
Parks for All People:

Addressing Legacies of Racism, Displacement,

and Exclusion in National Parks


National parks fill a critical role at the intersection of individual health, community health, conservation, and environmental health. But it’s important to consider whose well-being is benefited, and who are national parks currently serving? To continue advancing well-being through conservation, we must first address the legacies of racism, displacement, and exclusion that still impact our national parks today. As we celebrate National Park Week and the 200th birthday of Frederick Law Olmsted, the "father of landscape architecture," learn more about centering equity and justice.


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New Topic on PHERN! Public Health Authority

On January 31, 2020, the first nationwide public health emergency was declared in response to COVID-19. Recently, some states have moved to limit emergency powers and public health authority in response to perceived government overreach and outrage over handling of the pandemic. Learn more about this trending topic with PHERN—the Public Health and Equity Resources Navigator.


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True Cost of Food: School Meals Case Study

Thirty million children in the United States rely on daily school meals. This report published by the Rockefeller Foundation demonstrates how school meals are essential for the health and stability communities. While school meal programs cost $18.7 billion per year to run, they provide nearly $40 billion in human health and economic benefits. Learn more about the powerful impact of school meals.


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The State of Black America and COVID-19: A Two-Year Assessment

As we reflect on two years of lived experience and myriad data sources, we know COVID-19’s toll on Black Americans is disturbingly disproportionate and ongoing. This report draws attention to the continued inequity and burdens experienced by Black Americans, highlights areas for immediate focus and attention, and presents a set of expert-generated recommendations for action. 


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Pathways to Population Health Equity

Public health has always prioritized health equity, but we have not always had the tools or set-up to help us take strategic action together with the public. The newly-released Pathways to Population Health Equity (P2PHE) helps to fill this gap. Explore P2PHE's framework, roadmaps, compass, and tools for public health practitioners to build a more prepared, resilient, and proactive public health system at every level.


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Rising Stress and Burnout in Public Health: Results of a National Survey of the Public Health Workforce

Using findings from the 2021 Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey (PH WINS), this brief describes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on stress and burnout among public health workers. The internal and external challenges the workforce has faced have taken a toll that will likely have lasting effects on the sustainability of the workforce and its capacity.


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Inclusiveness Index 2021

How inclusive is your state? Explore the Inclusiveness Index, an annual ranking of nations and states. The index holistically examines the experiences of groups across a range of social dimensions, including gender, race/ethnicity, religion, disability, and sexual orientation. Select the US States filter and click on your state to get more information on indicators and index trends.


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Now Live! Public Health and Equity Resource Navigator



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