Week of May 12

Saturday, May 11

2:00 PM iConfirm Service & Party (Chapel & Sanctuary Portico)

Sunday, May 12

Mother’s Day/Chancel Choir & Orchestra Major Work

10:00 AM Worship in Sanctuary

10:20 AM Sunday School Pre-K - 7th grade

11:00 AM Social Hour (Social Hall)

1:30 PM Green Oaks Senior Living Worship Service (Offsite)

Monday, May 13

9:00 AM Habitat Quilting (Social Hall)

6:30 PM Pentecost Language rehearsal with Tutti Bells (Sanctuary)

7:00 PM Business Affairs Committee (Conference Room)

7:00 PM Deacon Meeting (Fellowship Hall)

7:30 PM Troop 71 Meeting (Social Hall)

Tuesday, May 14

7:00 AM Men's Bible Study (Zoom)

9:00 AM Habitat Quilting (Social Hall)

6:00 PM Bible Stories for Grown-Ups (Zoom)

7:00 PM Building & Grounds Committee (Parlor)

7:30 PM Long Range Planning Conference Room)

Wednesday, May 15

7:30 AM Breakfast & Bible (Zoom)

4:00 - 6:00 PM PADS Food Donation Drop Off (Sanctuary Narthex)

7:00 PM Officer Training (Conference Room)

7:00 PM Stewardship Committee (Zoom)

8:00 PM C.A.R.E. GROW Meeting (Zoom)

Thursday, May 16

6:00 PM Chapel Music Team (Chapel)

6:30 PM Motet Choir (Sanctuary)

7:30 PM Chancel Choir (Sanctuary)


Saturday, May 18

8:00 AM Mobile Food Pantry (Douglas Ave. parking lot)

8:30 AM God's Gardeners Workday (Winchester Road Garden)

Sunday, May 19

Confirmation & Baccalaureate/Pentecost Sunday

10:00 AM Worship in the Sanctuary (Wear Red for Pentecost!)

11:00 AM Cake Reception (Social Hall)

1:00 PM Sacred Ground Small Groups (Library & Dougherty Room)

1:30 PM Sedgebrook Worship Service (Offsite)

Upcoming Events

 “iConfirm” Service & Party (May 11)

Chancel Choir & Orchestra Major Work: "Lux Aeterna" (May 12)

Confirmation & Baccalaureate Celebration/Pentecost Sunday (May 19)

Spring Blooms at Chicago Botanic Garden (May 21)

Senior High Montreat Conference in North Carolina (June 8-15)

Deacons Ice Cream Social (June 16)

Installation of Church Officers (June 23)

Juneteenth Dinner & Evening Service (June 23)

Feed My Starving Children Work Week (June 24-29)

Bluegrass Sunday & All Church Cookout (July 21)

Visit our website

Everyone is invited to the iConfirm Service & Party on Saturday, May 11 at 2 PM in the Chapel, followed by a celebration outside beneath the sanctuary portico.


This service allows us to get to know our newest members as they share a little bit about themselves, as well as tell us why they chose the scripture passages (10 verses long or more!) that they memorized and will share during the service.


After the service, we're having a party outside with fun, games, and free ice cream from the Rainbow Cone Truck. All are welcome and we hope to have a big crowd to support our Confirmation students!

Worship with us!

Join us on Sunday, May 12 for the Chancel Choir & Orchestra's spring major work. They will be presenting "Lux Aeterna" (Eternal Light) by Morten Lauridsen during the 10 a.m. worship service. David Edelfelt is conducting and Rev. Dr. Brian R. Paulson is preaching. The service will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Worship Bulletin
Fellowship & Prayers 

Flower Dedications

The flowers in the sanctuary this Sunday are placed to the glory of God by LeAnn and Steve Malecha in appreciation for the music and musicians at First Pres; and by Betsy and Brad Friestedt in memory of their mothers, Blanche Friestedt and E.J. Wolf.

If you'd like to honor a loved one or celebrate a special occasion by dedicating a floral arrangement to be used in our worship spaces on Sunday mornings, please fill out the form below or call the church office at 847-362-2174.

Flower Dedication Form

Stewardship Message

This past February, the Stewardship Committee announced the Bread for the Journey giving campaign, which coincided with the season of Lent in which the congregation was asked to give sacrificially to help bridge the 2024 Operation Budget gap. With gratitude, the Stewardship Committee is happy to report that as an outcome of the campaign, First Pres received an additional $41,663 in pledges and gifts. This resulted in $1,174,756 total pledges and contributions for the 2024 budget year and represents a significant increase over the prior year. 

Thank you to all who contributed to this fundraiser as well as those who have faithfully supported our church through the years. 

May God bless you abundantly and multiply your gifts as we continue to share God’s love with our congregation and the community at large. 

Online Giving

Meal-A-Month Bags Available Sunday

Please grab a grocery bag from a Deacon or in the narthex after worship on Sunday. Fill the bag with the items listed or other non-perishable food items you wish to donate. Please return your filled bag by the end of worship on Sunday, May 19. 


Scan the QR code below or on the sign in the Narthex to purchase items off the Meal-A-Month Amazon wish list to be sent to the church. Please have items delivered by Sunday, May 19.

Your donations benefit the Libertyville Township and St. Joseph Food Pantries. Thank you!


Foreign language speakers for Pentecost: Do you speak a language other than English? We are looking for people who can speak a foreign language to help with scripture reading in worship on Sunday, May 19 (Pentecost Sunday). All languages are welcome - including Biblical ones like Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic - as well as Gaelic, Native American languages, and ASL. The scripture is Acts 21:1-21. You will need a Bible or online source to find the text in your language. There will be a rehearsal on Monday, May 13 at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary.

Please contact Paul McKenzie at pmckenzie@boxp.net with any questions or to sign up.

Graduate info needed by Monday: Please submit your student’s high school or college graduation info using this link or call the church office at 847-362-2174. Monday is the deadline! Graduation info will be included in our bulletin on May 19 and we’ll have a cake reception immediately following worship.

Register for Fall 2024-Spring 2025 Sunday School Programs*

Registration for next year's education, caregiving, and fellowship programs for children and youth through grade 12 begins this Sunday. A table will be set up in the sanctuary narthex throughout the month of May.

*Any child registered during May will get a token to use for a fun prize!

Helpful members of the Christian Education Committee can get you signed up today!

PADS Food Collection

Drop off on Wednesdays between 4-6 pm in the Sanctuary Narthex. Please only bring items from the list below:

Breakfast: Bagels, cream cheese, instant oatmeal, store-bought muffins, granola or breakfast bars, meal replacement drinks

Lunch: Crackers, chips, ramen noodle cups or packages, protein bars, tuna or chicken salad packs, beef jerky, microwave popcorn, Jell-O cups, apple sauce pouches

Dinner: Non-perishable microwave dinners, canned baked beans, mac and cheese in boxes or cups, canned chili, microwave rice packs, sardines

Drinks: Apple or fruit juice packs, water bottles, hot chocolate packs, small containers of milk

Other: Can openers, plastic cutlery and plates, baby food


Libertyville Senior Update

Click here to read the May newsletter from our friends at the Libertyville Senior Center.

How to contact a pastor or staff member

Call 847-362-2174 or email office@boxp.net. Regular office hours are Monday-Friday 9 AM - 4 PM. The office will be closed on Monday, April 1, but a pastor will be on call for emergencies.

Pastoral Emergencies

If you are a church member and need to reach a pastor in an emergency, please call 847-367-6460. Leave a message and a pastor will return your call as soon as they are able.

Beware of Scams!

To avoid falling victim to scams, please verify the sender's email address before responding to any messages that appear to be from Pastor Brian. Pastor Brian only sends emails from bpaulson@boxp.net and will never make personal requests for money, gift cards, or any kind of assistance through email. If you have any doubts, please call the church office at 847-362-2174 to verify before taking any action.

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