NFFV Action Request

Upcoming EDUCATION Committee Hearing

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

1:30 PM, Room 1525

Two bills (LB71 & LB374) that target Parental Rights in Education will be debated Tuesday, January 31st! DETAILS ARE BELOW!

LB374: The Parents' Bill of Rights and Academic Transparency Act: 

Parents are the foremost decision makers in a child's life!

LB374, known as the Parent's Bill of Rights and Transparency Act, is a KEY BILL for us to SUPPORT!!

This bill is intended to ensure a transparency portal is created that would give parents and guardians COMPLETE access to their child's educational information! Also, this bill would create a process for parents to APPEAL the access of potentially inappropriate (sexual content, excessive violence) books for minors!

Furthermore, LB374 would:

  • DISALLOW school employees, educators, or students to act in violation of Title IV or the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  • PREVENT the data mining by surveying our children (schools surveying and collecting their personal data)!

  • Allow parents to option their children OUT of content or activities they deem inappropriate.

If you want to read the details, the full bill is available on Nebraska Legislatures' website.

EDUCATION Committee Hearing is Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 1:30 PM, Room 1525.

LB71: Parental Right to Full Access to Student Surveys, Learning & Testing Materials Used in Schools

How does LB71 Strengthen Parental Involvement in Education?

LB71, also known as Parental Right to Full Access to Student Surveys, Learning & Testing Materials Used in Schools, is intended to strengthen the parental involvement and participation by parents and guardians in the public school system. It is a bill we must SUPPORT!

The bill dictates that Public schools shall facilitate parents’ and guardians’ access to information about and involvement in educational practices. Furthermore, each public school would be required to develop and adopt a policy relating to the rights of each parent and guardian to access their child’s testing information and curriculum, and parent’s would have the right to excuse their child from certain instruction or activities. The required policy shall be developed with input from parents and guardians and shall be subject to a public hearing to include public comment.

If you want to read the details, the full bill is available on Nebraska Legislatures' website.

EDUCATION Committee Hearing is Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 1:30 PM, Room 1525.

What are the benefits of passing LB 374 & LB71?

Upon passage, these bills will...

  • Prevent future problems that guardians and parents are currently experiencing in learning about and battling against curricula, supplemental instructional materials, or programs containing CSE, CRT, or SEL.


  • Help ensure that curricula, supplemental materials and programs used to teach students will align with the values of parents and guardians.


  • Maximize local control by parents and guardians over their public school district.

Be Heard!

How Can I help?

Take action, your voice is powerful make it heard. LB374 & LB71 committee hearings are scheduled Tuesday, January 31st. If you can make it, come testify in person. The PRIMARY BILL to support with ORAL TESTIMONY is LB374!!!! Having committee member Senators hear YOUR story is very impactful. If your a first time testifier here are some help hints. If you can't be there then send in written testimony. Not sure how to do that, click here.

For a listing of the Education Committee Senators click here.

Not sure what to say?

Listed below are thought starters and additional resources. Build your story around one or two thoughts. Quantity is not as important as a short heart felt personal story.

Additional resources to which you may refer.

Here are talking points promoting legislation supporting parental rights of their public school children.

  • Our nation's school system should be welcoming to all children of social and religious backgrounds. This means that our school curriculums must be free of political and social agendas and remain focused on the primary goal of education: to prepare the next generation for success through the dissemination of basic knowledge and skills free of social and political propaganda.

  • Public schools should avoid undermining parental authority or interfering with the transmission of parental values to children.

  • When we find ourselves at the place where education professionals sincerely believe and defend such concepts as Critical Race Theory and Queer Theory, and believe they have a moral obligation to teach those concepts to our children for the "good" of society, it is long past time for parents and concerned citizens to act.
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