April 26, 2024
Our Daddy Daughter Dance was a great event for our dads and their daughters. Thank you to our PTL committee for hosting this wonderful event. There is a link below to lots of pictures!
Upcoming Events
April 27: St. Michael's Track Meet @ Reese High School

April 27: 5:00pm Worship Service

April 28: 9:30am Worship Service

April 29-May 1: Track Practice @ Hemlock High School (pick-up at 4:00pm)

April 29-May 3: Donation Collection for Phil's Friends

April 29: 6:00pm 5th-8th Grade Class Trip Meeting (cafeteria)

April 29: 7:00pm Quarterly Voters' Meeting

May 1: 8:05am Chapel - Pastor Hagenow

May 1: 6:00pm Evening of the Arts (gallery opens at 5:30pm)

May 3: 8:30am 5th-8th Field Trip to God's Helping Hands

May 4: VLHS Track Meet @ VLHS

May 4: 5:00pm Worship Service

May 5: 9:30am Worship Service - Preschool, Kindergarten & 1st Grade Sing - Travis Grulke honors Principal of the Year

May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week

May 6: 6:00pm Youth Group Meeting

May 7: 10:20am 5-8 Grade Field Trip to Great Lakes Loons Game
Strong & Courageous
Devotion of the Week: This year's theme, Strong & Courageous, is based off of Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." These were words of encouragement from God to Joshua as he (Joshua) was feeling the overwhelming weight of the task before him. These words of encouragement are also ours today! In the daily struggles that we have, in moments of despair, in times of uncertainty, and in the unknowns of the future, the Lord comforts us and encourages us with these words. Too often our strength and courage is covered up by our weaknesses and fearfulness, and we forget, lose sight, or ignore the source of all strength and courage: God's Word. He promises to always be with us in this life, and in that new life we will have forever in eternity with Him. The Bible points us to Christ who is our risen Lord and Savior; there is no greater source of comfort, joy, or strength than that! May we continue to remain rooted in God's Word as it encourages us, comforts us, fills us with peace, strengthens us, grants us courage, and reminds us that we are forgiven and redeemed children of God.

Call Received: Mrs. Patrice Sherry received a call from Peace Lutheran Church and School in Saginaw, MI. Please keep Mrs. Sherry in your prayers as she deliberates this call and her current call to St. Peter. May the Holy Spirit guide her in her decision.
Schedules for Choirs: The Preschool, Kindergarten and 1st Grade classes will be singing in church Sunday, May 5 at 9:30am. Children will sit with their families until it is time to sing at the front of the church, and then return to their seats.
  • Evening of the Arts: All students in grades 2-4 (Cherub Choir) will be singing at the Evening of the Arts on Wednesday, May 1. There will also be additional performances by older students who are performing solos and duets at the music festival, which will be held at Valley Lutheran High School on Friday, May 17.
  • Ascension Service: Both Cherub and Seraphim Choirs (grades 2-8) will be singing at the Ascension Service on Thursday, May 9. Students need to meet in the music room at church at 5:45 p.m. to rehearse with the adult choir before the service.
  • Choir Schedule Change: The Seraphim Choir will not be singing on June 2 as indicated on the choir schedule from the beginning of the year. Their last performance will be at the Ascension Service on May 9.

Sunday Morning Bible Study: “The King’s Table” is the title of Sunday's lesson. Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son, suffered crippling injuries at age 5 while escaping Saul’s enemies with his nurse. Once David established his kingdom, his thoughts turned to whether there were any survivors from Saul and Jonathan’s line. Discovering Mephibosheth, David bestows on him Saul’s land and fortune. Mephibosheth’s family moves to Jerusalem, where he always eats at the king’s table. Discuss how God provides for our daily needs today. Everyone is welcome to join us at Bible Study. -Deaconess Shirley

53 Years of Teaching!
Artist of the Century: After 53 years of teaching art to over 6,000 student artists, Ms. Lois Parsell will be retiring at the end of this school year. Ms. Parsell started teaching at St. Peter in 2014 after a long career of teaching at Vassar High School. We have been blessed with her joy, excitement, and positivity in our school, and our young artists have thrived these last ten years under her guidance and encouragement. Thank you Ms. Parsell for continuing to remind us all to really look until we see!

Retirement Celebration: We will recognize Ms. Parsell at our closing awards ceremony on the last day of school, June 5, and we will have a reception for her following the closing service. There will be a card box available at the celebration to express your thankfulness to her.
Sensational Students
Front Row Seats: Our K-4 students enjoyed the musical Charlotte's Web at the Temple Theatre on Wednesday. They also were able to sit in the front row!
Young Inventors: The fifth and sixth graders recently put their creative minds to work making trash inventions. All materials used were headed to the trash bin! Maybe someday you will be buying a Coin Eater, Piggy Bank Bottle (PBB), Plastic Purse, Snack-a-Natar, or a Re-Vase! 
Evening of the Arts 2024
Evening of the Arts: Mark your calendars for our "Evening of the Arts" on Wednesday, May 1. Our art and music students are looking forward to showcasing their talents. The evening will begin at 5:30pm, with an open gallery in the hallways. Musical presentations will begin at 6:00pm in the gym. Our students are very excited to share their creativity with all of you. We hope to see you there! -Ms. Parsell and Mr. Heinlein

NOTE: All students in grades 2-4 (Cherub Choir) will be singing at the Evening of the Arts on Wednesday, May 1. There will also be additional performances by older students who are performing solos and duets at the music festival, which will be held at Valley Lutheran High School on Friday, May 17.
2024-2025 Athletic Sign Ups
Sign Up for 2024-2025 Athletics: All current parents of 3rd-7th graders are asked to fill out the sign-up link below for next year's sports. Even if your child(ren) is not planning to play, you can indicate that on this form. Thanks for your help.
News & Notes
Lunch Menu for the Week of April 29:
  • Monday, April 29: Bosco Pizza Stuffed Breadsticks, Fresh Salad and Applesauce.
  • Tuesday, April 30: Chicken Alfredo, Broccoli and Diced Pears.
  • Wednesday, May 1: Chicken Patty, Corn and Diced Peaches.
  • Thursday, May 2: Chicken Taco w/Soft Shell, Refried Beans and Mandarin Oranges.
  • Friday, May 3: Hot Dog on a Bun, Baked Beans and Pineapple Tidbits.

Viewing Letter Grades in FACTS: There have been comments from parents about wanting to be able to see a letter grade in FACTS rather than a percent for each class. When you login to your FACTS family portal, all of that information is available by following these steps:
  • Login to your family portal and select "Student" on the left side of the screen.
  • All of your child's classes and percentage grade will be visible on the right side of the screen.
  • Click "Grades" on the left side of the screen and it will take you into each class where all homework, tests, percentages and letter grades will be available to view.
  • Choose the class you want to view in the upper middle part of the screen where you will see "Select a Class".
  • At the very top of the screen you will see "Student" and your child's name. If you click on their name, you will be able to change that to any student in your family.
If you have further questions about how to view grades in FACTS please contact the school office. Please note also, if you do not use the FACTS app, it is easiest to view information from a computer rather than the web browser on your phone.

Summer Art Camp: Applications for this summer's art camp will be available in the school office this Monday, April 29, on a first come, first serve basis with limited space. The camp will take place Monday, July 8 - Friday, July 12. The kindergarten - 4th grade session will be from 9:00am-11:00am and the 5th-8th grade session will be from 12:00pm-3:00pm. Please contact Ms. Parsell with any questions!
Thank You Teacher/Staff Appreciation Committee: Thank you for the delicious breakfast items and coffee that were delivered to the school on Wednesday morning from Mo Coco's Coffee in Merrill courtesy of the teacher/staff appreciation committee. It was excellent and very much appreciated!

Daddy Daughter Dance: Thank you to our PTL Daddy Daughter Dance Committee for organizing this event: Mrs. Amy Hyatt, Mrs. Ronnie McQueen, Mrs. Katie McQueen, Mrs. Sara Grunow, Mrs. Pam Hales, Mrs. Shaina Starke, Mrs. Amy Milne, Mrs. Kayla Kipfmiller, Mr. Casey Fiting, Mrs. Emily Abraham, Mrs. Betsy Roberson and Mrs. Kristen Topham. Thank you also to Mrs. Julia Fiting for taking all of the pictures in the link below.
Mother's Day Flower Sale
Mother's Day Flower Sale: The Saginaw County Right to Life will be hosting their annual corsage, rose and gift sale, and our school will be a part of it. "By participating in this event, we can help raise awareness of the gift of life that our mothers have given us and at the same time help raise much needed funds to continue our work here in the community." The silk corsages, Gerber daisies, and other gift items offer students the opportunity to purchase a gift priced at $3.00 for all items. These flowers will be on sale Thursday May 9 and Friday, May 10, at the beginning of the school day for children to purchase. Thank you to Mrs. Patrice Sherry for organizing this flower sale.
Boys Volleyball Recap: Our boys volleyball team played in the TCLL Tournament at Peace on Saturday and had a fun day. They started off winning their first games and finished 5-3 in pool play. They lost in their first match of the bracketed portion of the tournament to Peace. They did a great job! Thank you to Mrs. Mindy Harry and Mr. Nate McQueen for coaching this team.

Track: The track team will have their first meet this Saturday, April 27 at Reese High School. All parents of track athletes are asked to help volunteer at the track meets during the season. Thanks for your help!

Practice: Next week's track practice, April 29 - May 1, will be held at Hemlock High School as our track is finished being resurfaced. Please plan to pick your child up at 4:00pm from the Hemlock High School track.
2023-2024 Theme Bible Verse
Contact Information & Worship Times
St. Peter Lutheran School
(989) 642-5659
2440 N. Raucholz Rd.
Hemlock, MI 48626

Sunday Morning at 9:30am and
Saturday Evenings at 5:00pm
Bible Study on Sundays after Worship