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Holistic Child Health Newsletter 
July 2015 (Part 2 of 2)


Dear Friends,


Welcome to the Holistic Child Health Newsletter.


The goal of my holistic pediatric practice, and of this newsletter, is to inform and support parents to become more empowered as the primary health care providers for their children. Extending far beyond Western medicine's conventional treatments, holistic medicine and mindful parenting allow us to boost children's natural immunity, support their optimum health and wellness, safely heal any illnesses, and prevent disease-without dangerous side effects.  Holistic medicine provides us with the tools to nurture the physical, emotional, social and spiritual health of your children.


Over the coming months and years, I intend to use this newsletter to address some of your concerns as parents, share information that you might want to add to your knowledge base, and inform you of important issues and current events that are happening in the news, and in your area.


Together we can heal the whole child. Naturally.


Yours in Health,


Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD

Leah and Larry  


A Bill Introduced in New York Threatens 

Call Albany TODAY!


  New York State Senator Brad Hoylman (D-Westside of Manhattan) just introduced a bill, S6017, that would eliminate religious exemptions from vaccine mandates in New York


If you want to retain this precious right you must get on the phone and get active


There are extremely powerful forces at work trying to give the vaccine industry unimpeded access to your children. 


     As yet there is no companion bill in the New York Assembly and no other Senators have signed on as co-sponsors. Mississippi and West Virginia were the only states that did not allow religious exemptions until California eliminated their personal belief exemption a few weeks ago. All other states allow religious exemptions, 18 allow exemptions for secular reasons. 


 The overwhelming majority of developed democracies in the world allows parents the final say in what is injected into their children's bodies, including Canada, Japan, Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, etc.





 Please CLICK HERE to send a message to your State Senator and Assemblymember (we anticipate that an Assembly bill will be coming) stating your opposition to the bill.


 Please CALL the following legislators and let them know that you are opposed to this bill.


Senator Brad Hoylman, (212) 633-8052, (518) 455-2451


Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan, (631) 361-2154, (518) 455-2071


Senate Coalition Leader Jeffrey Klein, (718) 822-2049, (518) 455-3595


Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie, (718) 654-6539, (518) 455-3791


     There is no evidence that religious exemptions in New York are a barrier to achieving herd immunity, or increase disease rates. 


Senator Hoylman is proposing a profound violation of First Amendment and parental rights.


 Senator Hoylman also has a bill in the Senate S509 that would force all children in the state to get the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine.


Here Comes the 21st Century Cures Act:  Say Goodbye to Vaccine Safety Science

It has only been a few weeks since the forced vaccination lobby rammed a bill (SB 277) through the California legislature, eliminating the personal belief vaccine exemption so children will have to get dozens of doses of federally recommended vaccines or be denied a school education.


While California was being subjected to one of the most aggressive and expensive state lobbying campaigns ever mounted by the pharmaceutical industry, in partnership with medical trade associations, funded by industry and government, that same lobby was pulling an even bigger fast one on the American people in Washington, D.C.


Here comes the 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 6), which is a Pharma-driven bill, blessed by the FDA, that seriously compromises the integrity of the FDA drug and vaccine licensing process. The 362-page bill sailed through the U.S. House of Representatives on July 10, 2015 and mandates that about $9 billion dollars be given to NIH to develop more drugs and vaccines and $550 million be given to the FDA to fast track products to market.


Read More Here....

Unsuccessful Modern Medical Miracles: 
The Fraud Behind the Polio and Smallpox Vaccines 

Part 1 :  The Polio Vaccine: A Global Scourge Still Threatening Humanity

Part 2: :  The Smallpox Vaccine: A Real Threat that Should be a Forgotten Threat

An Exposé of the FCC: An Agency Captured by the 
Industries it Regulates

Researcher Reveals Monsanto Has Known Since 1981 That Glyphosate Promotes Cancer


Doctors Against Vaccines - Hear From Those Who Have Done The Research


What You Didn't Know About a Doctor's 

Stance on the HPV Vaccine


Vaccine Mandates: Greater Good or Greater Greed?


Former Vaccine Salesman Refuses to Vaccinate His Son?


Federal Program for Vaccine-Injured Children is Failing, Stanford Scholar Says


The Vaccination Notice


Hepatitis B Vaccine's Efficacy in Doubt  

New Jama Study Confirms Nurse Whistleblowing: 
Routine Hospital Vaccine Damage Happening to Infants

Healthy People 2020 and the Decade of Vaccines


African-American Autism and Vaccines


Whooping Cough Outbreak Occurred Among Student Population That Was 99.5 Percent Vaccinated


Screen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on Children

'Helicopter Parents' Can Greatly Hinder Their Child's Social Life

Spoiled Rotten

Green Spaces Make Kids Smarter


Parents, Stop Hovering: 'Risky' Play May Have Benefits for Kids


Each month, Dr Palevsky will be answering a hot topic question:

Question Corner

Dr Palevsky, I recently read this article in the New York Times, a publication that I used to trust wholeheartedly for what I thought was their journalistic integrity, but I have to question this article in particular. I would love your thoughts on this piece.

California's Tough Vaccination Law



This article is another example of how ordinary citizens of a non-medical persuasion, grant themselves as honorary medical experts, by offering medical opinions based on commonly accepted myths, that are promulgated as truths. And, because the editorial board wrote it (or was given the information by the pharmaceutical industry to publish), the unsuspecting public, who continue to be served a great deal of misinformation about vaccines, believes this, as well.


Gone are the days when journalism was supposed to be about uncovering the points and counterpoints from both sides of a subject matter, presenting them to the public, and allowing the public to weigh in based on the balanced evaluation of the critical issues at hand.


Here is an excerpt from the Columbia University School of Journalism: 

"The Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism's purpose is to educate and train students, from all over the world, to become accomplished professional journalists. The school prepares them to perform a vital and challenging function in free societies: finding out the truth of complicated situations, usually under a time constraint, and communicating to the public in a clear, engaging fashion."


The Columbia University School of Journalism, "trains journalists in a program that stresses academic rigor, ethics, journalist inquiry, and professional practice." The issues cited in this editorial piece are not the product of a journalists' inquiry, stressing academic rigor, but a mere regurgitation of what they were told.


Listen to Dr Larry on Pandora's Box - a Naturopathic Radio Show with Lyn Patrick. 
Dr Larry discusses the Measles Outbreak and the MMR Vaccine:




The Convergence of Chiropractic & Pediatrics for Health.  Hear Dr Larry interview Dr Alan Sherr on Fearless Parent Radio, and listen to other interviews by Dr Larry in the archives section. 


  Like me on Facebook

Dr Palevsky is now  on Facebook 
where he will be posting important articles, scientific papers, 
and medical information for your interest, with his added comments.

Join him there today! 

Click on the icon above and please feel free to share the link.




Dr. Palevsky is a board certified pediatrician who utilizes a holistic approach in his work with children and families. 


Dr. Palevsky received his medical degree from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987, completed a 3-year pediatric residency at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, and enrolled in a 1-year fellowship training program in the out-patient department at Bellevue Hospital/NYU School of Medicine. 


Since 1991, his clinical experience has included working in pediatric emergency medicine at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in the Bronx, NY, serving as the Chief of the Pediatric Acute Care Unit at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC, and working in in-patient and out-patient pediatric medicine, neonatal intensive care medicine, and newborn and delivery room medicine. 


Dr. Palevsky has also worked in a conventional, holistic and integrative pediatric practice at the NYC Beth Israel Center for Health & Healing- an integrative and complementary care medical facility.

Currently, he runs his own holistic pediatric practice in Northport, NY and Manhattan. Dr. Palevsky teaches holistic integrative pediatric & adolescent medicine to parents, and medical and allied health professionals, both nationally & internationally. 


Dr. Palevsky is a former Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Past-President of the American Holistic Medical Association, and a diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABIHM).


For more information, or to contact Dr. Palevsky go to: 


Don't forget to check out other informative interviews with Dr Palevsky on his Media Center page HERE



HCH will never share your information with any third parties. 

Thank You for subscribing to the 
Holistic Child Health Newsletter.  
If you would like to contact us, please feel free to do so. 
We are happy to hear from you.
 Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D., ABIHM
For Appointments: Long Island and Manhattan 
(631) 262 8505 

 For all other Inquiries: 
  © 2012 Lawrence B. Palevsky. All rights reserved. 
Disclaimer: All material in this newsletter and on the web site is provided for educational purposes only. Consult with your health care provider regarding the advisability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your individual situation.