Upcoming Events

Parent 2 Parent
Sunday, November 9, 2014
6:45 - 8:30 PM
St. John The Evangelist Roman Catholic Church 
Wilde Lake Interfaith Center
Columbia, MD

Teen Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, November 10, 2014
5:30 - 7:00 PM
The Barn
5853 Robert Oliver Place
Oakland Mills Village Center 
Columbia, MD 
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Parent 2 Parent Program 
HC DrugFree Executive Director 
Joan Webb Scornaienchi
HC DrugFree's Executive Director, Joan Webb Scornaienchi, will facilitate a panel of Howard County parents as they share their personal stories of how the use of alcohol and other drugs by their teenage children impacted their families.This program is specifically designed for parents and guardians. Parents will be encouraged to ask questions and give feedback during the discussion. Parent 2 Parent promotes honest dialogue between parents and explores resources available to help families dealing with substance use issues in Howard County. 

If you would like to receive one of the free pamphlets below, please send your name and address to info@hcdrugfree.org.
Si le gustar�a recibir uno de los folletos gratis abajo, favor de mandar su nombre y direcci�n a info@hcdrugfree.org.

HC DrugFree
10451 Twin Rivers Rd., Suite 206 
Columbia, MD 21044