August 2019
"Even those I will bring to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.” Isaiah 56:7
July Sermons

Please visit this link for the audio sermons:

Faithful elder passing a tray contains cups of Holy communion spirit grape wine in the church

June 6 - Pastor Greg Carlson
Sermon title: Let Us Break Bread Together (Communion)
Communion is a memorial—a reminder. We affectionately call to our remembrance the One who took our place upon the cross. It declares that He, Jesus Christ, will come back. We as Seventh-Day Adventists , look forward to His Second Coming.

As part of Communion, we also participate in the Ordinance of Humility (foot washing), following the example of Christ.
Jesus washing feet of man wearing jeans
Thirteenth Sabbath Children's program
July 13 - Pastor Greg Carlson
Sermon title: RESIST

 Have some of us drifted away and need to draw close to God? How do we return, as we cannot do so by our own efforts or strength? What makes Satan tremble and demons flee? Listen to the online sermon for answers. Takeaway quote: “When all hell is breaking loose, God is close by.”
Additional reading: Steps to Christ – chapter “Consecration”
July 20 - Pastor Christian Raju
Sermon title: Lord Among the Lampstands

Revelation, "a revelation of Jesus Christ", is a book of prophecies. Christ has revealed the mysteries of the book, giving direction to those who diligently seek Him. Why is this book important? Because the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is at hand!
July 27 - Elder Kimmy Binns
Sermon title: Battle for Your Medulla Oblongata

The unusual sermon title gets it name from the medulla oblongata, located in the brain stem, which is responsible for control of numerous vital functions of the body.

Satan's goal is to attack the mind, causing disconnect from God, leading to ultimate destruction. What we allow in our thoughts can enhance or poison our spiritual lives. Satan's mind manipulation games began in heaven, spilling over into the earth.

Elder Binns tells how to fill our spiritual batteries and strengthen, elevate and commit our minds, in order to keep us in connection with God.
July News
Baptism of Todd Steele

Before the Communion Service on July 6th, Park witnessed and celebrated the baptism of Todd Steele. We support our brother in Christ as he furthers his commitment to follow and serve the Lord.
Vacation Bible School - July 8-12
The theme of this year's Vacation Bible School was “Roar! Life is Wild. God is Good.” Children explored and experienced God’s Word, applying it to everyday life. A different, memorable Bible point was learned at each station, through fun games and interaction. An average of forty children a day enjoyed crafts, sports, music, and much more! Everyone came away with a deeper knowledge of God and His love for us.

"It takes a village to raise a child", and we thank the many staff, leaders, and volunteers who made VBS a tremendous success! And thank you to all the parents who brought their children, those individuals who contributed food items, and for all the prayers from our church family.

The following report by Deshirl Rankins.
Decorating Volunteers
Photos courtesy of Deshirl Rankins and Grace Wilson.

VBS was blessed with gifted volunteers, some from Park, and others from churches such as New Life and Cambridge, etc. Their talents created an amazing array of sceneries: a water fall, Ark of the Covenant, mountain scene, lion, forest, giraffe, and even a Jeep.
Bible Adventures
The following photos courtesy of Deshirl Rankins

The Children learned that although life was unfair for the ancient Israelites, God protected them during the Egyptian plagues, and led them during their Exodus from Egypt and crossing the Red Sea. God patiently dealt with their years of wandering through the wilderness and faithfully provided for them through all the changes. He ultimately led them across the Jordan River and into the Promised Land. God was praised for all the miraculous things He had done for them!
The children also learned how Jesus died for their sins and came back to life!
Imagination Station

From tumble drums to cards that reveal hidden pictures, children were challenged with projects that stimulated the intellect and FUN! Each game had a theme, such as “when life is unfair and knocks you down, God is good and will put you back on your feet” and “Remember to look for God and thank Him for His goodness!”
KidVid Station

All the children were shown videos of daily life African children. An offering was collected for African missions, to serve children in need. Park member Charles Raleigh, who is from Ghana, shared stories of growing up in Africa. Charles told the children that he had to daily walk over an hour each to attend school. Many African children didn't have shoes; however, God had blessed him with shoes. He stressed the importance of education! 
Safari Celebration

Children discovered how their perspective makes a difference in how they see God's goodness
Hungry Herd Cafe

Snacks were theme related, corresponding to each daily Bible text. Children were also encouraged to create edible “bugs” with their snacks (what’s bugging you?)  
Sing and Play Roar
Stampede Sports

Children were grouped according to age, with some as young as four and under. Various games were played by all ages. Older youths raced their leaders, filling up buckets with water.

Hannah's Journal
News from Hannah Wilson

What comes first in a relationship love or time?

Some nights only a few people need medical attention and only a few boys scramble in and out of our little house, and it is relatively quiet. When an evening is relatively quiet, the temptation to stay in and enjoy it is strong. Our house is rarely quiet before eight and it would be easy enjoy the early calmness. But the opportunity to go out and just be with the kids presents itself. It’s so easy to stay in, to wait for people to come to you, work on tomorrow’s lesson, or zone out on social media (if there’s data left). The first bit of living here I felt awkward, and unworthy to go up and say good night to the girls, I was the stranger after all. I was new and afraid I’d make them feel uncomfortable; I didn’t know them well enough. I wasn’t enough.

So again I ask: What comes first in a relationship love or time?

If you are more logical, you’re probably thinking time. Time together must be spent for one to fall in love first. After all love at first sight isn’t real love, how could it be? They don’t really know each other. How can they know? It is after time is spent together that it can turn into love. One must put time in, to get to know the person to truly and fully love them. Which makes sense of romantic love, safeguards must be present when the heart is at risk.

I had been putting my bets on time as well. It would take time for me to love the kids here. I eat with the kids, stay up late talking to them, and sometimes even go their hostels before bed to pray and spend that time together. Time first, and eventually it will bring forth love. After all love can’t be rushed, right?

But I know that God’s love, the love I experience because of Him, the love He puts inside me that overflows to others doesn’t quite work like that.

Before I went to Alaska to be a summer camp counselor for my third summer in a row I prayed for my future campers. Even while I was still in school I ranted to God about them, guessed their family life, their dreams, and their potential before bed at night. I couldn’t do that without loving them. Not because I spent time with them, but because I spent that time with God lifting them up in specific ways . And then when summer came near the end of each week (when I finally had the kind of relationship with my cabin of girls where it wouldn’t creep them out) I told them “I loved you before I met you. I loved and prayed for my future campers, I prayed for you all year! I was so excited to be with you this week, to laugh with you and to love you.” Then I told them, “but you know what? That doesn’t even hold a candle to God’s love! How can I compare with the God who loved you before you were even born and helped make you in your mother’s belly?”

To be continued in the next issue...
Let us bring before the Lord our prayers of thanksgiving, petitions, and intercession. God is faithful in hearing the prayers of an obedient people. We gather together in unity and love, raising our voices before the throne of grace.