Parkinson's Disease Awareness:
Early Diagnosis for Early Treatment
Do you know the early signs of Parkinson's Disease?
Although there is no cure for Parkinson's, there are many treatments. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the sooner treatments can be put into place to improve life quality.
Cypress Celebrates 25 years of Serving our Community!
Many things have changed over the years, but the Cypress mission has remained the same. As we prepare for the next quarter century, Cypress is introducing revolutionary ideas and welcoming big changes!
Jon Scott Williams, Fellowship Square Mesa, talks all things aging on Health Futures - Taking Stock in You . Listen each week for new guests assisting older adults to live healthy, happy lives.
If change is the only constant, why not learn to embrace it? Bob Roth shares some helpful tips to help us "roll with it" and make the best out of all of the changes that life throws our way.
In support of Duet Partners in Health and Aging and their mission, Cypress will be attending their fundraising luncheon. Check out each dementia-related event happening this April.
Congratulations to Stacia Lentz for being awarded Caregiver of the Month !
Stacia has a few consistent clients who she spends lots of time with. The family members of her clients say they “would be lost without her.” She has played such a vital role in the lives of her clients and their families that she has become like family for them.
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