In case you missed it -- May 14th All Parent Meeting & Follow-Up

We received a number of follow-up questions after the May 14th update, please click here for Dr. Chisum's response. 

If you would like to watch the May 14th All Parent Meeting, please click  here .  

Director of Guidance Dana Plunkett also presented at this meeting.  A copy of her presentation is available here .  

CLASS OF 2020!!
These extraordinary times have called for creative ways to celebrate and High School graduation is no exception.  Please join in the celebration and cheer on the WHS Class of 2020 at a first-time ever Town-Wide Graduation Parade on June 6, 2020 beginning at 9 a.m.
Wellesley High School seniors and their families will travel an 8 mile route through the streets of Wellesley providing optimal space to social distance and honor our graduates. 
The parade route begins at Babson College and ends at Wellesley High School.  Viewing will be possible along Wellesley Ave, Washington Street,  Walnut Street,  Wellesley Country Club Clifford street  and  Rice Street.

Feel free to make signs supporting Seniors...all welcome to socially distance attend car parade.  MAKE SOME NOISE FOR CLASS OF  2020!!!
Athletic Department -- A Message from John Brown 

Hi All --  Hope that everyone is doing ok in this crazy time. We have received quite a few questions regarding the upcoming fall season. The MIAA regulates High School Athletics in Massachusetts. We have included some of their answers to the most frequently asked questions. We will provide further updates as they are determined and become available. We hope to have some additional information next week. In the meantime we hope that everyone stays healthy, positive and that all of our student athletes are able to get back to what they love to do and we love to watch as soon as possible. Thank you. Go Raiders!

Given the unprecedented events during spring 2020 due to COVID-19, the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) would like to provide the following FAQs to assist member schools with up to date information related to MIAA's response, rules and MIAA regulations.
COVID-19 Response
Q1 : What is MIAA doing to respond to membership concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic?
A1 : The MIAA is convening a COVID-19 Task Force to examine potential impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the Fall 2020 season and the 2020-2021 school year.
Q2 : How will COVID-19 Task Force members be selected?
A2 : MIAA President Jeff Granatino will be appointing individuals to serve on the MIAA COVID-19 Task Force.
Q3 : When will the COVID-19 Task Force meet and provide guidance?
A3 : It is anticipated the COVID-19 Task Force will meet virtually for the first time in late May and throughout the summer to analyze available information from the Massachusetts Department of Health, Governor's Office and local health departments.
Q4 : What are some of the topics the COVID-19 Task Force will review?
A4 : The COVID-19 Task Force will review all aspects of the fall 2020 season and the 2020-2021 school year related to the COVID-19 crisis, such as practice requirements, fan attendance, re-socialization efforts, protocol, procedures, transportation, etc.

Eligibility Standards & MIAA
Q1 : Will students have the ability to extend their athletic eligibility as a result of the COVID-19 crisis? 
A1 : The MIAA Board of Directors acted on rule changes at their May 13, 2020 Board meeting relative to fall eligibility.  The Student Eligibility Rule Recommendations for the Fall of 2020 document may be found HERE. Recommendations for MIAA Rules 49, 58 and 62 were APPROVED; MIAA Rules 56 and 59 required no action.
Q2 : My school district is concerned students will have difficulty getting pre-participation physical exams (PPE) in preparation of the Fall 2020 season. Is this being addressed?
A2 : The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) has released a position statement on pre-participation physical exams recommending a one-year extension on all physical exams.  The MIAA Sports Medicine Committee will review and be in dialogue with the Mass Department of Health for consideration.

Summer 2020 Activity
Q1 : Will students be able to participate in non-school athletic activities during the summer?
A1 : Summer activity is not regulated by the MIAA. At this time Governor Baker has established phases that businesses and organizations should rely upon when evaluating reopening.
Q2 : Can my school allow open gym or weightlifting during the summer?
A2 : This is an individual school district decision based upon Massachusetts state directives and Governor Baker's phase in plans.
Fall 2020 Season
Q1 : Is MIAA planning to make any changes to the fall 2020 start date as a result of the COVID-19 crisis?
A1 : At this time, MIAA is not planning to make any changes to the start date of the Fall 2020 season. The scheduled start date for Fall 2020 practice is Monday, August 24, 2020, except for football which may start practice on Friday, August 21, 2020.
Q2 : Will the MIAA Fall 2020 championship calendar or venue locations be impacted by the COVID- 19 crisis?
A2 : At this time all MIAA championship venues are available to host on the selected dates.
Q3 : Will any changes be recommended or mandated for student participation or fan attendance for the Fall 2020 season?
A3 : MIAA is convening a COVID-19 Task Force to examine potential impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the Fall 2020 season and the 2020-2021 school year. The committee will meet virtually for the first time in late May.   
May 18, 2020

Community News 

  • Challenge Success Webinar on Navigating PK-12 Remote Learning on Wednesday, May 27th at 7pm.  This is a 45-minute webinar for the families of Wellesley Public Schools.  No need to pre-register or sign-up... simply click the link next Wednesday at 7pm and join the conversation!  Webinar Link:
  • Wellesley ABC Father's Day Weekend Virtual 5K Run/Walk.  Celebrate Dad and support Wellesley ABC!  Join the Wellesley ABC Father's Day Weekend Virtual 5K run/walk on June 20-21.  Register as a team and post your photos with #WellesleyABC5K. Awards will be given for photos of:
    • Best Tribute to Dad
    • Best Wellesley ABC Spirit
    • Best Pet Photo
    • Team with the most members  in different states...and more!  
    To Register  click here.
  • School Committee Office Hours --  The School Committee is pleased to continue its Office Hours virtually.  Office Hours provide the community an opportunity for engagement with one or two members of the Committee.  Community members who wish to engage with the Committee should sign up at this link or email Addie Doherty at for a time slot.  The next scheduled session is  Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 7 pm