Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Powerful Tools for Caregivers Newsletter

September, 2022

PTC Upcoming Events

Update Contact and Class Series Information

        At PTC Headquarters, we are committed to updating PTC class leaders' contact information and past class series. Therefore, in the coming months, we will reach out to specific class leaders with the request to update their contact information; however, if you would like your contact information updated with PTC, please reach out to ptcaregivers@iastate.edu to start the process.

Although you’ll be able to update all contact information, we are most concerned with updating: 

Your email address

Your city and state

Your outreach population

The languages you speak

Your sponsor organization (SO)

SO city and state

Additionally, if you are an event or volunteer coordinator and have the information about past class series that not been entered into the “add an upcoming/completed class series” forms, please contact us at ptcaregivers@iastate.edu to add this information to our files.

Pilot Class Series for Military Caregivers

Do you know a caregiver of a veteran?

PTC Headquarters is piloting a PTC class series for military caregivers. If you know someone caring for an injured or wounded service member or veteran, please share this class series information.

Pilot Class Series Details:

Date: Wednesdays | 10/5 - 11/9

Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Format: virtual via Zoom

Event Organizer: Malisa Rader | p: 515-708-0622 | e: mrader@iastate.edu

Registration link (Click Here) 

PTC Website link (Click Here)

Upcoming Webinar

Learn and Share with PTC: Inclusivity and Cultural Sensitivity in Program Implementation

About: PTC Headquarters is working toward a webinar geared toward cultural sensitivity in program implementation. More information to follow next month!

Time and date: TBD

Find recorded webinars on our website: https://www.powerfultoolsforcaregivers.org/ptc-recorded-webinars/

Reminders for PTC Class Leaders and Master Trainers

Automatic Reminders for New Class Leaders*

Master Trainers: please note this change in communication

  1. Six (6) months after you were trained as a class leader, you will receive a reminder to lead two (2) class series within a year of being trained.
  2. Nine (9) months after your class leader training, you will also receive a reminder to lead two class series within a year of being trained.
  3. If you do not co-lead within a year, one year after being trained as a class leader, you will be sent a message that you are no longer a certified class leader and you no longer have access to class leader materials.

*These reminders are only sent to PTC class leaders trained after July 2021 and if the class leader did not informed PTC Headquarters of your upcoming class series through the “add an upcoming class series” form.

Changes and Reminders for the “Add a Class Series” Process


Recently PTC Headquarters updated the “add an upcoming class series” form process so we can better track the progress of class series. Acquiring this information will help us demonstrate the impact and outreach of PTC as well as continue contact with PTC class leaders. Please note that there are two new additions to this process.

Form Addition:

  1. New Addition: If there is an event or volunteer organizer associated with your class series, you can add their name and email to the form, which will ensure they will be cc’d on all communications for that specific class series.

Class Series Communications:

  1. When you add a class series through the “add an upcoming class series” form, you will receive a confirmation email from ptcaregivers@iastate.edu
  2. New Addition: One week before the start date of your class series, you will receive an email from Smartsheet asking you to update us on the registration of the class series. If the class series was posted to our website, we will add the registration status to the website posting.
  3. When your class series is complete, you will receive a final email from Smartsheet asking for the number of attendees for the class series.

Master Trainer Reminders

A couple of friendly reminders for Master Trainers and one new addition to the communication process with PTC Headquarters.

  1. Class Leader Trainings should only be taught by two (2) to three (3) certified MTs – no more and no less.
  2. New addition: If your class leader training is posted on the PTC website, two weeks before your class leader training begins, you will receive an email from Smartsheet asking you about the training's registration status. You will complete a form that will indicate whether the class leader training registration is full, still has space, or if the event was cancelled or postponed. We will then update the PTC website with this registration information.
  3. Please remember to fill out the roster email as soon as you know your class leader’s names and emails. This allows PTC Headquarters to send out the “Welcome Email” as soon as your class leader training ends. The welcome email includes instructions on completing the Class Leader Agreement form, the Class Leader Training Evaluation, and details to about leading their first class series.
  4. Payment for the class leader training must be made 10 days after the training ends. The PTC Class Leader license fee payment is $200 for each CL training participant. Payments must be made to the ISU Extension Store.
  5. Only once the payment is complete and ALL new class leaders signed their class leader agreement will the new class leaders receive their certificates.

Are you still a certified MT?

  • If you have not co-led a class leader training within 6months of being trained as MT, you are no longer a certified MT.

How to I become recertified as a MT?

  • If you have not co-led a class leader training in 2 years OR conducted one 6-week class series within a year of leading your next CLT, you need to lead a 6-week class series AND pay the Master Training fee again.
  • If you have questions about your status as a master trainer or would like to start the recertification process, please reach out to ptcaregivers@iastate.edu

Interested in becoming a Master Trainer?

Applications are open!


·       Wednesday, October 19, 2022 10:00am–12:00pm CST

·       Friday, January 27, 2023 1:00–3:00pm CST

·       Wednesday, March 29, 2023 10:00am–12:00pm CST

·       Tuesday, June 6, 2023 1:00–3:00pm CST

·       Friday, August 18, 2023 10:00am–12:00pm CST


See requirements for becoming a PTC Master trainer.

If interested, please fill out the Master Trainer application form.

Contact PTC HQ & Access Materials

The Caregiver Helpbook

Be sure to add your upcoming PTC class series using the "add an upcoming class series" form.

Let us know about your upcoming class leader training events through this "class leader training confirmation" form.

Access Class Leader Material

Class Leader material can be accessed through the ISU Extension Store and the PTC Website.*

*When you set up your ISU Extension Store account, be sure to use the primary email address that PTC uses to contact you.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers



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