Our Lady of Guadalupe & St. Patrick's Parishes

Spreading the Gospel on the South Side of Milwaukee

August 2024

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Message from Our New Associated Pastor 

Fr. Renzo Rosales, S.J.

Dear Parishioners, 

It is with great joy that I write this to you a few days after having joined the pastoral team of our parishes. Most people who know me call me by my middle name: Father Renzo, although my full name is Martín Renzo Rosales. 

I was born in Panama, specifically in the city of Colón, located on the east side of the northern entrance of the Panama Canal, facing the Caribbean Sea. I have been a Jesuit for 35 years and a priest for 25. During these years, I have carried out pastoral or educational ministries in Panama, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Puerto Rico and the Philippines and for the past 11 years I have worked as a professor of anthropology at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. In Omaha, I also helped in several parishes that serve the Hispanic community. There I was able to meet and make great friends with people from Mexico and other parts of Latin America.  

This is my first time residing in Milwaukee and I am very happy to be part of this community and I look forward to learning a lot from you. In fact, a few days after my arrival, I have already been able to verify the reputation that this community has for its human warmth and generosity. I hope that together with Father Aaron, I can serve you as you deserve, and at the same time, have your support in the initiatives that will be promoted to continue strengthening this parish's community.

As I move through the transition process as a new member of the pastoral team, I hope we will get to know each other better. I am at your service and I hope that the presence and experience of God's love continues to nourish and accompany us in our journey together as a community. 

May the Lord bless you with His Love and Grace!

Fr. Renzo.

A special thanks

To our Jesuit volunteer 

Leo Rander S.J.

Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Patrick Parishes appreciate your generous dedication

in serving our community this summer.

God bless you during your training

and may you achieve all your goals.


Eucharistic Adoration @ 5:30 p.m.

Mass (bilingual) @ 6:30 p.m.

at St. Patrick’s Church.

The tradition of First Fridays is connected to the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the intentions of the Pope.

Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network

All are welcome to

Solemnity of The Assumption of Mary

Thursday, August 15

Mass @ 6:30 p.m. at St Patrick’s Church

Registration for CCD Classes (First Communion)

& High School and Adult Confirmation Classes

We are pleased to inform you that we have begun registration for religious education programs.

You can come during office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. On Fridays the office closes at 2:30 p.m


  • Preparation for the First Communion
  • Two years of preparation
  • 7-12 years old as of September 1st.
  • Present your baptismal certificate (even if baptized at one of our Parishes)
  • Pay the $75 registration fee (registration fee is due every year)

  • Youth Confirmation
  • Two years of preparation
  • Minimum age of 15 years old, entering second year of high school.
  • Present your baptismal certificate (even if baptized at one of our Parishes)
  • Pay the $75 registration fee (registration fee is due every year) 

  • Adult Confirmation
  • 1 year of preparation.
  • 18+, not enrolled in high school
  • Present your baptismal certificate (even if baptized at one of our parishes)
  • Pay the $100 registration fee

Please come in as soon as possible to register or call the office 414-6457624 to find out more information. 


On behalf of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Patrick's Parishes we warmly invite you to attend our Parish Dance on Saturday, August 17th.

The event is free, so join in the fun for the whole family. If you'd like to contribute, either by volunteering or in-kind donations (i.e. beer, soda, water), please contact the coordinators of the event: Juan Pablo and Gina Orta by phone (414-745-1726) or email (ortainc@att.net).

As always, feel free to call the Parish Office for more information (414-645-7624). 

Coming soon!

“Brewer's game” 

Saturday, September 21st

Arizona Diamondbacks vs. Brewers

Tailgate @ 4 p.m. Gametime = 6:10 p.m. 


Archdiocese of Milwaukee

The Jesuit Post

U S Conference of Catholic Bishops

Get in touch with our Parishes

Phone: 414-645-7624

E-mail: parish@guadalupe-stpatrick.org

Visit our Website