A Note From Pastor Randy
I met this week with Bishop Brian Hill, pastor at Gift of Life Church. They are selling their current building to the city. The transaction will become final at a city council meeting in August. Members of First Presbyterian have been invited to attend this meeting. I will pass along further information when I have it. Gift of Life will then have 120 days to vacate their building, after which the city will likely tear it down. It was the old union meeting hall at Rath Packing.
Our Session offered space in our building and Gift of Life accepted. This happened thanks to the efforts of Jean Seeland, Rev. Dave Feltman, and Mayor Quentin Hart. Session appointed a transition team of Craig Cose, Jim Christensen, and Jean Seeland, who have been working diligently to prepare for their move here. Gift of Life will worship in our gymnasium and use our
kitchen and fellowship hall. In addition, they will use two rooms for offices. The building use agreement, yet to be signed but accepted by both parties, includes a monthly fee and runs to the end of 2026.
You may recall that we held an “Open House” on June 2 and many of their members came over for tours, refreshments and fellowship. The current plan is for them to begin worship here sometime in October. Ahead of this date, they would like to hold some “trial-run” worship services on September 8 and 15. Their Sunday service will begin at 11:30 a.m. and the kitchen and fellowship hall will be returned to their original state by 2:30 p.m. Thus, there is no
foreseeable conflict with either our regular worship time or with Sunday Suppers.
There will be exciting opportunities in future months for First Presbyterian and Gift of Life to have times of joint fellowship and ministry. It’s starting already. Bishop Hill informs me that they will be attending the Walnut Neighborhood Night Out on Tuesday, August 6. They have announced it at church, plan to bring food for the potluck, and look forward to meeting some new friends. This event is from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the Vineyard Church. I invite you to come and
have a great time connecting with Gift of Life and Walnut community members!