April 12, 2024
Matthew 28:5-8, "But the angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you.' So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples."
Upcoming Events
April 12: SCRIP Orders Due

April 13: 5:00pm Worship Service

April 13: 19th Annual PTL Auction (doors open at 5:00pm)

April 14: 9:30am Worship Service - Seraphim Choir Sings (grades 5-8)

April 15-17: Bracelet Sale (see details below)

April 17: 8:05am Chapel - Mr. Neumeyer

April 17: 2:35pm Track Pictures

April 19: 2nd Grade Spirit Day - Animal Day

April 19: 6:30pm Daddy/Daughter Dance

April 20: TCLL Boys Volleyball Tournament @ Peace

April 20: 5:00pm Worship Service

April 21: 9:30am Worship Service - Cherub Choir Sings (grades 2-4)

April 22: 6:00pm Youth Group Meeting

April 29-May 3: Donation Collection for Phil's Friends (see article below)

April 29: 6:00pm 5th-8th Grade Class Trip Meeting (cafeteria)

April 29: 7:00pm Quarterly Voters' Meeting
Strong & Courageous
Devotion of the Week: Jesus' resurrection is the single greatest event in all history. It is the turning point of history and the birthplace of all hope, peace, and true joy. Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! Christ lives! And because He lives, we too shall live a forgiven, abundant, and eternal life. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15, "For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man." When Adam and Eve sinned, death arrived on the scene. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, death was "swallowed up" in His resurrection victory. We celebrate a variety of victories in our lives, but Christ's victory is certainly the greatest! Let the victory celebration begin and never end! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

Call Accepted: Ms. Kelly Dressler has been led by the Holy Spirit to accept her call to First Evangelical Lutheran Church & School in Fort Smith, Arkansas. As we are saddened that she will not be with us next year, we are very happy for her on her new ministry that she will have in Fort Smith. We pray God’s blessings as she finishes her school year with us, and as she starts her new teaching ministry in Arkansas next school year. 
Serving in Worship: The Seraphim Choir (grades 5-8) will sing in church this Sunday, April 14 and the Cherub Choir will be singing in church on Sunday, April 21. Please have your child(ren) in the music room by 9:10am to warm up. Thank you!

Faithful Church Attendance: Congratulations to Charlie Hyatt who received faithful church attendance (>85%) during the third quarter. We apologize for missing his name in the last Panther Press.

Sunday Morning Bible Class: “A Prophet Serves” is the title for Sunday's lesson. Having been raised in the tabernacle from the time he was a young child, Samuel continues to serve Eli the priest. One night, Samuel runs to Eli, thinking Eli is calling his name. Eli sends Samuel back to bed, assuring him he had not called. As the pattern repeats, Eli tells Samuel to lie down once again but then next time respond, “Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears” (1 Samuel 3:9). When the Lord calls once again, He gives Samuel a vision of how Samuel will succeed Eli rather than Eli’s “worthless” sons. Discuss how God used the prophet Samuel to do His work. Everyone is welcome to join us at Bible Study. - Deaconess Shirley
  • Women's fuzzy socks
  • Fragrance-free 5 oz or smaller lotion
  • Hats (knitted, crocheted, baseball, etc.)
  • Decks of playing cards
  • Puzzle books
  • Single toothbrushes and toothpaste (5 oz. or less)
  • Journals (5x7, no spirals)

You may also go to the Amazon wish list at anytime to make a donation by clicking on the button below.
Sensational Students
Bracelet Sale: On Monday-Wednesday, April 15-17, there will be a rubber band and clay bead bracelet sale from 7:35-7:50 each morning before school starts (you may also purchase in the office during the day). Designing, making, and selling the bracelets are 6th grade girls: Anna Gardner, Ellie Marsh, Brinley Sullivan, Violet Van Strydonk, and Loretta Wardin. All proceeds will go towards the 5th-8th grade class trip to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in May. Thanks for your support!

Artists of the Month: For the month of April, we have two artists to celebrate, 7th graders, Hannah Biber and Kaeden Watson. Their works of art are featured in the hallway outside the 7th-8th grade classroom. Congratulations, Hannah and Kaeden!
Teaching about Holy Week: Our Kindergartners were able to focus on the most important part of Holy Week: Jesus! Below, you can see a collaboration picture of Jesus that they made and also their Easter escape room which told about the events during Holy Week and the pinnacle of our Savior's resurrection!
Science of Light and Shadows: The first graders had perfect weather on Tuesday for their science lesson about shadows and learning about vocabulary words: opaque, transparent, and translucent.
Preschool Reading Guest: Each month, Deaconess Shirley visits our four year old preschool students and reads them a book. This month she read them a book titled Do You Know Who Jesus is?
News & Notes
Lunch Menu for the Week of April 15:
  • Monday, April 15: Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Crinkle Cut French Fries and Applesauce.
  • Tuesday, April 16: Chicken Taco w/Soft Shell, Refried Beans and Diced Peaches.
  • Wednesday, April 17: BBQ Riblets w/Bun, Baked Beans and Pineapple Tidbits.
  • Thursday, April 18: Bosco Sticks w/Pizza Sauce, Green Beans and Diced Pears.
  • Friday, April 19: French Toast Sticks w/Sausage Links, Fresh Carrots & Cucumbers and Fresh Strawberries.
2nd Grade Spirit Day: The 2nd graders have chosen "Animal Day" for their Spirit Day on Friday, April 19. Dress like an animal or wear your favorite animal print. Lunch for the day will be French Toast Sticks w/Sausage Links, Fresh Carrots & Cucumbers and Fresh Strawberries.

Daddy/Daughter Dance: The PTL Daddy/Daughter Dance is one week from today, April 19. It will be a red carpet event! The dance will take place from 6:30-8:00pm in the school gym. The cost is $15 and can be paid in the school office prior to the dance.

Summer Art Camp: Applications for this summer's art camp will be available in the school office beginning May 6 on a first come, first serve basis until the art camp sessions are full. Spaces are limited. The camp will take place Monday July 8 - Friday, July 12. The kindergarten - 4th grade session will be from 9:00am - 11:00am and the 5th-8th grade session will be from 12:00pm - 3:00pm. Please contact Ms. Parsell with any questions!
2024 Annual PTL Auction
2024 Annual PTL Auction Update: The Auction is finally here! Doors open at 5:00pm this Saturday for our 19th Annual PTL Auction (with the auction beginning at 6:00pm) at the Swan Valley Banquet Center. Here are the details:
  • Menu: Chicken Marsala, Red Skin Mashed Potatoes, Fresh Green Beans, Side Salad, Roll & Dessert.
  • Theme: Mystery Dinner
  • Silent & Live Auction: Bidding for all auction items will be done in-person. Items can be viewed at the link below. There are over 200 items up for bid!
  • Payment Accepted: Cash, Check, Card, FACTS (for families with an account).
Evening of the Arts 2024
Evening of the Arts: You are cordially invited to attend the "Evening of the Arts" on Wednesday, May 1. The art and music students have had a busy year creating artwork and musical presentations for your viewing and listening enjoyment. The evening will begin at 5:30pm, with an open gallery in the hallways. Musical presentations will begin at 6:00pm in the gym. Our students are very excited to share their creativity with all of you. We hope to see you there! -Ms. Parsell & Mr. Heinlein
Track Pictures: Track pictures will take place immediately after school on Wednesday, April 17. Track uniforms will be handed out that same day. Picture packets are being sent home with students today.

Track & Field: The track team will have their first meet on Saturday, April 27 at Reese High School. All parents of track athletes are asked to help volunteer at track meets during the season. Thanks for your help!
Happy Easter!
2023-2024 Theme Bible Verse
Contact Information & Worship Times
St. Peter Lutheran School
(989) 642-5659
2440 N. Raucholz Rd.
Hemlock, MI 48626

Sunday Morning at 9:30am and
Saturday Evenings at 5:00pm
Bible Study on Sundays after Worship