Worship With Us
Join us for worship this Sunday at 9:55am as we celebrate the Baptism of Christ Sunday. Our scriptures are Isaiah 42:1-9 ( further confirmation of who Jesus is ) and Matthew 3:13-17 ( Jesus’ Baptism by his cousin John in the Jordan River). Our sermon is entitled Taken by the Hand . We will sing some great stuff – including I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry. As always, we encourage you to share the gift of PUCC with someone else.
Speaker Series: Darwin and Evolution – Dr John Russell
January 12 | 11:15am
Heritage Room
Great American Human Foosball and other Life Size Games!
Sunday, January 12 | 12:30pm
Great American Human Foosball
3227 Morganford Rd St. Louis, MO 63116 (314) 882-6191
Prayer List Updates
TaLia-LaShae Underwood and Tyler Scott - engaged to be married.
Kathy Ferrell - our new part-time Office Assistant… becoming a great team with Mona.
Ruth Murray - healing from pneumonia; settling into a memory care center. Please consider sending her a warm greeting. **  https://nhccare.com/locations/villages-st-peters-memory-care/
Villages of St Peters Memory Care :
5300 Executive Centre Pkwy, #106; St. Peters, MO 63376; 636-477-6955. [birthdate: September 11] Best times to visit – before 11am or after 2pm.
Alice - hospitalized for back issues; on way to rehab (Ellie Svenson’s sis).
Conrad Damsgaard and Sue Moellering - each grieving a friend.
Grace Gori & family - grieving/giving thanks for father Randy (Josie Duke).
Wildfires in Australia.
Earthquakes in Puerto Rico.
US - Iran Relations Peace in the Mideast and here and everywhere.
The United Methodist Church and our LGBTQIA siblings there.

St Louis Assn UCC Covenant Partner
Week ending January 5 - Bethany-Peace UCC , St. Louis.
Week ending January 12 - Brentwood Congregational UCC .
Tuesday Evening Dialogue (TED) January 14
2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 6:00 Potluck | 7:00pm Discussion | Heritage Room
Einstein and the Rabbi: Searching for the Soul by Namoi Levy is the book selected by TED (Tuesday Evening Dialogue) for the new year. Alan Lightman, author of Einstein’s Dreams, has written, “Drawing on poignant personal stories, Jewish life and traditions, and a spiritual letter from Einstein to a grieving father, Naomi Levy’s book outlines an inspiring guide on how to live a meaningful and connected life.” Books will be available at your preferred bookseller. Everyone is welcome!

Try to read the first 1/4 or 1/3 of the book for the first discussion, but come even if you haven’t! Your contributions are always enjoyed. 

Questions? Contact Rich Race: treasurer@parkwayucc.org

Save the Date
JHLTB11—A Day On, Not A Day Off
Monday, January 20

The time is always right to do right. ~MLK Jr
Annual Budget Meeting
Sunday, January 26
following worship
Parkway Inquirers
Wednesday, January 29
Heritage Room
Meet Our New Assistant
Hi I am Kathy! - divorced a very long time with 3 grown kids who live out of state. I share my house with an extremely spoiled dog named Dukeamus in the City of Hazelwood. I have a good education, and an even better sense of humor. I am involved in many community-based activities, including volunteering at a women’s homeless shelter, working on the City of Hazelwood’s Recycling Commission and my life's passion of once a month poker games with the “boys.” I am really easy to spot, I have the purple hair. So come by and see me some time. 

Kathy Ferrell works Monday-Friday, 8:30am-12:30pm. For now, she is in the church office, but her desk will ultimately be in the Gathering Space, close to the entry. Her email is kathy@parkwayucc.org.
Less than two-minute video that will warm you and inspire you.
Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water. ~Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
What do you call it when a guy throws his laptop into the ocean?

Adele, Rollin’ in the Deep.
Fellowship Treats
Please c onsider providing treats for Sunday morning Fellowship Time as old friends, new friends and first time visitors build and sustain relationships…
Sunday Morning Flowers
Beautify the sanctuary even more by signing up for flowers or plants some Sunday…
Alzheimer’s News
As we look back on 2019, let us reflect: Highlights from National Alzheimer’s Association CEO Harry Johns’ Town Hall Meeting held in late 2019:

Although Alzheimer’s was discovered in 1906 there was no association until 1980. During the 1970’s the prevalence of Alzheimer’s was in people over 65. It got people talking and we need to keep talking. When people talk, things change. The “United Campaign” and the “1st Survivor Campaign” earlier in 2019, got people talking and public awareness peaked. As a result, more people are being engaged. There are only 2,100 staffers nationwide. It is the thousands of volunteers who get things done. Advocates, Ambassadors, training for caregivers, helpline, and support groups all mobilize volunteers. The Walk to End Alzheimer’s in November engaged more people with families.

As we look ahead, a blood test to identify Alzheimer’s is on the horizon, we know lifestyle matters and we can adjust ours, sensory impairments in older adults may increase risk for Alzheimer’s so more study is required, Alzheimer’s differs in men and women, and new drugs are in development. We are excited about these promising developments.

Visit our social media for a mix of pix and to see what other PUCCers would like you to attend/experience/ponder/pray about with them.
Please post a holiday picture of you/yours on our social media:
(314) 872 9330 contact@parkwayucc.org
2841 N Ballas Road,
St. Louis, MO 63131

PUCC eNews is published weekly in order to broadcast Parkway UCC events and happenings - and items of interest to the Parkway UCC community of faith - for the upcoming week. Please submit all communications requests, via the button below, by noon Tuesday.