Parent Connection | June 5, 2024

A Note from the Pastor

What are we up to?

VBS. That’s it. Ok, not really. We are still getting ready for Sunday School and Worship and camp and mission trip and summer fun things.

But really…we all know. VBS is upon us and that takes up most of our energy and time. 

I’m grateful to be at a church that still loves VBS and wants to serve our youngest folks well. It is such a fun week that lets all of us focus on God and learn more about our faith.

It is also a long week that requires a lot of time, energy and resources. So, I want to say thank you to all the parents and extra adults and youth that are giving so generously of your summer to make next week happen. You are amazing and the Kingdom of God is made clearer because of you!

I also ask that we all join to pray for everyone participating next week. Pray that our students will get to know their Creator better. Pray that our volunteers get good rest and are filled with the joy and patience of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the parents that will listen to their kids recap the day and maybe get to know their Creator better, too. Pray for the Northway staff that are stepping in to add more to their weekly tasks so that VBS goes smoothly.

These are the kind of weeks that make a lifetime of memories, and not only for the kids. I’m so grateful I get to do this work with you.

See you in church,

Pastor Chesna

All Things VBS...

VBS Set Up and Work Days Thursday, June 6, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Friday, June 7, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Week of VBS

Monday, June 10 through Friday, June 14 9:15 am - 11:45 am

VBS Family Night and Dinner Thursday, June 13 at 6:00 pm

VBS Highlights during Worship Sunday, June 16 at 10:30 am

Here's what's up for Sunday, June 9, 2024


9:00 am

Godly Play

(ages 3-5) | Rm. E-202

Children's Music

Children's music will not meet during the summer. This Sunday,

starting at 9:00 am, children will be greeted in F-103 by Pastor Chesna and Dawn

for an opening activity, then escorted to their Sunday School rooms.

Live Big

(K - 2nd grade) | Rm. E-208


(3rd - 5th grade) | Rm. E-209


(6th - 12th grade) | 9:30 am in Youth Hall

Worship Service

10:30 am in the Sanctuary or online.

After Church Groups will not meet this week.

Following the Children's Moment during the 10:30 am worship service, children ages 3—Grade 5 will be escorted to F-103 for their own kid-friendly worship experience, Worship Rocks!


After the worship service is over, your children will be waiting for you in the hallway outside of the Sanctuary.  

This week's Bible Story

Feast of Booths

Deuteronomy 16:13-17

Make a habit of choosing joy.

Memory Verse

“A cheerful heart makes you healthy. But a broken spirit dries you up.” Proverbs 17:22, NIrV

Beyond Sunday

Ask and Tell

As your kid starts their day, they may be tired or grumpy but remind them of one way they bring you joy (even if it’s not necessarily how they are acting in the moment).

At a meal this week, have everyone at the table answer this question: “Describe a time when you had to choose to be joyful in a situation that was not joyful (or wish you would have chosen joy)” and ask your kid: “What is something you can do every day to help you choose joy?”


“God, help us to choose joy. Happiness is temporary, but joy means finding peace and reasons to celebrate no matter what is going on. Help us to always see the reasons we have for being joyful.”

Disciples Crossing Camp Dates

May 31 - June 2: Grand Camp

June 16 - June 22: Imago Dei

June 17 - June 22: CYF

June 24 - June 28: Junior Camp

June 24 - June 29: Chi Rho

June 30 - July 3: Genesis

Click for Camp Details!

UPDATE: 2024 Youth Mission Trip

New information relating to the 2024 Youth Mission Trip has been emailed to those who have signed up to participate. If you have signed up and did not receive an email, please contact Pastor Chesna.

Northway youth (grades 6-12) and sponsors will travel to Albuquerque, NM for our Be The Neighbor Mission Experience, which is July 7-13.The week will include both service and educational experiences. Group trip leaders include Chesna Riley and Rachel Shawler. Contact the church office with any questions.

If you have questions about an event, or you have a prayer request you'd like to share, or you'd like to volunteer to help, please contact Northway's Minister to Children, Youth, and Families - Rev. Chesna Riley