Hello TheDream.US,

Are you looking for a paid internship this semester?! Do you want to receive guidance from someone who's been in your shoes?! Well, check out the "DreamBuilders Internship Program" on TheDream.US Parker Dewey website.


All Scholars with a valid SSN or ITIN are eligible to apply - work authorization is not required.


What is the DreamBuilders Internship Program?

The DreamBuilders Internship Program provides paid internships to TheDream.US Scholars at TheDream.US Alumni-hosted sites. Alumni host a Scholar Intern at their place of work while providing mentorship and supervision. Scholar Interns can receive up to $4,000 for their internship.

Scholar Eligibility Requirements:

  • TheDream.US Scholar currently enrolled at a Partner College;
  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Has a valid SSN or ITIN; 
  • Have earned 30+ credits; and
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher

How to Apply:

Step 1: Log into Parker Dewey by visiting https://info.parkerdewey.com/thedreamus

IMPORTANT: When creating your account, add TheDream.US in the Affiliation section of your profile to see internships exclusively available to TheDream.US Scholars! (If you do not have “TheDream.US” in the Affiliation section, you will not be able to view the DreamBuilders Internships and other internships exclusively for you.)

Step 2: Find and apply to internship opportunities labeled “DreamBuilders Internship Program.”


DreamBuilder Internships will be posted sporadically throughout the fall semester, but no later than November 1. Log in weekly on Parker Dewey to find new postings. 


Check out some of the current postings at the end of this email! More coming soon!



Remote Internship | $2,000

Deadline to Apply: Monday, September 11

Remote Internship | $2,000

Deadline to Apply: Monday, September 4

Remote Internship | $2,000

Deadline to Apply: Monday, September 4

On-Site Internship – Chicago, IL | $4,000 payment

Deadline to Apply: Monday, September 4

On-Site Internship – Houston, TX | $3,200 payment

Deadline to Apply: Monday, September 4


Go to Parker Dewey, create an account, add TheDream.US in the Affiliation section, and apply today! Seize these exciting opportunities that TheDream.US is creating for you.


TheDream.US Team


ISTS Customer Care: 1-855-376-7076 | thedream.us@applyists.com 

Your Scholar Portal: https://dream.applyists.net/ 

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