Applications for the Publishing Historical Records in Collaborative Digital Editions grant, offered by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), are open. The application is due by November 2, 2023.
The NHPRC seeks proposals to publish online editions of historical records. All types of historical records are eligible, including documents, photographs, born-digital records, and analog audio. The goal of this program is to provide access to, and editorial context for, the historical documents and records that tell the American story.
Applications for the Public Engagement with Historical Records grant, offered by the NHPRC, are open. The application is due by November 2, 2023.
The NHPRC seeks projects that encourage public engagement with historical records. The idea behind this program is to form collaborations among archivists, educators, historians (including documentary editors) and people working in community-based archives to involve the public in discovering and using historical records.
Applications for the Archival Project grant, offered by the NHPRC, are open. The application is due by November 2, 2023.
The NHPRC seeks archival projects that will significantly improve online public discovery and use of historical records collections.
Applications for the National Digital Newspaper Program, offered by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), are anticipated to be available starting October 12, 2023. The currently anticipated deadline to apply is January 12, 2024.
The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) is a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress (LC) to create a national digital resource of historically significant newspapers published between 1690 and 1963, from all the states and U.S. jurisdictions. This searchable database will be permanently maintained at LC and will be freely accessible online (see the
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers website).