Guaranteed Admissions Program
Trinity High School and Saint Francis University
Saint Francis University and Trinity High School have partnered to offer qualified Trinity students guaranteed admission and a merit scholarship.

Saint Francis University will guarantee admission and a four-year renewable scholarship to graduates of Trinity High School who have a 3.00 GPA (85%). These students will receive, at minimum, a $22,000 four-year award, for a total value of $88,000. Additional merit scholarships are available based on academic qualifications. Students pursuing admission to accelerated and/or premier academic programs will receive weighted consideration. Such programs are determined by the Office of Admissions by August 1.

Saint Francis University will grant preferred status to Trinity High School students who wish to participate in the Summer Study Abroad program, which offers a select number of high school students the opportunity to pursue a three-credit college-level course that culminates in a 10-day study abroad experience in Ambialet, France.

Saint Francis University will also offer preference to Trinity students for the Alta Via Experience (Intentional Catholic Community). The Alta Via Experience's purpose is to grant incoming students a dynamic opportunity to deepen in their Catholic faith and to benefit from courses and activities aligned with the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi.

Trinity students will receive discounted tuition to one of the STEAM Summer Academy suite of programs hosted by the Science Outreach Center. Successful completion of a STEM Summer Academy qualifies students for a $4,000 scholarship ($1,000 per year for four years) to Saint Francis University should they enroll as undergraduate students.

Trinity High School and Saint Francis University have also partnered for a "Professor-in-Residence" program for Trinity students.

For more details about this partnership, contact Trinity's Guidance Department or visit this page on the Saint Francis University PEACE program (Partnership for Excellence in the Advancement of Catholic Education).