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Jewish Pro-Life Foundation 7 June 2024 - 1 Sivan 5784

* Parsha Bamidbar: Every Life Counts

* Upcoming Events

* Israel Pro-Life Education Project Update

* Pro-Life Partners Foundation Week 4 Video

* October 7th Commentary from, Daniel Greenfield, Tzuzamen & Phelim McAleer, and Mark Steyn

* Watch the Gosnell Movie for FREE

* Sacrifices for Life on D-Day and Everyday

* Abortion Site Closing, Mifepristone in our Drinking Water

* Pro-Life Experts Testify in Senate Hearing

✡︎ Shalom and Good Shabbos, Friends ✡︎

The Torah reading this week, Bamidbar: Bamidbar (Numbers) 1:1-4:20, opens in the midst of the desert, where Moses is instructed by the Almighty to conduct a census according to His directions and the customs of the day. The census establishes the Nation of Israel's first army, a security perimeter around the Tabernacle. and a group of priests to perform sacred duties in the Sanctuary.

The census in Bamidbar counts only males in 11 of the 12 Tribes from the age of twenty to sixty; however, families are mentioned, too, as a way of including women and children. Levites received special treatment because they didn't participate in the Golden Calf incident. God appointed them managers of the Tabernacle and ordered they be counted from the age of one month and older. The one month milestone was the age of viability at that time.

This text is not a statement of non-personhood for unborn children, children under the age of one month, or for females; it is merely a pragmatic method of counting. It should not be used as a Torah based argument for killing unborn children or killing children under one month of age, just as it cannot be used as justification for killing females at any age.

Viability is now an astonishing 22 weeks gestation. With neonatal care, these babies live outside the womb. Many thrive and go on to live normal healthy lives.

The biblical census is important because it recognizes each individual member of each individual tribe as a unique human being with value, dignity, and worth. HaShem loves each one of us, and creates each one of us to fulfill a specific mission on Earth. We know that each person is unique from day one of conception, and our psalms inform us that HaShem knows the destiny of each one of us from the moment He bestows the gift of life at conception. This is one reason we define each unborn child as an entity much beloved by God. The other reason is that life and death are up to Him alone. Our task is to protect and support life at every stage of development rather than attack and destroy it.

While we are looking at numbers, let's take a look at abortion numbers within the Jewish community and beyond. The Numbers, Astonishing. The Loss Of Life, Tragic. The Reality, Frightening. The Heartache, Inconsolable.

576 Jewish Children Die From Abortion Every Week in Israel. 40,000 Jewish Children Die From Abortion Every Year in Israel. 2 Million Jewish Children In Israel Have Died From Abortion.

338 Jewish Children Die From Abortion Every Week in the US. 17,622 Jewish Children Die From Abortion Every Year in the US. 881,110 Jewish Children in the US Have Died From Abortion Since 1973.

Every 9 minutes a Jewish baby dies from abortion in the US/Israel.

According to today's abortion counter, 65,861,244 children from all backgrounds have died from abortion In the United States since 1973. 

1,737,382,835 unborn children worldwide died from abortion since 1980.

Let's keep in mind that every one of these babies was destroyed painfully from chemicals, dismemberment, lethal injection or puncture to the brain, and only God knows what other methods were used.

The Haftorah for Bamidbar, Hoshea (Hosea) 2:1-22, refers us to Samuel, a miracle baby born of a barren woman who prays for a child. She conceives after promising that she will dedicate her son's life to serve HaShem. Samuel becomes an exceptionally influential leader in his time - a prophet, priest, teacher, judge, and appointer of Israel's first two kings. Consider the disastrous effect on the Jewish people and upon history had he never been born.

Consider the devastating repercussions upon the world from all the precious unborn children who were never born because someone decided through willfulness, ignorance, manipulation, coercion, or force that they didn't have the right to be here. Think of all the wounded mothers, the sorrowful fathers, the loss of leadership, scholarship, righteous example, and unfulfilled destiny. 

The numbers don't lie. It's important that we recognize each human life, wherever they live and however they die. You can bet HaShem does.

Thank you for reading and sharing this newsletter, and welcome to our new subscribers.


May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen. 

Upcoming Events

Monthly MIshpacha

Sunday June 9, 2024 @ 7 pm ET

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 9908 0804

National Celebrate Life Conference, Rally and Gala

Jume 21-23, 2024

We are tabling at this event and networking with many pro-life activists. Our tabling handouts are printed and on the way!

The Westin Washington DC Downtown, 999 9th St NW, Washington, D.C. Rally at the Lincoln Memorial.

Casper, WY chapter of Wyoming Right to Life "Dobb's" Celebration Saturday, June 22, 2024.

Our JPLF materials will be on their table! Thank you, Ross!

NRLC Conference Friday June 28, 2024 Panel Discussion

11:15 am-12:30 pm ET

"Elevate & Empower: Strategies for Successful Minority Outreach and Engagement."

Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington (Crystal City), Virginia

Christian United For Israel Summit(CUFI)

July 28-30, 2024

This is our first visit to a CUFI event and my schedule allows only part of it, Let's pray I am well received and am able to network with these good Christian Zionists.

PA March for Life September 23, 2024. Website

NJ March for Life September 26, 2024. Flyer

For our NJ friends, we can hire a private bus to help you attend. Let is know.

We are waiting for the final document uploads and changes to the website that I've been requesting in the past couple of weeks so we can begin promoting the website to the list of hundreds of people I've compiled over the past few years. I've been emailing the owner of the website company about the delays and he promises to expedite our requests. I am sure it will happen soon. Something is better than nothing and I am beginning to understand what the term 'beta' means!

In the meantime, our digital campaigns are running. We are receiving outreach calls and emails from visitors to the site who learn about it from the ads. Here is the link to the ongoing data.

The Pro-LIfe Partnership has released an 11 week series of short impactful research based videos to standardize pro-life messaging across the country.

Here is the 4th in the series.

She Will Rise Above

All the videos can be viewed and downloaded at

Daniel Greenfield, aka Sultan Knish, published his thoughts on savagery and civilization. While he acknowledges that not all savages bow to Allah, he doesn't get around to mentioning the savagery of abortion, which systematically tortures and destroys more innocent human beings than the examples he mentions. Despite this lapse, Sultan Knish always offers insights worth reading so I wanted to share this one with you.


As we all know, savages had a field day on October 7th, 2023. Tzuzamen sits down with playwright Phelim McAleer and actor René Ifrah to discuss 'Oct 7,' a play about the October 7 terror attack featuring unfiltered firsthand testimonies from Israel's 'darkest hours' after the Hamas attack. Phelim McAleer talks about what inspired him to write this play, and René shares what motivated him to be involved in this project. 

October 7, In Their Own Words with ≈ and René Ifrah | Tzuzamen

Resilience in the Face of Terror

A review of "October 7: In Their Own Words"

Mark Steyn highlights the play in a recent column. written by Andrew Lawton. Thank you, Mark.

Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer also produced the Gosnell play. If you didn't seen it in theaters, you can watch it for free on this site.

Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer

US patriots commemorated D-Day this week. In addition to Mark Steyn sharing the review of the October 7 play, he also wrote a poignant column full of heroic stories about the Normandy invasion that led to the liberation of Europe and the Jews from the Nazis. I cried reading Mark's article, all the while wondering how a country that risked all to free the world from tyranny and to preserve the right to life and liberty wound up a country whose government and many of its citizen respect neither. While our efforts at the JPLF may not rise to the challenge of storming the beach at Normandy, I finished reading with a renewed commitment to keep sacrificing time and money to safeguard innocent human life. I hope this column inspires you, too.

June 6th 1944 by Mark Steyn

This is great news, especially since the Commonwealth now suffers from a state assembly, judiciary and governor attacking life. Thank you, 40 Days for Life for your years of dedicated praying in all sorts of weather and despite increasing assaults on the sidewalk!

40 Days for Life Announces PA Abortion Facility Closing

Abortion Pills are Releasing Dangerous Chemicals, Remains of Aborted Babies in Our Water

Most abortion takes place in urban areas in the US. According to a CNN March 2024 Article, nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the US in 2023 – an estimated 642,700 – were chemical abortions. Since Dobbs, it is accepted by most activists on both sides of the abortion wars that easy access to RU-486 and abortion destination travel account for the rise.

US abortions reach highest level in over a decade, sparked by surge in medication abortion

The US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions held a hearing on Tuesday June 4th. It starts out on rugged terrain with testimony from four abortion profiteers. Out numbered 2:1, two pro-life advocates completed the agenda. Christina Francis, MD, Chief Executive Officer, AAPLOG and Melissa Ohden, MSW, Founder and Chief Executive Officer The Abortion Survivors Network.

The Assault on Women’s Freedoms: How Abortion Bans Have Created a Health Care Nightmare Across America

Let's get current. It is no longer necessary to torture and destroy a baby in the womb to save the mother's life.

The Pro-Life Reply to: "Is Abortion Ever Medically Necessary?"


Rabbi Menashe Bovit is the rabbi at Bellerose Jewish Center in Queens NY, an online/brick and mortar synagogue composed of spiritual seekers who worship in an Ashkenazi 'Conservadox' style. Rabbi Bovit teaches with humor combined with love of Chassidism and Torah. He conducts online Shabbat services and Torah classes.

You can view his Shabbat sermons at

Contact Rabbi Bovit at

Rabbi Shlomo Nachman is the rabbi of Beit Emunah (, a Sephardic-based online community of Jews, Noahides, and other seekers. He offers a wide range of online Jewish studies as well as Shabbat and holiday services. Rabbi Nachman is known for his patience, sensitivity, scholarship in world religions, and his dedication to traditional Jewish and biblical teachings. Rabbi Nachman is available to speak at your event!

You can access Rabbi Nachman's online services and classes at and

Contact Rabbi Nachman at


Rabbi Yakov Dovid Cohen is the founder and director of Institute of Noahide Code. Rabbi Cohen received his Bachelor's Degree at the Rabbinical College of America in 1982 and was ordained in 1985 at the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva New York, and a degree from Monash University Australia 1992. Renowned Talmudic scholar and Dayan, a writer on various Jewish subjects, most recently worked on a compilation of the Rebbe's works for Noahide practice and a book titled Divine Image. Contact Rabbi Cohen at

Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Power Point

114 slides from Tanakh, Talmud, science, and medicine.

View and Download from our website library here.

Jewish Pro-Life Replies to Jewish Pro-Abortion Claims

Our quick reference guide to help you provide Torah based talking points. View and Download in our website library here.

Our SPEAKERS LIST is your go to source for booking a Jewish pro-life speaker/educator for your synagogue, legislative working group, or adult/teen learning program.

View, Download and Share all of our memes, flyers, power point slides and more from the photo albums listed available on our website here. Available in various formats for easy sharing on social media and in emails.

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Contact Us

Cecily Routman

Rabbi David Novak

Rabbi Shlomo Nachman

Rabbi Menashe Bovit

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation

Our Hebrew website in Israel

PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143 

A note to our financial supporters

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is a 501(c)(3) educational organization. As of 1/1/2023, the IRS granted our application to reclassify our private foundation as a public charity. This may benefit your tax deductibility. Please consult your tax advisor regarding any tax deductions. Please view the IRS determination letter here. 2023 990

Our Federal Tax ID number: 26-1438181.

You Make It Possible

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation depends on generous donations to help us bring much needed Torah based pro-life education to the Jewish community, provide Jewish friendly pregnancy care and adoption referrals, and offer healing to Jewish women and men who suffer after abortion.Together we save Jewish lives and heal Jewish hearts. We are making Judaism, the original pro-life religion, pro-life again!


The JPLF does not endorse, support, or oppose any candidate for political office or any political campaign. Any mention of public figures herein is purely for informational and educational purposes and should not be interpreted as a statement of electoral support or opposition.