Easter Week

Good Friday

Tenebrae Service at 7:30 PM in the Sanctuary

Easter Sunday

5:45 AM Sunrise Service at Butler Lake

 9:00 & 11:00 AM Easter Celebration Services in the Sanctuary

Monday, April 1

Church office is closed

Tuesday, April 2

7:00 AM Men's Bible Study (Zoom)

8:00 AM Parking Lot Lighting Project Begins (Douglas Ave. parking lots)


Wednesday, April 3

7:30 AM Breakfast & Bible (Zoom)

4:00 - 6:00 PM PADS Food Donation Drop Off (Sanctuary Narthex)


Thursday, April 4

9:00 AM Bel Canto Ringers (Classroom 04)

9:00 AM Women’s Disciple Bible Study (Conference Room)

4:15 PM Cherub Choir (Chapel) & Faith Choir (Sanctuary)

4:30 PM Joyful Noise Choir (Choir Room)

6:00 PM Chapel Music Team (Chapel)

6:30 PM Motet Choir (Sanctuary)

7:30 PM Chancel Choir (Sanctuary)


Sunday, April 7

10:00 AM Combined Worship in Sanctuary

10:20 AM Sunday School Pre-K - 7th grade

11:00 AM Retirement Reception for Jane Orth (Fellowship Hall)

11:00 AM Jr/Sr High Choir (Choir Room)

11:15 AM Alpha/Omega Chimers (Classroom 04)

1:00 PM Sacred Ground Small Groups (Dougherty Room & Library)

4:00 PM Junior High Fellowship (Youth Lounge)

5:30 PM Youth Bells (Classroom 04)

7:00 PM Senior High Fellowship (Youth Lounge)


 Coming in April

Retirement Reception for Jane Orth (April 7)

Senior High Lock-in (April 12)

Inquirers Class for New Members (April 13 & 14)

Laugh Your Way to a Brighter Day (April 16)

Bible Stories for Grown Ups (Begins April 16)

Earth Care Sunday & Frog Lady/Eco Fair (April 21)

Open Mic Coffee House Fundraiser (April 21)

Junior High Lock-in (April 26)

New Member Recognition (April 28)


Coming in May

“iConfirm” event (May 11)

Chancel Choir & Orchestra Major Work (May 12)

Confirmation & Baccalaureate Sunday (May 19)

Spring Blooms at Chicago Botanic Garden (May 21)


Summer Youth Trips

Senior High Montreat Conference in North Carolina (June 8-15)

Junior High Quest Youth Conference at Green Lake (June 23-28)

Visit our website

Good Friday Service

Join us for our Good Friday Tenebrae service at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. Tenebrae is an ancient meditation on Christ’s suffering. The readings trace the story of Christ’s passion, music portrays his pathos, and the power of silence and growing darkness suggest the drama of this momentous day.

Come watch the sunrise with us on Easter morning!

Rev. Nicole Chapman-Farley will lead an Easter Sunrise Service at Butler Lake, along the water's edge behind the Crawford House. Meet at 5:45 a.m. and dress warm! Bring a lawn chair if you would like to sit.

Join us for our Easter Sunday Celebration!

Experience the joy of resurrection and renewal as we celebrate Easter together on Sunday, March 31 at 9 & 11 a.m. in the sanctuary. Bring your family and friends to share in this beautiful day of hope, love, and new beginnings. We look forward to celebrating with you!

The 9 a.m. service will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Worship Bulletin
Easter Flower Insert
Fellowship Pad / Prayer Requests 
Online Giving

Retirement Reception for Jane Orth

Jane Orth, our beloved and longtime Director of Music Ministries, is retiring!

Join us on Sunday, April 7 at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary for a worship service filled with music, followed by a retirement reception in Jane's honor in Fellowship Hall.

Cards with well wishes for Jane and donations towards a financial “love gift” are being gathered. There will be a basket at the reception for cards. If you’d like to give online, please click here: https://onrealm.org/FirstPresbyteri4662/Give .

Parking Lot Lighting on Douglas Ave.

Work begins on April 2 to replace all of the light poles and lights in the south and west parking lots on Douglas Ave. We’re grateful to the generous donor who is funding this project!

If you are at church after dark, please consider parking in the Maple Ave. parking lot or the Brainerd Field lot while the lights are being replaced. We’ll keep you updated on the status of the construction, which we anticipate will be completed by April 19.

Bible Stories for Grown-Ups begins April 16

Tuesdays from 6-7 p.m. on Zoom

In this 6-week learning series, we’ll be led via Zoom by Pastor Josh Scott, who will look at familiar Bible stories and reveal new details and interpretations. We’ll consider stories we may have read as children, including Noah's Ark, the binding of Isaac, Jonah and the big fish, Jesus and Zacchaeus, Jesus healing a blind man, and the parable of the talents. Join us for one lesson, a few, or all. To register, call the church office or email Megan Huber at mhuber@boxp.net.

Inquirers Class for New Members April 13 & 14

If you’re considering joining First Pres Libertyville, come to our Inquirers Classes on Saturday, April 13 from 9-11 a.m. and on Sunday, April 14 from 11:30-1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Please call the church office at 847-362-2174 to learn more and sign up.

Laugh Your Way to a Brighter Day

Tuesday, April 16 from 12-1 PM in Social Hall

Laugh your way to a brighter day with Rosemary Monahan as she explores how humor can transform and uplift our lives. This Lunch & Learn program is for everyone, so bring a friend to join in the fun! Click the blue button to RSVP. Cost: $12.


Enjoy the Spring Blooms at Chicago Botanic Garden

Join Rev. Amy Heinrich on Tuesday, May 21 from 11:45 AM - 2 PM for a delightful afternoon at the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe.

Secure your spot today at the discounted Early Bird rate of $25, which covers parking, admission, a lovely lunch in a private dining room, and a private tram tour through the breathtaking gardens.

Feel free to linger after the event to explore the gardens at your leisure. If you need assistance with transportation, please inform us so we can assist you.

All ages are welcome, and we encourage you to bring along your friends.

When you sign up, kindly indicate your choice of sandwich for lunch: Tarragon Chicken Salad, Cranberry & Brie Turkey, or Pesto & Mozzarella Caprese Focaccia (Vegetarian). Each sandwich comes with a seasonal side salad and a delicious house-baked chocolate chunk cookie. Gluten-free modifications available upon request.

Register now to lock in the Early Bird rate before the price goes up on April 15th.


Open Mic Coffee House on Sunday, April 21

Our JHF and SHF youth are excited to invite you to their Open Mic Coffee House Fundraiser on Sunday, April 21!

Doors open at 5 p.m. and the music will go from 5:30 to 7 p.m. We hope you'll join in on the fun and fellowship! We're looking for performers, baristas, bakers, servers, and anyone else who wants to get involved.

This is a great chance to show off your talents, enjoy some amazing performances, and support a good cause. So, mark your calendars and come hang out with us! Click here for more information on how you can be part of this awesome event! Questions? Reach out to Rev. Kim Mendoza at kmendoza@boxp.net.

PADS Food Collection

Drop off on Wednesdays between 4-6 pm in the Sanctuary Narthex. Please only bring items from the list below:

Breakfast: Bagels, cream cheese, instant oatmeal, store-bought muffins, granola or breakfast bars, meal replacement drinks

Lunch: Crackers, chips, ramen noodle cups or packages, protein bars, tuna or chicken salad packs, beef jerky, microwave popcorn, Jell-O cups, apple sauce pouches

Dinner: Non-perishable microwave dinners, canned baked beans, mac and cheese in boxes or cups, canned chili, microwave rice packs, sardines

Drinks: Apple or fruit juice packs, water bottles, hot chocolate packs

Other: Can openers, plastic cutlery and plates, baby food, small containers of milk 

Flower Dedications

Honor a loved one or celebrate a special occasion by dedicating a floral arrangement to be used in our worship spaces on Sunday mornings. The cost is $40 per arrangement. To make a dedication, visit www.firstpreslibertyville.org, email office@boxp.net or call the church office at 847-362-2174.

Libertyville Senior Update

Click here to read the April newsletter from our friends at the Libertyville Senior Center.

How to contact a pastor or staff member

Call 847-362-2174 or email office@boxp.net. Regular office hours are Monday-Friday 9 AM - 4 PM. The office will be closed on Monday, April 1, but a pastor will be on call for emergencies.

Pastoral Emergencies

If you are a church member and need to reach a pastor in an emergency, please call 847-367-6460. Leave a message and a pastor will return your call as soon as they are able.

Don't get scammed!

Please be careful to check the address on any emails that appear to be from Pastor Brian. He sends all of his emails from bpaulson@boxp.net and he will never make a personal request for money, gift cards, or any kind of assistance through an email. If you have any doubt, please call the church office at 847-362-2174 and inquire before responding.

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