We invite you to join us for our first PTSO meeting  Wednesday, September 11th at 9am  in the Faculty Dining Room.  The agenda include s .... 
  • Principal Dr. Jaime Chisum and his leadership team;
  • Dana Plunkett, Head of Guidance;
  • Doreen Ward, K-12 Metco Director;
  • Update from School Committee;
  • Navigating the NEW PTSO Website; and 
  • Approval of the Minutes and presentation of the 2019-2020 PTSO Budget.
We will also have a wonderful treat toward the end of the meeting when some of our talented singers, led by Dr. Kevin McDonald, join us for a song or two.
Also, if you have not already done so, we ask that you consider participating in t he PTSO's only fundraiser -- Advance the Excellence -- to raise funds to support our students, faculty, staff and school.  We hope that you will help make a difference by donating here .  

This is the first blast that we are sending directly since the PowerSchool Portal closed.  If you missed one of our earlier blasts, here are the 8/27/19 Blast and the 9/3/19 Blast.

As always, please contact us with any questions, concerns or ideas at and please check out the our updated website at .  

Connie Burton & Andra Jensen
WHS PTSO Co-Presidents 2019-2020

The  following  is just a sample of all the events on the calendar.  Click here to see the whole calendar.  (Subscribe to the WHS Calendar 
September 2019  
  • 11th - PTSO Meeting at 9am
  • 11th - Club Fair for Students
  • 11th - Standardized Testing Night  
  • 13th - New Parent Orientation at 9am 
  • 13th - Sophomore Class Cookout

October 3, 2019  - Back to School Night

School Council -- Seeking Candidates for Parent Representative
The School Council is comprised of students, teachers, parents and community members who work with Dr. Chisum to examine school policies and make recommendations, as mandated by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary E ducation.  T his year, the School Council will meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:30 pm.  (Additional information on School Council can be found here ). 

We have two parent seats open for a two-year term on the School Council. The PTSO Vice-Presidents, Kelty White and Beth C ook, are organizing the election for these two seats. If you would like to become a candidate, please send a brief (250 words or less) statement of interest  to . The deadline to submit a candidate statem ent is  Friday, September 20 at noon .
Challenge Success  
Welcome back... get the kids to the club(s)!!

We've had a lot of great conversations and planning over the Summer so please keep your eyes on these PTSO e-mails for the latest and greatest from Challenge Success.  Some early CS@WHS focus areas for the 2019-20 school year are:  Transitions, Community, and Agency.  More to come.

As you will hopefully recall, research shows adolescents need PDF (Playtime, Downtime, Family Time) every day for healthy development. One of the vital ways we accomplish both Playtime and Downtime is thru the WHS ERP program. Kids can sign-up, show-up/drop-in anytime, and even start a new club that interests them and friends with a faculty sponsor. Most of these activities occur after school but there will be a new before school game club (board, cards, etc.) on Fridays! Yoga will also be added to the mix thanks to Amie Larson and ERP team along with Wellesley Recreation and Community Investors.

To learn more and get in the action please have your student attend the "Club Fair"  on Wednesday Sept. 11 from 10:50am-12:20pm in the WHS Cafe.

Guidance Department ... 


Coming up .... 

  • September 11th - Standardized Testing Night, recommended for juniors and parents
  • September 25th - Senior Parent Night
  • October 1st -- Deadline for registering for AP Examination -- New Process.  See 8/26/19 Email Guidance Department sent to WHS families.  
  • October 2nd - Navigating the College Process with Students with Learning Disabilities, recommended for juniors/seniors and parents
  • October 16th - Step Up Day
A complete list of Guidance Department events can be found on their website  here.  We encourage parents to check it regularly.
Community News ... 

Friends of Wellesley METCO Inc, the org that fund raises, supports and advocates for the Wellesley METCO Program), has a Board position open for a Treasurer for the FY 19/20 school year.  If you are interested in learning more, please contact Becky Kannam ( ).

Wellesley Police Department, Bike Rodeo on September 14th.  Please see flyer here for more information.

POPS (Parents of Performing Students) -- General Board Meeting on 
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 7:00 pm at Wellesley High School Library:  
1938 Room.  All Welcome!!

Grade 2-9 Wellesley Youth Basketball Association (WYBA) registration will open on Friday, September 6th at . WYBA program offerings span grades 2-9 and have something for everyone, whether your child is new to basketball or has prior experience and training.  WYBA early grade programming focuses on developing the fundamental skills of dribbling, ball-handling, shooting, and passing.  For late elementary school and middle school, there are opportunities for team and game experience through Wellesley Hoops, which is an in-town league that continues to prioritize player development.   Starting in 5th grade, Metrowest is a highly selective program (team placement based upon try-outs), for those who seek a more competitive experience playing against towns across the region.   Registration is open starting September 6th. Sign up today!