the Waterloo Library!


We are now live streaming our Worship Services every Sunday! The stream will start at 10:00 am on Sundays, and you can view it live on our YouTube channel wherever you have internet access!

If you are unable to watch the service live, the video will be recorded and you can watch at any time by clicking on the video on the YouTube page. The link is (Click Here) The video will also be posted on our Facebook page and the website on Monday mornings.

You can also find the link to the YouTube page on the church website.

Please click HERE for the Sunday bulletin.

We look forward to worshiping with you every week!

Church Calendar


Thursday Aug. 8: 5:00 pm Girl Scouts Fellowship Hall

Sunday Aug. 11: 10:00 am Worship Service Sanctuary

5:00 pm Sunday Supper Fellowship Hall

Monday Aug. 12: 5:15 pm Foundation Meeting

5:15 pm Worship and Music Meeting Parlor

Tuesday Aug. 13: 9:00 am Bible Study

10:00 am Staff Meeting Church Office

10:30 am Deacons

1:00 pm Church Audit

2:30 pm Christian Nurture

5:00 pm Missions

Wednesday Aug. 14: 9:00 am Stewardship & Finance Church Office

Sunday Aug. 18: 10:00 am Worship Service Sanctuary

5:00 pm Sunday Supper Fellowship Hall

Happy 93rd Birthday!

We would like to wish Betty Wexter a very happy 93rd birthday, which she celebrated on Wednesday, August 7th. You may send a card to her at: Wellspring, 580 Park Ln., Waterloo IA 50702.

Pulpit Flower Volunteers Needed

We are accepting donations of flower arrangements for our Sunday Services. We currently have September 1, 15, 22, and 29th available. If you would like to donate, please contact Amber in the office to find a date that works for you. You can call the office or email Amber directly. 319-233-6145 or amber@1stpresby.orgAlternatively, you can let Nancy Valentine know on Sundays after service and she will relay your information to Amber. Thank you!

Elder Standing Team Assignments 


Stewardship and Finance:  Nancy Newhoff 

Mission and Outreach: Sally Davis, Mallory Sage, Sue Albright 

Christian Nurture and Fellowship:  Terry Sage, Dan Davis 

Worship and Music:  Mary Kabel, Marsha Muir, Sally Davis 

Personnel: Dan Davis 

Building and Grounds: Craig Cose 

Church Prayer List

New to the Prayer List:

Dan Davis

Ongoing/Continuing Prayers:

Dee May

Ralph Beaver

Marilyn Lottich

Connie Leeper

Don Broadston

Sally Davis

Pat & Kari Narey

Betty Wexter

Jan Schwab

Steve Miller

Sherrianne Noyes

Prayer for Member Households:

Craig & Terry Sage

Mallory Sage

Mitchell Sage

Prayer in the Presbytery:

Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1416 20th St., Ames, IA 50010

Rev. Jim Dubois

Click HERE to view their website

Prayer for Local Church:

Deliverance Temple COGIC, 305 Cutler St., Waterloo, IA 50703

Pastor Johnny Johnson

Click HERE to view their website

 Add to the Prayer List

Click HERE to submit a prayer request online. Our pastors will be praying for you and sharing concerns with the congregation as requested.

Church Family Birthdays

We celebrate our members with birthdays in August. If you get a chance, please join us in wishing them a very happy birthday!


04 Danielle DeSerano

05 Nicole Jamieson

06 Courtney Pilcher, Kira Sommerlot

07 Chris Bass, Betty Wexter

12 Iris Gilles

13 Larry Lightbody

14 Ryan McDowell

15 Marsha Platt

17 Connie Dawson

19 Craig Sage

20 Kevin DeSerano, Marsha Muir

21 Judy Lee

22 Megan Collins

24 Lucas Robinson

26 Stephen Quirk

27 Kari Narey, Mallory Sage

29 Pat Narey

30 Dennis Bunger, Will Kabel, Jennifer Lightbody

First Presbyterian Church 505 Franklin St | Waterloo, IA | 319-233-6145 |

Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am to 4:00pm

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