Our speaker lineup will include a variety of issues that are important just prior to the election. As always, I will not take speaker time to read a long bio, so please familiarize yourself with each speaker’s bio prior to the meeting.
We will present the pro and con opinions on the two Scottsdale tax issues with David Smith speaking against, and former Mayor Mary Manross speaking in favor of these issues.
Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick will speak on his retention election. There is also a ballot measure about the issue of justices having to run for retention. We all know that the Democrats are actively campaigning against him. Remember, if he is not retained then Katie Hobbs will appoint his replacement.
Rudy Fisher and Brian Biesemeyer will share information about their campaign for the water board, and Lisa Borowsky will share her vision for the mayor’s race in Scottsdale.
See you all in September.
Michal Joyner
1st Vice President, Programs