Operation Christmas Child
Now that you’ve got some school supplies for your shoebox, it's time to think about games! Yes…the Dollar store has lots of small size games that are perfect. Dominoes, playing cards, jacks, slinky, toy cars, and more. Just fill the box with lots of fun items. We will collect the shoeboxes in November.
You are encouraged to donate $10 which is used for training local churches, providing The Greatest Gift Gospel booklets, shipping, etc. You can do this online and track where your shoebox goes. Or you can write a check to Samaritan's Purse, put it in the envelope attached to the How to Pack a Shoebox pamphlet, and mail it. Pick one up along with a preprinted Christmas Child shoebox at the back of the church and in Donaldson Hall. When filling a box, you'll want to provide toys, personal care items and school supplies. Decide whether it will be for a boy or girl, and age 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14. Age specific suggestions can be found at
If you have any questions, please email or call me at barbackermann@gmail.com or 443-797-4569. Have fun filling your box and pray to spread the Good News! Barb Ackermann