Pacifica Synod News & Notes
October 1, 2021

We share with you the following news, resources, information and event updates taking place within our synod and throughout the ELCA.
If you have items or information to share, please email Terri Robertson at If you know of others who aren't receiving our emails, please share this with them and encourage them to contact us using the above email or sign up here.
Current Synod News & Resources
Theoasis 2021
October 18 to 20, 2021
Embassy Suites, La Quinta
Registration Closes October 4

A joint church leaders’ event (a theological oasis):
Rostered leaders, professional lay church staff, youth leaders, church administrators, office managers, outdoor ministry leaders, worship leaders…
ALL are welcome!

"Fling Wide the Door: Re-opening Our Preaching & Ourselves"
Speaker - The Rev. Wilbert "Wilk" Miller
To view his bio, click here

Costs (Program and two meals, excluding hotel):
$235 (rostered leader, lay staff, ministry partner) 
$165 (retired rostered, interns, candidates & non-rostered spouses)
$75 Optional Golf Tournament (Palm Desert Country Club)

Online registration is NOW open and will close October 4. 
CLICK HERE to register online.

Updated Information from the Theoasis Planning Team

Making Room for All Comfort Levels
We are mindful of the COVID concern and are consistently watching case numbers. The planning team is working to make this a meaningful event while considering your safety.

Our intention is to make this year’s programming also available digitally. The full registration fee will be required. ALL paid registrants will receive the appropriate link. 

Options for attendance may include:
1) In-person in the ballroom of the Embassy Suites, La Quinta.
2) From the comfort of your hotel room at the Embassy Suites, La Quinta.
3) From the comfort of your own home.

All in-person attendees will be required to wear a mask while inside the ballroom except while eating.
If you have not yet registered but want to receive the appropriate link to attend from home, you must register here by October 4 and chose that option. 

If you have already registered and would like to attend from home instead of in-person, please inform Rachel Line at

Important things to note:
  • The hotel has informed us that there is more than adequate ventilation in the ballrooms and has special procedures in place for changing filters on a regular basis as well as sanitizing the rooms on breaks and in between meetings. 
  • In-person attendees will be required to wear masks while inside the ballroom except while eating. 
  • In-person attendees will be seated with physical distancing whenever possible.
  • Sessions are being shortened. We will provide breaks for people to go outside.  

Additional information about Theoasis, including program details, free time options, event schedule, and the hotel reservation link, may be found on the Theoasis event page. Information will continue to be added as it becomes available.
Please check back often! 


Pacifica Synod Professional Boundaries Workshop for Rostered Ministers: 
Pacifica Synod will be offering a Professional Boundaries Workshop in Palm Desert following the close of Theoasis in the afternoon on Wednesday, October 20. See the article below for more information.

"Undoing Racism" Training Workshop
Beginning the evening of Wednesday, October 20 and continuing through Friday, October 22, this valuable training event for both Rostered leaders and lay persons will be held at Luther Glen. See the article below or the event web page for more information.
Pacifica Synod Boundary Workshop
for Rostered Leaders
Registration Closes October 8
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Palm Desert
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. PDT 

Rostered Leader Boundary Workshops have been “on hold” during the past year of healthy distancing and minimal gatherings in the era of COVID-19. We’ve done this to help and support one another during the pandemic. Another way that we support one another is to encourage and promote responsible boundaries.

Why Should I attend a Boundary Workshop? 
Synod policy requires rostered ministers to participate in a Basic Boundary Workshop every three years that emphasizes the church’s expectations for their professional ethics, finances, social media use and prevention of sexual misconduct. The synod considers racial justice a necessary part of healthy boundaries. Please see the opportunity to participate in the “Undoing Racism” Training Workshop offered by the Pacifica Synod Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Work Group. We regret that these opportunities overlap; however, you must be present for the entire boundary workshop to receive your certificate of completion.

Register Now!
Registration will close on October 8th or when we reach a threshold of 25 participants. The cost for the workshop is $20.00 which includes lunch. If you have questions, including as to when you last participated in a boundary workshop please contact Rev. Terry Tuvey Allen at or Carol Youngman at As we will be working in small groups, please be aware of caring for your own health if you are in high risk category and bring a mask. We will be observing COVID-19 protocols. We plan to offer our next workshop in February or March of 2022.
"Undoing Racism" Training Workshop
October 20-22, 2021
Luther Glen Farm Retreat Center
Registration Closes October 15
Our Pacifica Synod Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Work Group is pleased to announce that the "Undoing Racism" Training Workshop postponed from April 2020 has been rescheduled to October 20-22, 2021 at Luther Glen Farm Retreat Center. Registration is now open through October 15.


Workshop Description
The fabric of racism is inextricably woven into the structures of every system and institution in our society, including the church. The workshop will focus on understanding what racism is, where it comes from, how it functions, why it persists and how it can be undone through effective anti-racist organizing with, and in accountability to the communities most impacted by racism.

This will be a faith-based anti-racism workshop that will explore how to bring about change within the church and how the church can participate in ending racism in society. By the end of the workshop, participants will be enabled to take further steps in the long-term task of creating an anti-racist church.

This workshop is open to lay and rostered leaders and will fulfill the 2019 Pacifica Synod resolution requirement for rostered leaders to complete an anti-racism/diversity training at least once every three years. Congregations are encouraged to send both a rostered leader and a lay person to this training. The workshop is limited to 32 participants.

Barbara Crain Major, B.A., M.S.W.
The Rev. Joseph Barndt

For more information about each of our speakers, please visit the event web page

Participants MUST be present for the ENTIRE event – Wednesday through Friday.

Wednesday, October 20
Check in begins at 4:00 p.m. – Programming begins at 5:00 p.m.

Friday, October 22
Program ends by 4:00 p.m.

Program Fees
Program fees include a shared room (no single rooms) and 6 meals (Wednesday dinner through Friday lunch).

Rostered Ministers - $250 full fee/$225 early bird fee if registered by October 1, 2021** 
Lay Leaders (Pacifica Synod Only) - $25* 
Lay Leaders (outside Pacifica Synod) - $250 full fee/$225 early bird fee if registered by October 1, 2021 

Full details about the event, including the link to register, may be found on the event web page

Want to learn more about the content of this training? Below, Pastor Rick Fry of Ascension Lutheran in San Diego, and a member of the Pacifica Synod's Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Work Group, shares his personal experience with the training that will be provided at this event.
 Coaching for All Seasons:
Monthly Online Gathering for Pacifica Synod
Rostered & Lay Leaders
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
11:00 a.m. to noon (PDT) / 8:00 a.m. (HST)

"Team Coaching for the Church in a Turbulent COVID World"
With the Rev. Nathan Swenson-Reinhold
Coach & Trainer

Pre-registration is required to receive the Zoom link to join. Click HERE to register.
Though not a cure all, Team Coaching is an incredibly powerful tool for producing strategic awareness, missional clarity, and kingdom agency, especially in moments of crucial change and challenge. Come explore this tool and what it might do to help you and your leaders not just survive, but thrive through this historic moment on planet earth.

A pastor by vocation, Nathan is driven by a ravenous curiosity about people, with a passion to help them midwife their dreams in their lives and work. 

He is the Lead Pastor of Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Northern, Virginia, a large multi-site congregation with a history of powerful service, excellent servant leaders, and courage in the face of the insurmountable.

With a doctorate in leadership and cultural architecture from Portland Seminary of George Fox University, he is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation and is a certified DISC behavioral consultant.

Nathan is the Coaching Coordinator for the Metropolitan Washington, D. C. Synod, and is a Coach Trainer for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

He is a husband to Erin, and father to Sam, Ephraim, and Emma. In his downtime he enjoys yard work and gardening, detailing the family cars, weightlifting, reading Sci-Fi novels, photography, turning pens, and fly-fishing.   

As for Summit Coaching & Behavioral Consulting, it is the public expression of Nathan's passion for the development and empowerment of human beings and communities.

Brought to you by your Pacifica Synod Coaching Team to support Synod leaders during challenging times. Each monthly offering brings a presentation on a current topic and an opportunity to discuss it in a small group facilitated by an ELCA coach.
Pacifica Synod has invested in training coaches to work with rostered and lay leaders one-on-one or in groups. A coach's role is to support leaders in naming challenging issues and identifying constructive responses to them. 
For more information:
Click here to view our Synod Coaching web page for resources as well as previous presentations. 
If you would like more information about coaching, please contact Deenna Eley, Pacifica Synod Coaching Coordinator at
"Connecting Jesus to Our Justice" Book Study Training
In response to the Pacifica Synod’s Strategic Plan, the Synod’s Evangelism Team was formed to fulfill Mission Result Area #1 - Strengthen support for congregational ministry. Much of their focus is on Goal #1 - Pacifica Synod members will share their ancient faith in a modern world and strengthen our meaning and purpose as disciples of Jesus.
One of the goals of our Evangelism Team is to connect Jesus to our works of justice, so we go beyond acts of charity to a more holistic view of God at work through us and God working through others to bless us as well. Our Evangelism Team is excited to offer an opportunity for interested Pacifica members to be trained to lead a book study in a five-week series entitled “Connecting Jesus to Our Justice.”

Learn practical Biblical solutions for solving worldwide hunger and poverty while promoting economic justice through this study of Ronald J. Sider’s "Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger" (revised in 2015).

This five-week study is geared toward faithful Christians seeking to gain a deeper appreciation of the global challenges of aiding the poor. Discussion topics will include:

  • Intersecting Stewardship and Evangelism
  • Understanding Poverty and Defining Affluence
  • Economic Fellowship and Economic Justice
  • Sin Embedded in Societal Systems
  • Complex Causes of Poverty
  • Evaluating Market Economies
  • Solutions: Connecting Faith, Work and Finance
If this topic interests you AND you are interested in leading a future study group with members of your own congregation, join us for the Fall 2021 roll-out of Connecting Jesus to our Justice.
Dates & Time: Monday nights, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. PDT.             
Five 90-minute sessions, held over Zoom, as follows:

Session One – October 11 - Chapters 1 & 2
Session Two – October 25 - Chapters 3 & 4     
Session Three – November 15 - Chapters 5 & 6
Session Four – November 29 - Chapters 7 & 8
Session Five – December 13 - Chapters 9, 10 & 11

The roll-out will consist of 5 meetings held over Zoom with 12 to 15 participants. The key purpose of these first round of meetings is to 'Train-the-Trainers'. The original 12 to 15 ‘trainers’ will then recruit and present to their local congregations.

Susan Warneke of Gloria Dei Lutheran in Dana Point and also a member of the Synod's Evangelism Team, will lead and facilitate this initial course. This original team of trainers will work together to create a curriculum for future Small Group Studies.

The trainers are expected to be prepared by having read the book and prepared answers to the study questions at the end of each chapter.

Those interested in participating in this course and serving as a trainer are asked to email Rachel Line in the Office of the Bishop at
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Roundtable Conversaiton
Sunday, October 24
We invite you to be with us for our next roundtable conversation on Sunday, October 24 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. We will meet in-person once again at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 111 W. Las Palmas Drive, Fullerton. Safety protocols will be adhered to. We will also have the opportunity for you to join via Zoom.

Email Terri Robertson at to get the Zoom link.

From our group facilitator, Jim Tyler:
Exciting news! Our guest speaker for our October 24 meeting at St. Paul’s will be Ms. Gwen Alexis! You will want to tell your friends. Better, bring them to our meeting! We are honored to have Gwen come talk with us. Here is a brief introduction:

Gwen Alexis began her teaching career as dance and drama teacher for the children at St. Rita’s School in East New York, Brooklyn in 1995. She earned her undergraduate degree from SUNY- Empire State College with a Bachelor of Science, in Performing Arts. She earned her Master of Arts, in History with a specialization in United States history from CUNY- City College.  She now teaches online for John Jay College of Criminal Justice in the History Department. She is extremely honored to teach for 8 years in the African American Studies Department at California, State Fullerton. Teaching at California, State Fullerton and John Jay College of Criminal Justice is truly a dream come true for Prof. Alexis.
Matthew 25 Fund Grant
Application Period Now Open
The application period for the Pacifica Synod Matthew 25 Fund Grant is now open through October 15. The purpose of this grant fund is to honor Christ as he shared in Matthew 25:35-40. Jerry and Lynda Engelhardt established this fund through a strong desire to help people as in the verse.
The primary criteria for making awards shall be Matthew 25:35-40. A secondary criterion shall be to evaluate if the proposed project will help establish or maintain congregational outreach and unity as in the spirit of the verse. 
Preference will be given to congregations in the Pacifica Synod of ELCA. Consideration may be given to other Christian organizations with proven responsible management.
NEW FOR 2021 – Applicants may request an additional amount (up to $500) in matching funds to supplement funds raised and spent for this request’s purpose by the congregation/ministry. Please include information in your description detailing the source(s) and expenditures of these funds for this purpose.
Grant applications maybe downloaded here or obtained by contacting Terri Robertson in the Synod office at 714.352.8732 or by email at Be sure to click "enable editing" to complete the fillable form.
The deadline for applications is October 15, 2021.
Grants awards will be distributed by December 31, 2021.
Please keep in mind that if you have received a previous Matthew 25 Grant Award, you MUST have submitted a written report on the use and outcome of the previous award by October 15, 2021 in order to be considered for a future award. The link to the reporting form may be found on our Matthew 25 web page here.
Synod Directory Update Now Available!
An updated Synod Directory of Congregations and Rostered Ministers is now available. Please click the button below to access a PDF list of Pacifica Synod congregations and ministers, listed by Conference, then alphabetically by congregation name.

If you are unsure of the Conference a congregation is in, please click here to access that list.

Please send updates and/or corrections by email to Carol Youngman by email to or contact her at the synod office at 714.352.8731.
Upcoming Installations
We are excited to share the news of two upcoming installations during the month of October. We ask for your prayers for these pastors and their congregations. Details about each of the services are listed below.
The Rev. Cyndi Jones - October 10, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. PDT
The Rev. Cyndi Jones will be installed as Associate Pastor at Clairemont Lutheran Church, 4271 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. in San Diego on Sunday, October 10 at 3:00 p.m. PDT. Pastor Gloria Espeseth will be the preacher for the service.

Everyone is welcome to attend -- masked and socially distanced. RSVP's are required for those attending in-person. Please RSVP in advance to For those who wish to join via livestream, you may find the link on Clairemont's web page at
The Rev. Christina De La Cruz - October 30, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. PDT
The Rev. Christina De La Cruz will be installed as Pastor at House of Prayer Lutheran Church in Escondido on Saturday, October 30 at 2:00 p.m. PDT. Bishop Andy Taylor will be the preacher for the service.

Watch for further information to come on ways to share in this celebration.
#CaliSTRONG Tri-Synodical High School Youth Ministry
Fall/Winter 2021 Events
#CaliSTRONG is a space created for high school youth from Pacifica, Southwest California and Sierra Pacific Synods to engage each other in conversation around social justice issues and hot topics they are passionate about. This space is peer led with adult supervision and a pastoral care presence. Youth learn leadership skills to engage in dialogues around race, culture, diversity, equity and inclusion through a biblical lens.

To attend events, youth must RSVP. To RSVP, visit and head over to our events page. There you will find a listing of all events. Register for any (or all) that you wish to attend. Once registered, a confirmation email with the Zoom link to join will be sent to you.
Save the Dates for the
2022 Pacifica Synod Assembly

Pacifica Synod Assembly 2022
May 19-21, 2022
Irvine Marriott

2022 is a Bishop Election year,
so please plan to attend!

Global Mission Update - Pastor Hitoshi & Satoko Adachi
Pastor Hitoshi Adachi and his wife, Satoko, are currently serving as missionaries with the Japan Evangelicial Lutheran Church in Kumamoto, Japan. To learn more about what is taking place in their ministry, please click here for their September 2021 newsletter.
The brochure attached here details the Adachi's ministry in Japan and how to best support them. You can give through the synod office or mail your check to Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Gift Processing Center, P.O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009. Make checks payable to “ELCA Missionaries” with “(Hitoshi and Satoko) Adachi GCS2051” in the memo line. 

To donate by credit or debit card, go to or call 800-638-3522 and specify “(Hitoshi and Satoko) Adachi GCS2051”. To set up an automatic monthly bank withdrawal or to establish a covenant of prayer, communication, and support, please contact 800-638-3522, ext. 2657, or

From the ELCA
From the Presiding Bishop
One Body
Reflecting on the early church, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton writes: “They were one body. We are one body. We are the body of Christ.” Despite cultural and political differences, she reminds us that we can’t dissolve this bond. 

Read her September column for Living Lutheran in English at and in Spanish at

Presiding Bishop Eaton urges humane treatment of Haitian and other migrants
9/24/2021 2:00:00 PM

​"When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien" (Leviticus 19:33).

In a matter of weeks, the number of migrants arriving at the Del Rio, Texas, sector of the U.S.-Mexico border has reached unforeseen levels. The majority are Haitians seeking a better life after having fled multiple crises in their native land. There are also Cuban, Venezuelan and Nicaraguan nationals. U.S. treatment of these Black migrants and others at Del Rio has been deeply problematic. As a matter of humane treatment, I urge that the administration vigorously pursue actions to grant them protection and ensure that responsible actors are held accountable through a serious investigation into allegations of abuse. Read more
2021 Hein-Fry Book of Faith Challenge Announced
Some people may hope for a return to normal after the world-changing events of the last 18 months, but sociologists tell us our future will revolve around living into a “new normal.” Presented by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the 2021 Hein-Fry Book of Faith Challenge will probe this new normal. Under the theme “Imagining Scriptural Encounters in the New Normal,” four online presentations by ELCA seminary students will help participants deepen their encounters with Scripture and strengthen their relationships with God in a time of extreme and continuous change. These online events take place October 20, 22, 28, and 29.
The annual Hein-Fry Book of Faith Challenge is an endowed theological lecture series that seeks to enliven the biblical engagement of the whole church by encouraging the development of faithful, innovative and effective ways to teach and learn Scripture. The event is sponsored by the seven ELCA seminaries, the Hein-Fry planning team and the ELCA Book of Faith Initiative. 
Every year, one student from each seminary is invited to develop and present a class or series for people both familiar and unfamiliar with biblical texts. The students are then invited to report their findings.
The public is invited to attend these free online events, but registration is required for each of them. Registration and other information is available here.
ELCA World Hunger Advent Resources
New resources are now available from ELCA World Hunger to enrich the life of your congregation this Advent season. As congregations across the ELCA creatively find new ways to worship online and in person and continue to support the work of important ministries, including ELCA World Hunger, we are eager to equip leaders with useful resources this season.
Congregations will be sent a sample pack of these resources in the mail very soon and will be able to order or download free versions at

New! The ELCA Good Gifts catalog and resources will inspire unique seasonal-giving ideas that help fight hunger and poverty around the world. You can find more ELCA Good Gifts resources and make donations at
ELCA 2022 Youth Gathering News!
Registration is OPEN!
Early-bird registration is now open for the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering, the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) and the tAble! Congregations that register during Early-bird will be entered to win a variety of prizes (such as their choice of seating at Mass Gathering). Early-bird registration closes on November 21; during regular registration, prices go up $40 per participant. 

Update regarding the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering (September 2021)

After much prayer and conversation, Gathering leadership have decided to require full COVID-19 vaccination or proof of a negative test result (likely 72 hours before arrival) to attend the 2022 Gathering, MYLE and the tAble. As of now, leadership have not decided on any additional safety measures. We commit to continued transparency in the decision-making process and will release information as it becomes available regarding additional safety measures or adjustments to key dates. Any updates will be communicated via Gathering social media, gNews and our website.

For a list of updated Frequently Asked Questions, we encourage you to visit:

Upcoming Key Dates
  • Sept. 22, 2021 - Early-bird registration begins 
  • Nov. 22, 2021 - Regular Registration begins 
  • Nov. 22, 2021 - Servant Companion application opens 

Financial Assistance Application Period Now Open
The application period for Financial Assistance opened on July 22, 2021 and closes when all funds have been disbursed. For information and instructions on how to apply, visit

Getting Ready Materials
Getting Ready Materials (all free to download) are now available here!

Gathering Webinars
The Gathering webinars provide lots of valuable information. If you missed any of them, they are still available to be viewed using the link below. You can also register for upcoming webinars.: The next webinar on Safety and Security will be held on Thursday, October 7.

To find out more about the 2022 Youth Gatheing, check out the Gathering website or contact Molly Farrin, Pacifica's Gathering Synod Coordinator. Molly's role is to answer your questions and help your journey to the Gathering be as smooth as possible.
Disaster & Humanitarian Response Around the World
Hurricane Ida
Hurricane Ida made landfall near New Orleans on Aug. 29 – exactly 16 years after Hurricane Katrina. As a strong Category 4 storm, Hurricane Ida’s 150 mph winds, torrential rain and strong storm surge caused widespread flooding and wind damage in southeastern Louisiana and coastal Mississippi. On Sept. 1, the remnants of Hurricane Ida barreled through the Northeast, leaving devastation in their wake. New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey were hit with historic flash flooding and tornadoes touched down in Maryland and New Jersey. Homes and subways filled with water, and cars were swept away and the death toll continues to rise. Lutheran Disaster Response is working with local ELCA synods and Lutheran social service organizations to coordinate a response to Hurricane Ida. Donations may be made to support LDR's work here.

The Sierra Pacific Synod is collecting funds and working in partnership with Lutheran Disaster Relief and Lutheran Social Services of Northern California to provide immediate relief for those affected by the Dixie Fire and other fires expected to affect California and Nevada this season. Your contributions will go to emergency relief support for congregations and members impacted by the wildfires. We invite you to make a donation here:

Valuable information on preparing for wildfires may be found at Cal Fire's website at

Haiti Earthquake & Tropical Storm
A devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwest Haiti on August 14. Over 1,400 people were killed, and that number is expected to increase as search-and-rescue efforts continue. Blocked roads are delaying the delivery of vital supplies to hospitals, which are overwhelmed with more than 6,900 injured people. At least 26,000 homes were damaged or destroyed, but the full extent of damage is still unknown. Haiti is also suffering through a political crisis and was hit by Tropical Storm Grace on August 16, which caused severe flooding in communities already damaged by the earthquake. Donations may be made to support the work of Lutheran Disaster Response or Lutheran World Relief.

Your gifts to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service's Neighbors in Need: Afghan Allies Fund will provide food, housing assistance, clothing, and other basic needs for our Afghan friends as they await the official services available to them.
From Our Other Partners
Cal Lutheran's Thriving Leadership Formation
Equipping ELCA Leaders for a Changing World
The Thriving Leadership Formation program from Cal Lutheran offers free and meaningful opportunities for ELCA rostered and lay leaders in your synod. TLF brings ELCA pastors, deacons and lay leaders together online to cultivate skills and networks of trust, support, spiritual practice and accountability. This is the second round of our cohort groups. Cohort groups meet on zoom 12 times. These groups are a show up as you are, be present and build community. These groups are for people who are longing for meaningful relationships, community, encouragement, and accountability in spiritual practice. 
At Large Cohorts : There is an offering of eleven different At Large Cohort Groups. Check out the different groups, fill out the interest form and wait to hear from us. Groups are currently forming and hoping to be filled and begin meeting by the end of October. 
Synod Cohorts: Synods in ELCA Regions 1 and 2 have their own Synod Cohort, these are different than the At Large Cohorts. Follow the link to see who the TLF Cohort Leader is for your synod. 
  1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos rolling out soon 
  2. Video describing TLF Cohort Groups:
  3. Website:
  4. Facebook Page:
For questions related to the TLF Cohort Groups please contact Nicolette Rohr at
For questions relations to Thriving Leadership Formation, please contact

Addiction & Faith Conference
October 7-9, 2021
The Center of Addiction & Faith will hold its third Addiction & Faith Conference October 7-9, 2021 in Bloomington, Minn., to give faith communities tools for responding to the addiction crisis. 

Registration is open for in-person and virtual attendance and more information may be found at: A one-page flyer may be found here.

The Center grew out of the Fellowship of Recovering Lutheran Clergy. Founder Ed Treat was an active Lutheran pastor in 2018 when he held the first Addiction & Faith Conference. The success encouraged him to leave parish ministry after 25 years and dedicate himself full-time to the Center of Addiction & Faith, which became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2020.

Contact:  The Rev. Dr. Ed, (651) 356-1073 or 
CAF Director of Communications & Advocacy Stephanie Werner at, (804) 986-2953, @virtualdeacon
Interfaith Walk for Peace
Sunday, October 17
To download a flyer to share, click here.
ELCA & Other Partners
News & Ministry Links

ELCA Advocacy Connections - Sept 2021

ELCA Worship News - Sept 2021

ELCA Administration Matters - Sept 2021

ELCA World Hunger "Go & Do News" - Sept 2021

ELCA Global Links - September 2021

ELCA "Seeds Monthly" Newsletter - Sept 2021

ELCA Foundation "Insights" - September 2021

ELCA Lutheran Men in Mission Ambassador-Gram - October 2021

Care Connections Network
Aging. Better.
Care Connections Network is changing the face of aging in Orange County. We are dedicated to helping older adults, 50 and over, age in their own homes and communities. We connect our members to the community programming and expertise they need to continue living lives of purpose and promise. We strive to empower older adults by offering educational opportunities to help them age with confidence, social and cultural events to keep them connected with the community, referrals to vetted service providers and a volunteer program providing additional support and assistance.
To find out more about upcoming events and other services, click here for the Care Connections Network September newsletter.
Job Postings
Choir Director (Part-Time)
Community Lutheran, Rancho Santa Margarita
Position Details
Reports to: Pastor – Status: Part-time – Compensation: Commensurate with education and experience – non-exempt

Job Summary
Serve as Chancel Choir Director for Sunday worship services, as well as for seasonal worship services. Lead Thursday evening rehearsal and coordinate recruitment and scheduling of vocal or instrumental soloists. Will coordinate scheduling with the Directors of other music groups within the congregation (e.g Bell Choir, Children's Choir), as well as our cantors. 

For a position description, click here.

Interested parties can email a letter of interest along with a resume to Please contact the church office at for more information.
Worship Leader (Part-Time)
Lutheran Church of Our Savior-Spirit of Hope,
San Bernardino
Lutheran Church of Our Savior-Spirit of Hope, San Bernardino is seeking a part-time Worship Leader. The primary responsibilities of the part-time worship leader will be to lead the contemporary, prayer and praise worship services, and grow the music ministry at Lutheran Church of Our Savior – Spirit of Hope. The Leader needs to work closely in communication with the church secretary and is responsible to the Pastor and Church Council. The Worship and Music Committee is involved in helping to plan our worship ministry. Proactive communication and planning are essential.

For a position description, click here.

Please send resumes to If you have any questions regarding the position, please call 909-882-2961.
Senior Development Manager
Survivors of Torture, International - San Diego
Survivors of Torture, International in San Diego is seeking a full-time Senior Development Manager.

The Senior Development Manager is responsible for the management and execution of SURVIVORS’ fundraising to develop a stable financial base for the organization. Activities in this department seek a broad and balanced blend of sustainable funding sources (individual donors, governmental and foundation grants, faith-based support, and planned giving efforts). Fund development activity includes year-round tours and preparations leading up to the annual fundraising event, special community events, guiding committee work and individual donor cultivation and cultivation events. Emphasis is on generating five-year pledges in the range of $1,000-$25,000 per year, annual leadership gifts and management of grant acquisition and evaluation. This position supervises three direct reports (Community Engagement Coordinator, Grants Manager, and Data Quality and Evaluations Manager) and interns and volunteers as needed.

To download a complete position description, please click here.
Texas Lutheran University Campus Pastor
Seguin, Texas
Texas Lutheran University in Seguin, Texas is seeking a Campus Pastor. The Campus Pastor will be asked to provide spiritual leadership and direction for the whole campus community—students, faculty, and staff with many faith commitments or none at all. The Pastor will accompany students in their journey of faith development and vocational discernment; create a variety of worship opportunities and avenues for spiritual growth; facilitate ecumenical and interfaith dialogue; build community within a diverse and changing student body; and be a trusted mentor, confidant, and colleague.

For full details about the position and information on how to apply, please visit

Webinars and Other Events
Adult Lutherans Organized for Action
"The Gift of Grandparenting" Webinar
October 28, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. PDT
Are those “Grand Days” here for you? What a gift from God to be a Grandparent (and for many, a Great Grandparent)! Join Sue Lennartson, Director of Adult Ministry at St. Andrew’s Lutheran in Mahtomedi, MN, on an adventure of exploring Grandparenting as it reflects elements of a blessing – a few ideas, lots of encouragement, some resources and igniting! Grandparents mentor, model, send a message, and minister to their Grandchildren at every age and stage. Jesus loves us all – here’s to the journey! We all need encouragement – let’s bring it – our kids are thirsty for the Living Water!

Register in advance – You’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to attend.

You’ll find resources for many aspects of ministry to those in the second half of life in the resource section of ALOA’s website. Find more resources

Adult Lutherans Organized for Action is a nationwide resource to the church that strengthens ministry by and for adults in the second half of life. ALOA offers events for individuals and provides resources to encourage adult ministry in Lutheran congregations. To find out more, visit our website.
Stephen Ministry Bridge Leader's Training Course
Synod Scholarships Available
Stephen Ministries St. Louis is now training caring ministry leaders through a live, interactive online training experience called the Bridge Leader’s Training Course (BLTC). This event fully trains Stephen Leaders—the pastors, church staff, and lay leaders who begin and lead Stephen Ministry in their congregation.

The BLTC draws on newly redesigned and updated Stephen Ministry resources to equip participants with the skills and know-how to lead all aspects of their congregation’s Stephen Ministry. This includes training a team of congregation members as lay caregivers (called Stephen Ministers), matching them with hurting people in the congregation and community, and offering ongoing guidance and support to Stephen Ministers as they provide one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people experiencing a wide range of life difficulties.

Established in 1975, Stephen Ministry is a lay caring ministry being used by thousands of congregations of all types, sizes, and settings—across the US, Canada, and 30 other countries. Stephen Leaders in these congregations have equipped more than 600,000 people as Stephen Ministers, who in turn have cared for millions of people in need. The new training and resources carry this ministry into the future, preparing congregations to meet the ministry challenges of an ever-changing world.

To learn more about Stephen Ministry, visit or call (314) 428-2600. Additional information about the Bridge Leader’s Training Course is available at

Did you know that the Pacifica Synod offers scholarships for lay persons attending Stephen Ministries training? These are available through the Cathryn Wright Fund. More information about the scholarship and the application to apply may be found on our synod website here.
Spirituality & Aging Certificate Program
Southern California Coalition on Spirituality & Aging
Lombard Mennonite Peace Center
Upcoming Events
Registration is now open for Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders, to be held on October 11-15 and November 15-19, 2021.  

The two identical sessions will be held remotely via Zoom. This workshop is designed to help church leaders deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. 

For details consult this MSTI Brochure. For a complete list of training events being offered by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center — including our one-day Conflict Transformation Skills and Healthy Congregations — please consult this LMPC 2021 Program Calendar

For online registration go to our website at Plan now to take advantage of these outstanding opportunities for spiritual and professional growth!

We Remember in Our Prayers
We ask that you hold the following people and situations in your thoughts and prayers:

  • For the family and friends of the Rev. Ted Johns.
  • For the Afghan people, our allies, and vulnerable populations in the midst of this humanitarian disaster.
  • For the communities impacted by Hurricane Ida and those who have lost loved ones, housing and are without necessities.
  • For the people of Haiti in the face of earthquakes, tropical storms and political unrest.
  • Those affected by wildfires, floods, tropical storms and other natural disasters, as well as emergency personnel responding to these situations.
  • For those in countries facing political and civil unrest - Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, Myanmar and others.
  • For peace in Palestine and Israel and for those who have lost loved ones and their homes due to violence and unrest.
  • Our nation and its leaders.
  • Those affected with the COVID-19 virus and those who have lost loved ones.
  • Our healthcare providers, first responders and all who continue to care for those battling COVID-19.

In our synod e-newsletter, prayer requests may be shared for our synod's rostered ministers, spouses, key lay leaders and congregations.

 Prayer requests included are subject to the following guidelines:
  • Only the names of those to be prayed for will be included in our communications. Additional information (with permission) may be shared with the bishop or synod staff, but will not be publicized.
  • Those being prayed for must have provided the requester with explicit permission for their names to be shared with the synod.
  • Names will remain in the synod communications for one month, unless we are notified by the Conference Prayer Coordinator to extend the request.
  • Prayers MUST be added through your Conference Prayer Coordinator, who will submit the prayers to the synod office for distribution.

The following people are serving as your Conference Prayer Coordinators:

E. San Diego Conference - The Rev. Richard Vevia -
W. San Diego Conf - The Rev. David Nagler -
Harvest Conference - The Rev. David Jorstad -
Raincross Conference - The Rev. Linda Brown -
Big Bear Conference - The Rev. Matt Anderson -
Saddleback Conference - The Rev. David Mattson -
Son & Surf Conf - The Rev. Jennifer Schultz -
Rejoice Conference - The Rev. Anne-Grethe Nielsen -
Hukilau Conference - The Rev. Kathryn Zurcher -
Pacifica Synod - ELCA
Lutheran Center for Mission & Learning
1801 Park Court Place, Bldg. C, Santa Ana, CA 92701