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Trust and Working Together

L'Arche communities around the world are guided by 7 principles (8 in the USA) that shape our structures, cultures, decision-making, and people. One of our principles is partnership, where "trust and collaboration operate freely within L'Arche. The structures are to foster that dynamic and embrace the partnerships among the spiritual, legal, financial, and communal elements." (L'Arche International Constitution)

This principle goes beyond the inner workings of L'Arche. Whether you're an old friend, a new friend, a volunteer, a donor, a dinner-bringer, a neighbor, a student, an assistant, a government support coordinator, a member of another L'Arche community, a fellow disability service provider--we value each and every one of you and our partnerships together.

We need each other to make this world a place of belonging for people with and without disabilities. That's what true partnership is all about. So thank you for your trust and collaboration in many ways over the years. As we celebrate 40 years of L'Arche GWDC, we recognize how we have created this community together. Only together, can we keep building this community and create a more human society.

News & Events

Prayer Nights

Virtual Prayer Nights are the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6:30p EDT on Zoom. Our next prayer night is August 1. We will not have prayer night in July. Enjoy your INTERdependence day!

Need reminders for prayer nights? Sign up here.

Meaningful Work

🗣️ Share the work of L'Arche!

We are looking to welcome:

July is Disability Pride Month!

In addition to 🎉 celebrating disability 🎉 and sharing stories on what it means to have "A Big Life," we are looking to grow our financial partners with:

31 new monthly donors in 31 days!

Follow us on social media and watch your emails for more information and ways to share. 😎

L'Arche International Federation Assembly

Every few years, L'Arche hosts an International Assembly where communities and delegates from across our global federation meet together and often, vote on important documents. This year we'll be voting to approve our new Charter that we've been working on as a federation since 2019!

✉️ We are inviting all our friends, partners, and supporters to the Closing Ceremony of our International Federation Assembly on Saturday 24 June at 2pm EDT. Please come to the party and get a first-hand sense of being part of L’Arche’s global family!

Open Zoom Link: bit.ly/closing-ceremony-24June2023

Slice of Life

Cast your vote! Would you rather drink Coke or Pepsi?
An ice cold Coca-Cola
An over-sugared Pepsi

If you're following along from last month, those of you who voted for roadtrips will be pleased to hear you're among MANY fellow roadtrip lovers. Sorry airplane friends. There's something about L'Arche and roadtrips...

Michael, Chynah, and Johnny enjoying some drinks and going out together.

For celebrating the anniversary of when someone came to L'Arche, we share memories and a liturgy, including a blessing with water. Hazel is famous for her water blessings. Pictured is Hazel blessing Liddy for her 3rd anniversary and Eric for his 15th!

Summer is in full swing here! Pictured are Laurie and Sean roasting marshmallows on 6th Street's house vacation to Lake Anna!

Sean is with the Notre Dame Bridge program, an immersion experience focused on learning about injustice and responsibility to the common good. We are so excited to welcome our ND student interns with us this summer: Matthew, Quinn, and Sean; and Caroline from UVA! We're glad you're here!

Did you know that over one third of our overall budget comes from fundraising? Donate today and co-create a more human society.

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