Issue 267 | August 22, 2024

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A Word from our Moderator

This is a hard thing to admit, especially for a moderator, but for some time in my early ministry, I wasn’t a fan of Robert’s Rules of Order. I often wondered if parliamentary procedure was helpful in a church context; the rules felt rigid — even unkind at times. When Maureen asked me to write something for the newsletter while she was away, I accepted without knowing what on earth I would write. As I prayed over what I might share, I found myself going back to a time in my ministry when our parliamentary procedures were put to the test and why I came away from a difficult chapter in my ministry with a deeper appreciation for following parliamentary procedure than I had held previously.

Register for the Small Church Conference by Aug. 30

You are invited to attend the Small Church Conference on Sept. 14 at Fayetteville Presbyterian Church. The theme of the conference is God is Here: Worship in the Small Church featuring Pam Ferrell, 2013 Presbytery of West Virginia Moderator and accomplished small church musician, as the keynote presenter. Registration for the event begins at 9:15 AM, with worship beginning at 10 AM. Jim Musgrave who serves as the Commissioned Pastor at the Logan First Presbyterian and Gilbert Presbyterian Churches will preach. Three workshops will be offered with participants able to attend two. Workshop presenters are Sallie Daugherty (Authorized Lay Preacher), Pam Ferrell, and Bill Myers (Minister of Word and Sacrament, Charleston First Presbyterian Church). Register here!

Expanding Your Ministry Toolbox: A Difficult Conversation

9 AM to 1 PM, Saturday, Oct. 26. Register by Sept. 30.

This course will look at where American Protestantism is today in a time of declining membership and churches, with particular focus on the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Through presentation and breakout groups, participants will be encouraged that they are not alone; claim hope as resurrection people; identify tools that can help the session clarify its mission and vision and tell the congregation’s story well; and learn about best practices and resources. The registration deadline is Sept. 30 to give participants time to go online prior to Oct. 5 to complete the new “Congregational Financial Health Assessment” on the Presbyterian Foundation’s website; this will generate a report for your congregation, identifying where your congregation is doing well, areas that need attention and those that beg for immediate review. Register here! Learn more in this video from course leader Ellie Johns-Kelley, our Ministry Relations Officer of the Presbyterian Foundation.

News from the Presbytery's Treasurer

  • Board of Pensions 2025 Employer Agreement
  • Presbytery approves 2025 budget
  • Stewardship Kaleidoscope
  • 226th General Assembly approves new churchwide Special Offerings menu
  • Feds raise minimum salary requirement for exempt status
  • Church Financial Literacy & Leadership Program
  • Get QuickBooks Online from TechSoup
  • Church treasurers and finance committees
  • 2024 Special Offerings

News from our Congregations & Partners

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Kilbert twins relish time together at General Assembly

By Mike Givler, Synod of the Trinity

Many people describe their experiences at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as a family reunion. People see friends and colleagues from the larger church that they haven’t seen in some time, reconnecting and catching up for lost time while overtures are being discussed, debated and voted on around them. For Chris and Brian Kilbert, this year’s GA in Salt Lake City was literally a family reunion. The 45-year-olds from the Synod of the Trinity region who were GA commissioners in Utah in late June and early July are not only brothers, but also twins. It made for an extra-special time for the two to bond over Presbyterian work while also getting in some sightseeing and hiking after their GA work was complete.

Dr. Franklin "Tanner" Capps to be installed as new Davis & Elkins College chaplain on Aug. 25

You are invited to the Installation of Dr. Franklin “Tanner” Capps, the new Benfield-Vick Chaplain at Davis & Elkins College, on Sunday, Aug. 25 at 4 PM at Robbins Memorial Chapel on the college campus. All are welcome to attend.

Kanawha United's BraveHeart Fellowship will explore the world of theater with BraveHeart Creative

BraveHeart Creative, a new venture of BraveHeart Fellowship, will explore the theatrical arts for young adults (16+) living with cognitive and developmental challenges. Work will being at 6 PM Sept. 5 at Kanawha United Presbyterian Church, 1009 Virginia St. E., Charleston, to develop a unique story, script, and characters for a December drama production that will be presented to the public. Participation is open to all who are interested. A rehearsal schedule will be provided at the first meeting. For more information, contact Tina Vance at


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