Wow! What a glorious start to our year together by joining our praises and prayers together at Mass. I hope to see you again at Masses throughout the school year.

We've added a section to our website that contains our newsletters, and we will keep that updated throughout the year. If you ever delete a message and need to look back, hop on over to our landing page.

If you were unable to make our welcome gathering, materials are labeled and ready for pick-up in the Parish Office Lobby.

The lobby is accessible 24/7, so feel free to stop by at your convenience.

We are praying for you as you launch into the materials this week!

See you Wednesday at 5:15 pm in Church!


  • Drop off is in Church each week at 5:15 pm. Students should not be dropped off prior to 5 pm.
  • Parents are welcome to stay for our opening prayer!
  • Pick up is in school at 6:30 pm, parents are allowed to line up in the hallways beginning at 6:25 pm.
  • Students in K-4 are signed out from the CLASSROOM
  • Students in 5-8 are signed out from the CAFETERIA
  • Arriving late? Come to the school doors and your child will be helped to class!
  • Need to report an absence or early dismissal? Please use our online form! 4 quick questions so we can serve you best.

Each week we begin in church as a community, students will sit with their classes. See the seating chart below to give your kids an idea of where to find their teacher! Pews will be labeled, and rosters will be posted again outside of church.

New this year! Please report an absence or early dismissal using our online form. Click the image below to bookmark the page, or find it on the front page of our PSR website all year long!

Have you heard??

St. Joseph is launching a new ministry for all 4th and 5th grade students.

Their kickoff is THURSDAY! Come and check it out.

Did you know? St. Joseph has a YouTube channel! Videos uploaded regularly to help you grow deeper in your faith. Stop by and see what it's all about.

Our parish auction is coming up on September 28th! We are celebrating our 150th Anniversary as a parish this year, and this event will be one for future memory books. Join us as we look back with gratitude, praise God for the present, and hope for a vibrant future. Click the photo below to reserve your seat or for sponsorship opportunities.

Mark 7:31-37

This Sunday we hear of Jesus healing a deaf man with a speech impediment. When Jesus heals the deaf man, he not only heals him physically but also opens the door for greater participation in the community. Jesus' healing of this man was a gift for that man personally, but also the whole community. As we grow as individuals we are strengthening the WHOLE Body of Christ, likewise when we refuse to acknowledge sin, hurts caused by us, or hold onto grudges we are hurting the entire Body of Christ. We are one Body, how will you contribute to the Body of Christ this week?

On the way to Mass:  Where do you feel like you belong?

On the way home from Mass: Where do you feel that you need healing?

Challenge of the Week: What is one practice you can undertake as a family this week to strengthen the whole body? Perhaps going to Confession, focusing on sincere apologies, or pointing out good things you notice someone doing.

Bookmark our Website

Don't forget to bookmark our website! Scroll to the bottom for a Google Calendar for the year that you can add to your personal calendar. It will update your calendar automatically with any schedule adjustments!

Hard copies of our schedule will be available the first few PSR nights.

God bless, 

Emily Kopff
