Message from Our New Associated Pastor
Fr. Renzo Rosales, S.J.
Dear Parishioners,
It is with great joy that I write this to you a few days after having joined the pastoral team of our parishes. Most people who know me call me by my middle name: Father Renzo, although my full name is Martín Renzo Rosales.
I was born in Panama, specifically in the city of Colón, located on the east side of the northern entrance of the Panama Canal, facing the Caribbean Sea. I have been a Jesuit for 35 years and a priest for 25. During these years, I have carried out pastoral or educational ministries in Panama, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Puerto Rico and the Philippines and for the past 11 years I have worked as a professor of anthropology at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. In Omaha, I also helped in several parishes that serve the Hispanic community. There I was able to meet and make great friends with people from Mexico and other parts of Latin America.
This is my first time residing in Milwaukee and I am very happy to be part of this community and I look forward to learning a lot from you. In fact, a few days after my arrival, I have already been able to verify the reputation that this community has for its human warmth and generosity. I hope that together with Father Aaron, I can serve you as you deserve, and at the same time, have your support in the initiatives that will be promoted to continue strengthening this parish's community.
As I move through the transition process as a new member of the pastoral team, I hope we will get to know each other better. I am at your service and I hope that the presence and experience of God's love continues to nourish and accompany us in our journey together as a community.
May the Lord bless you with His Love and Grace!
Fr. Renzo.