Our Website is the best place to find out about upcoming education events, meet and greets, CMT events and more! Click the button below to check it out!
Are you ready for the AMTA-Colorado State Convention? Expand your skills with great CE classes, at a great price!
Looking to volunteer? Check out below for opportunities to become a Board Member or join the Community Massage Team.
Get connected with other massage therapists in your area at one of our Meet & Greets.
See you at one (or all) of our superb events!
2019 Colorado AMTA State Convention
April 25 - 27, 2019
Ramada Inn - Northglenn
starting at $350 for 20 hours of education
Annual Chapter Meeting: Friday, 4/26/19 from 12:30-2:30pm
$5 for lunch (vegetarian and gluten-free options)
Bring your yoga mats for a special yoga class!
Kinesio Taping Express Certification Course:
Assessments, Fundamental Concepts & Advanced Techniques
~April 25-27, 2019 ~Speaker: Dr. Scott Hainz ~There is an additional $50 charge for supplies (the Chapter will be absorbing the remainder $130.00 of the material cost fees.)
~This is a full registration. 20 Hour Certification Class.
Supplies needed for class: table, flexible clothing such as sports bras, tank tops, T-shirts and shorts.
Course Description: This 2.5 day course designed to introduce participants to the science, assessment and application techniques of the Kinesio Taping Method. At the conclusion of Day 2, participants are required to participate in a practical exam of a basic taping technique. The participant must pass the exam to attain the CEU certificate for this course. All participants will receive a full color Kinesio Taping Workbook and a 60-day access code to the KTAI database.
Bars-free Seated Ashiatsu by DeepFeet Ashiatsu
~Friday, April 26, 2019~ 8:30a-6:30p
~Speaker: Christy Bebout
~This is part of full registration or 1 or 2 day registration
This one day introduction class to barefoot massage will allow you to dip your toes in the water and get a taste of Ashiatsu without having to install the overhead parallel bars. This class is ideal for any therapist seeking a new tool and methods for deep tissue techniques. You will learn a full 60-minute barefoot protocol that combines the seated prone, supine as well as side-lying barefoot techniques. This course will not only include warm up strokes such as effleurage, petrissage and compression but will include deeper techniques such as cross fiber friction, positional release and trigger point therapy. We cover contraindications specific to deep tissue and ashiatsu methods as well as how to communicate effectively with your clients during the treatment. We train our students to work "smart not hard" and find that the seated introduction course is a great class to start the thinking differently in the way you perform deep tissue massage techniques.
The Science of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Massage Therapy:
Pathophysiology, Application and Policy
~Saturday, April 27, 2019 1pm-5pm
~This is part of full registration or 1/2 day registration
~Speaker: Jackie Harding, Ph.D
NOTE: Currently this class is NOT NCBTMB approved.
Supplies needed: notebook and pen
Course Description: The growing acceptance of Cannabidiol (CBD) for pain management has resulted in the increased use of CBD in therapeutic massage, raising questions regarding best practices and the legality of use. This workshop will be targeted to therapeutic massage providers interested in applying CBD products for pain relief during treatment. Discussion topics will include the basic science of cannabinoids, the efficacy of CBD in treating neuropathic pain, best practices for CBD product application, and an overview of current federal and state policies governing CBD use. Emphasis will be on the management of pain in patients with Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's Disease, Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). For the practitioner, we will survey currently available products, identify modes of application, and discuss potential risks associated with repeat exposure. Since cannabinoids are not recognized to have any therapeutic value on the federal level, the legality of CBD use and application is currently based on individual state laws. We will discuss the most up-to-date regulations and existing policies for use, including required permissions and treatment of minors.
Volunteers needed for the State Convention!
Exhibitors and Sponsors needed for the State Convention!
We still have availability for exhibits and sponsorships at our Convention! If you or someone you know would like to gain exposure and/or sales among our fine network of therapists, please contact Shelly at info@co.amtamassage.org.
AMTA-CO Chapter
Call for Candidates
2019 Elections
Apply by March 17th
AMTA-CO Chapter wants YOU to be part of the team!
another AMTA M
ember to run
for one of
volunteer positions
To apply
contact your chapter's Online Elections Coordinator to request the Candidate Application.
Andrew Kissick
Open Positions & Position Descriptions
Please click on the position title to view the entire description
& i
nstallation of newly-elected volunteers will take place at AMTA-
Chapter Annual Meeting, April 2
, at State Convention in Northglenn.
We are looking for volunteers!!!
Join us Sunday, May 5 for the Colorado Marathon in Ft. Collins for a great day to see what it is like to be part of the Colorado AMTA Community Massage Team! You can come and give massages (chair or table). No restrictions to be on the Community Massage Team. For more information, please contact Byron at
We look forward to seeing you!
Your delegates are looking for position statements!
Our delegate, Deborah Bruce, is trying to work up a position statement for the AMTA stating that massage therapy brings hope for those in chronic pain. She posits that much of the anxiety and despair of chronic pain is that there appears to be no hope for improvement, and that massage therapy changes that feeling, replacing it with hope and relief.
She is asking for therapists to share their experiences of their clients (confidentially) saying that they finally have hope for the future, and also research or reports that support this.
Monthly Meet & Greet Coffee Pods
Colorado Springs
: 2nd Wednesday of the month from 8:30-10:30am at
Colorado Coffee Merchants
, 302 E Fillmore St, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Next meetings: March 13 & April 10
Northern Colorado
: 2nd Friday of the month from 8:30-10:30am at the
Loveland Starbucks
, 4910 Thompson
Pkwy, Johnstown, CO 80534
Interested in holding a Coffee Pod/Meet and Greet in your area? We would love to see more therapists get together!
This is a great opportunity to connect and share with your fellow therapists!