Dr. Pamela Viscione's Research
Many of you already know Pam Viscione from her work in P&G or her attendance in many of our workshops like, Women Moving Forward® and The Women's Leadership Retreat®
Pam's research is groundbreaking because it answers the question; what makes black women leaders successful?
It also makes recommendations for your companies in how to support Black Women Leaders in your company.
Here is the link to Pam's Research. I recommend you read it and then share it with your company:
Dr. Pamela Viscione’s dissertation titled; Exploring the Career Advancement Experience of Black Women on their Journey to Executive Levels in Large American Corporations investigates the Black women leader experience. The research highlights patterns across the participants and recommendations for Black women leaders and for those who coach and advocate for them. The full dissertation can be accessed at:
1/3 of All Workers Are
Looking For Another Job
This study should strike fear in the hearts of all managers no matter what level you are at in your company.
Your employees are planning to leave largely because of dissatisfaction with how they are treated and managed.
Study after study shows that employees leave when they are poorly managed and don't feel appreciated. There's even a book called "It's the Manager Stupid"
So what can you do?
1.Make sure you are acknowledging your employees for the work they are doing. Show some appreciation.Appreciation is what many employees say they never get.
2.Don't micromanage.
3.Listen to your employees when you meet with them. Stop talking and just listen.
4.Give them credit for what they have done.
5.Protect your team from others who would blame them for something they didn't do and from discrimination.
6.Champion them to higher levels and give them the freedom to be promoted.
If you do all of these they will stay and you won't loose valuable assets.
Let me know what you think and if you need support in keeping employees.