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Jewish Pro-Life Foundation 10 May 2024 - 2 Iyar 5784

Parshas Kedoshim: Harken to Holiness

Upcoming Events

Israel Pro-Life Education Project Update

Monthly Mishpacha Report

Sheryl Sandberg Abhors Violence Towards Women but Pays to Promote Violence Towards Babies

Mother Confirms Abortion Ban Saved Her Baby’s Life

Josh Bernstein Interviews Dr. Rachel Erhenfeld

Rabbi Gross on the Antisemitism Awareness Act

Chip Roy Warns of Sharia Law in US

✡︎ Shalom and Good Shabbos, Friends ✡︎

The Torah portion this week, Parshas Kedoshim, Vayikra (Leviticus) 19:1–20:27, challenges us to be holy in thought, word and deed, for God’s sake and for our own sake. Escape from sin, shame, guilt, and moral failure comes from a life based on holy principles, as declared in Torah, not on ideas emanating from human minds.

Many laws enumerated here strongly repudiate abortion industry practices, all of which are evil and ruinous.

Leviticus 19:3: Every man shall fear his mother and his father and keep my Sabbaths. I am the Lord.

We must accept our parents’ authority unless they ask us to violate God’s moral authority. Parents have tremendous influence over children's moral development or disintegration, along with the power of peer pressure and social media. When parents teach destruction over protections for pre-born children, they may persuade or coerce their daughter into an abortion for an unplanned pregnancy to save her reputation or future plans, and to avoid family embarrassment. It requires uncommon courage, insight, understanding and faith to choose lifesaving alternatives in this situation. Tragically, too many young adults willingly succumb to intimidation and mind control rather than seek financial, practical and moral support outside their family, thus perpetuating a culture of unawareness, unholiness and unhappiness.

Leviticus 19:4: Do not turn to idols, nor make for yourselves molten gods; I am the Lord your God.

We have a tendency to idolize intellectual ability, reputation, financial security, professional status, ourselves and others, all of which can easily convince us that abortion is necessary to promote and protect our selfish interests. We can reclaim our spiritual dignity with renewed allegiance to HaShem and active commitment to the sanctity of human life, made in His image and precious in His sight. 

Leviticus 19:11: You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another.

Abortion steals life, money, peace of mind and the future. Abortion profiteers engage in duplicitous practices by routinely failing to report evidence of sexual assault and sex trafficking, and failing to provide informed consent to patients about negative consequences of the procedures or the pain that the baby suffers or the atrocity of selling the baby for research while still alive. Patients receive biased counseling in favor of abortion to meet monthly quotas. Lies abound: abortion is healthcare, it’s a harmless medical procedure, it will solve your problems, it's not human, it;s not alive, etc.

Leviticus 19:12: You shall not swear falsely by My Name, thereby profaning the Name of your God. I am the Lord.

Jewish abortion activists and supporters routinely violate this with each repetition of 'Abortion is a Jewish value and a religious right/rite.' May God have mercy on their souls......

Leviticus 19:13: You shall not oppress your fellow. You shall not rob. The hired worker's wage shall not remain with you overnight until morning.

Abortion homicide oppresses mothers, father, families, and communities, and robs the human family of a future and all the productive years that child would provide. I've often said that child killing is the sacrifice of human capital for profit.

Leviticus 19:14: You shall not curse a deaf person. You shall not place a stumbling block before a blind person, and you shall fear your God. I am the Lord.

Legal abortion homicide and its supportive policies in law and politics set a trap for vulnerable parents. A popular position framed as compassionate fairness, it exploits and destroys others for personal and commercial gain.

Leviticus 19:16: You shall not go around as a gossipmonger amidst your people. You shall not stand by [the shedding of] your fellow's blood. I am the Lord.

Gossip is viewed as deadly, so much so that it is combined in this verse commanding us to take action against any deadly assault on our fellows. Stopping gossip ranks with stopping mortal injury done to our friends and neighbors, including stopping others from shedding the blood of innocent children in the womb.

Leviticus 19:17: You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your fellow, but you shall not bear a sin on his account.

Rather than harbor ill feelings and resentment towards those who abuse God and Torah, we educate and encourage a life affirming view in the Jewish community to speak truth to lies and to offer opportunity for changed attitudes and repentance. We assume their transgression when we remain silent.

Leviticus 19:18: You shall neither take revenge from nor bear a grudge against the members of your people; you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

Love rejoices in life. We are required to treat our neighbors, which include the unborn children in our midst, with love and and kindliness. We are prohibited from exacting retribution for offenses done by some on others, others including innocent babies in the womb. Born and unborn are all valuable and precious in God’s loving creation.

Leviticus 19:29: You shall not defile your daughter by making her a harlot, lest the Land fall into harlotry and the land be filled with immorality.

Progressive sexual freedom ideology permeates our culture, often corrupting family systems. This presents as normalized provocative behavior that disregards early sexual activity, treats teen pregnancy with baby killing, and has led to the explosion of sex trafficking and gender bending. Parents who object to this trend and promote modesty, abstinence, and self respect risk consequences from school administrators and state authorities.

Leviticus 20:2-5: Whosoever he be of the children of Israel that giveth his children to Molech, he shall surely be put to death:

And to the children of Israel, you shall say: Any man of the children of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn among Israel, who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall surely be put to death; the people of the land shall pelt him with stones. And I will set My attention upon that man, and I will cut him off from amidst his people, because he gave of his offspring to Molech in order to defile My holy ones and to profane My holy Name.

But if the people of the land ignore that man when he gives of his offspring to Molech, not putting him to death I will set My attention upon that man, and upon his family, and I will cut him off, and all who stray after him to stray after Molech, from amidst their people.

We mentioned this in last week's essay, but it's worth repeating! Child sacrifice is strictly forbidden to Jews and those who live among us. God makes this a capital crime, and warns that He will make desolate the soul of any person who commits or condones this crime. Our sensibilities have been coarsened to the heinous nature of child killing, so that many of us may consider God’s punishment extreme, but it is clear that abortion has resulted in a growing soulless society, far removed from the holy vision He imagined for us.

This little study of Parshas Kedoshim took a little time to read.

Hopefully, it inspires you and strengthens you for the coming challenges ahead.

Thank you for reading and sharing this newsletter and welcome to our new subscribers.


May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen. 

Upcoming Events

Monday, May 13 at 9 PM Eastern

Exclusive Pro-Life Nationwide Webcast

Register at

JPLF Show w/special guest Darlene Crawford

10 am ET Monday May 13, 2024

Darlene is a human Trafficking activist and an Ambassador of Hope for Shared Hope International

Zoom url below. I will send a reminder on Sunday.

Meeting ID: 842 4807 3522

National Faith Advisory Board

My Faith Matters: Pastors Impacting Policy Luncheon Thursday May 30, 2024

Revival Today Church, Coraopolis, PA


NRLC Conference Friday June 28, 2024 Panel Discussion

11:15 am-12:30 pm ET

"Elevate & Empower: Strategies for Successful Minority Outreach and Engagement."

Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington (Crystal City), Virginia

PA March for Life September 23, 2024. Website

NJ March for Life September 26, 2024. Flyer

For our NJ friends, we can hire a private bus to help you attend. Let is know.

Good news from Israel! Our website and digital marketing campaign is running. Initial data reports look good for a new evolving campaign. We now have a dedicated WhatsApp Phone Number for the website. and we are receiving email outreach from the website form. The first data report we received from our project manager in Israel this week is available to view here.

Please let us know if you have anyone in particular to whom you want to send an announcement about the Project. We are preparing a media release for it and we have a long list of recipients for it. The announcement will be sent as email and snail mail as time permits. Thank you.

Monthly Mishpacha Report

The idea for producing a short JPLF movie/documentary came up during our recent Monthly MIshpacha. Our discussion covered themes, titles, writers, participants, roles, funding, and showing the movie. Our brainstorming session yielded three possible themes:

1. Jewish matriarchs

2. Protecting Jewish lives to rectify history of Jewish persecution

3. The exponential rise of Islamic populations and the threat of Sharia law in the west as abortion rates increase.

If you would like to submit ideas fo the movie, please reply to this email.

Speaking of documentaries, here's one that features Sheryl Sandberg, who was chief operating officer of Facebook and Meta Platforms until August 2022. She is also founder of LeanIn.Org, a women’s leadership network. She has become an outspoken advocate for Israeli women who suffered the full force of the violence of October 7.[

I wish she had the same passionate interest for pre-born babies and for saving them from violence and death.

Sheryl Sandberg gives ACLU $3M for abortion rights fight

We reached out to Sheryl using Facebook messenger:

During a quiet moment, please meditate on the sad and tragic fact that abortion is violence against innocent pre-born children. While abortion access is of major importance to you, life is of major importance to them. The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation has an excellent abortion healing workbook if you or someone you know may be interested in exploring the hidden suffering of many Jews after choosing violence against their own children in the womb.

Produced by Kastina Communications and directed by Anat Stalinsky, the film provides a platform for the testimonies of survivors, eyewitnesses, first responders and forensic experts to be heard by the general public as they recount what they saw or heard and, in some cases, endured as a result of the attack by Hamas militants in southern Israel.

A documentary film on the sexual violence committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023

We need many more courageous advocates for life today!

WATCH: How an IDF Soldier’s Non-Jewish Great-Grandparents Saved Jews During the Holocaust

Mother Confirms Abortion Ban Saved Her Baby’s Life

Neesha's spirited testimony is a breath of fresh air!

Jewish conservative pundit Josh Bernstein features a JPLF promo on his videos. Thank you, Josh! Check out this timely interview with a truly impressive guest.


Dr. Ehrenfeld is the founder and president of the American Center for Democracy and its Economic Warfare Institute.

Newt Gingrich Interviews Rachel Ehrenfeld on Alex Soros Takes Over & The Soros Agenda (Video & Transcript)

“First They Came for the Christians But I Said Nothing Because I Was a Jew…” OP-ED By Rabbi and J6 Attorney CRITICIZES NEW ANTI-SEMITISM BILL

"The new antisemitism bill defines passages of the Christian Bible as antisemitic. The next obvious step is a law that defines Leviticus as homophobic."

Rabbi Gross is included on our Speakers List.

You can learn more about him at his X account.

Sharia law prohibits Muslim abortion and mandates murdering Christians and Jews. We need to stop helping assisting the enemy. We need to stop killing our children.

Chip Roy on Sharia Law Coming to America.

Even Babies With ‘No Chance Of Survival’ Deserve A Shot At Life

Let's get current. It is no longer necessary to torture and destroy a baby in the womb to save the mother's life.

The Pro-Life Reply to: "Is Abortion Ever Medically Necessary?"


Rabbi Menashe Bovit is the rabbi at Bellerose Jewish Center in Queens NY, an online/brick and mortar synagogue composed of spiritual seekers who worship in an Ashkenazi 'Conservadox' style. Rabbi Bovit teaches with humor combined with love of Chassidism and Torah. He conducts online Shabbat services and Torah classes.

You can view his Shabbat sermons at

Contact Rabbi Bovit at

Rabbi Shlomo Nachman is the rabbi of Beit Emunah (, a Sephardic-based online community of Jews, Noahides, and other seekers. He offers a wide range of online Jewish studies as well as Shabbat and holiday services. Rabbi Nachman is known for his patience, sensitivity, scholarship in world religions, and his dedication to traditional Jewish and biblical teachings. Rabbi Nachman is available to speak at your event!

You can access Rabbi Nachman's online services and classes at and

Contact Rabbi Nachman at


Rabbi Yakov Dovid Cohen is the founder and director of Institute of Noahide Code. Rabbi Cohen received his Bachelor's Degree at the Rabbinical College of America in 1982 and was ordained in 1985 at the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva New York, and a degree from Monash University Australia 1992. Renowned Talmudic scholar and Dayan, a writer on various Jewish subjects, most recently worked on a compilation of the Rebbe's works for Noahide practice and a book titled Divine Image. Contact Rabbi Cohen at

Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Power Point

114 slides from Tanakh, Talmud, science, and medicine.

View and Download from our website library here.

Jewish Pro-Life Replies to Jewish Pro-Abortion Claims

Our quick reference guide to help you provide Torah based talking points. View and Download in our website library here.

Our SPEAKERS LIST is your go to source for booking a Jewish pro-life speaker/educator for your synagogue, legislative working group, or adult/teen learning program.

View, Download and Share all of our memes, flyers, power point slides and more from the photo albums listed available on our website here. Available in various formats for easy sharing on social media and in emails.

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Contact Us

Cecily Routman

Rabbi David Novak

Rabbi Shlomo Nachman

Rabbi Menashe Bovit

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation

Our Hebrew website in Israel

PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143 

A note to our financial supporters

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is a 501(c)(3) educational organization. As of 1/1/2023, the IRS granted our application to reclassify our private foundation as a public charity. This may benefit your tax deductibility. Please consult your tax advisor regarding any tax deductions. Please view the IRS determination letter here.

Our Federal Tax ID number: 26-1438181.

You Make It Possible

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation depends on generous donations to help us bring much needed Torah based pro-life education to the Jewish community, provide Jewish friendly pregnancy care and adoption referrals, and offer healing to Jewish women and men who suffer after abortion.Together we save Jewish lives and heal Jewish hearts. We are making Judaism, the original pro-life religion, pro-life again!


The JPLF does not endorse, support, or oppose any candidate for political office or any political campaign. Any mention of public figures herein is purely for informational and educational purposes and should not be interpreted as a statement of electoral support or opposition.