Happy New Year and we hope that this finds you well!
Partner David Fishman will be presenting at the upcoming Annual Employment Law Year in Review for 2023: New Cases and Laws seminar.
At this two-part webinar, the presenters will examine recent developments from the plaintiff and defense perspectives on Wage and Hour and non-Wage and Hour cases and legislation. They will also discuss the most significant cases from the past year issued by the California courts, the Ninth Circuit, and the Supreme Court as well as any new changes to the law.
Part-1 is on January 16, 2024 and Part-2 is on January 18, 2024, both from 1:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Pacific Time (online). David will be presenting on Wage and Hour developments on Thursday, January 18th.
Click here to go to the Pincus website and register, for the faculty and agenda or to pre-order the recorded package. There is a VIP coupon: FOS10VIP - for 10% off registration or recorded packages.
If you have any questions about this program, please feel free to contact Pincus directly at info@pincusproed.com or (626) 298-6353.
We hope you will attend.