February 2024

Featured Topic

PSA Award Nominations

PSA Insights

PSA's Executive Director

Poultry Peeps

PSA Member Presented USPOULTRY Dr. Charles Beard Research Excellence Award

Let's Squawk About It

Ducks: The Potential Key to Preventing Pandemics

Attention Food Safety Professionals

Your Expertise is Needed

Interpretive Summaries

Concise Summaries of the latest Poultry Science Research

2024 PSA Meeting Updates

Annual Meeting & Latin America

Cobb Research Initiative

Research Funding for Poultry Genetics

Additional Reading

Pathogenicity & Characteristics of ARV Variant

Student Opportunities

Upcoming Webinar and Funding Opportunities!

In Memory

Tributes to PSA Colleagues

Member Spotlight

Adnan Alrubaye

Additional News

Topics of Interest to Poultry Scientists

Welcome Center

New Members of PSA

Rising Stars Showcase

From Modern Poultry

PSA Career Center & Calendar

Job Openings & Noteworthy Events

Featured Topic

PSA Award Nominations

Two weeks remaining!

The 2024 Awards Cycle is open, but closing soon! Nominations will be accepted through the PSA Awards Site until March 1, 2024. The system allows nominators to begin a nomination, save it and continue later. Additional details, eligibility and required nomination materials are available on the PSA Website here as well as on the PSA Awards Site.

Awards unique to 2024 include:

  • American Poultry Historical Society Award
  • National Turkey Federation Research Award
  • Poultry Welfare Research Award
  • PSA Early Achievement Award for Research
  • PSA Early Achievement Award for Teaching
  • James H. Denton Distinguished Service Award of the Poultry Science Association
Begin a Nomination Here

PSA Insights

Onward and Upward

Each January the poultry industry gathers in Atlanta for one of the largest conventions of any kind in the U.S. Our Poultry Science Association Board of Directors met in the days prior to IPPE, as it does each year, for our mid-year meeting and to set the organization’s budget for the year.

This annual process is our opportunity to examine our priorities, take stock of our successes, and embark on the major projects for the year ahead. Our Board, led by President Brian Fairchild, continued the organization’s longstanding tradition of being both very forward looking in considering and undertaking new opportunities to advance poultry science worldwide, and very practical and fiscally responsible in the administration of the Association’s resources.

As an example, this year with the support of the PSA Foundation, our Association will host its inaugural Professional Development Conference this October. Our staff is in the process of contracting with our hotel partners for event space so stay tuned for the specific dates and location, but suffice it to say that we are extremely excited to bring you a new opportunity to develop as a professional and further your career in poultry science. With input from our Careers, Industry, Teaching, Extension, Global Relations and Foundation committees, this is truly a member-led undertaking, and I look forward to enjoying two days of incredible programming.

In another example of strong leadership and commitment to advancing poultry science worldwide, the Board approved moving forward with planning another international scientific conference, this time in the Pacific Rim. With the incredible success of our Latin American Scientific Conference every two years dating back to 2016 and the incredible growth we’ve seen in research coming out of the Asia-Pacific region, we know there is an incredible opportunity to host a “PSA-style” scientific meeting in that part of the world. Under the leadership of planning committee chair and PSA Past President Tom Porter, we are hard at work considering dates and locations for another exciting opportunity to discuss and disseminate cutting-edge research.

Speaking of scientific meetings, I offer my hearty congratulations to all of our members who presented their own research or advised students who presented their work at the International Poultry Scientific Forum during IPPE last month. PSA was honored to support our friends at the Southern Poultry Science Society in administering the student competition portion of IPSF, and we look forward to supporting SPSS in this important meeting in the future given our shared goals in providing excellent opportunities for members to present and discuss their work among their fellow professionals.

PSA continues to be blessed with a strong core of volunteer leaders throughout the organization, from our several committees to our elected leadership on the Board. We thank each of you for your contributions to PSA’s success, and more importantly to our shared success in advancing the PSA mission.

Here’s to a great 2024!

Andy Vance

Executive Director, PSA

Poultry Peeps

PSA Member Presented USPOULTRY Dr. Charles Beard Research Excellence Award

Dr. Darrin Karcher, Purdue University, (a long time member of PSA) was presented with the USPOULTRY Dr. Charles Beard Research Excellence Award. The award is given to recognize outstanding completed research projects, funded by USPOULTRY or the USPOULTRY Foundation, which have made a significant positive impact on the poultry industry.

“Dr. Karcher was a standout nominee for this award because his research, focusing on addressing producers’ concerns with laying hen management, bird welfare and food safety, has provided a wealth of knowledge for the layer industry and has led to many technological advancements in those areas,” noted Dr. Denise Heard, vice president of research programs, USPOULTRY.

Click here to read the official press release.

Let’s Squawk About It

Ducks: The Potential Key to Preventing Pandemics

Scientists at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign along with a collaborator in Colorado have posed the question: although aquatics birds like ducks carry various influenza viruses, they do no get severely ill, why is that? Thanks to a $9.5 million grant, these scientists will have the opportunity to explore this topic and find answers.

Join PSA as we sit down with Dr. Nicholas Wu (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) to discuss the group's efforts in putting this proposal together, expectations of the research, and what impact studying ducks could have on human health.

Want to Participate?

Do you want to squawk with us? Complete the Let's Squawk About It Episode Idea Submission Form to send us your topic for consideration on the show!

Attention Food Safety Professionals


Your Expertise is Needed

Max Wamsley, a PhD student at Mississippi State University, is administering a series of <15-minute interviews with experts who have conducted chemical inspection of meats. The interviews are part of the Regional I-Corp program at Vanderbilt where Max must interview 20 individuals over 5 weeks. The overarching question is "What are the biggest challenges and pain points when it comes to chemical inspection of meats for quality assurance?"

If you, or someone you know, has experience in this area and would be willing to help Max, your feedback is greatly appreciated. You may contact Max directly via email or by phone at 601-529-2912.

Interpretive Summaries

Feeding Olive Co-products Supports Broiler Performance

Olive oil has been widely used for human consumption and pharmaceutical uses and is associated with multiple health benefits. Certain olive oil byproducts, such as olive mill wastewater, also contain significant bioactive compounds with a wide range of physiological activities. This article from Poultry Science® highlights the possibilities of incorporating olive oil and olive oil byproducts in broiler diets for health benefits.

Read the Summary

Enhancing Gut Health Using Probiotics in Locally Sourced Ethiopian Chickens

This month’s Student Hatchery Interpretive Summary (written by Ragini Reddyvari, University of Connecticut) comes from Poultry Science®. The study focuses on utilizing probiotics to enhance gut health. This research highlights how probiotics can improve overall health in chickens. 

Read the Summary

Floor Eggs: Moving Toward Zero

This interpretive summary analyzes the first comprehensive literature review in 40 years to bring us up-to-date on the research and best practices to prevent floor egg laying. By highlighting the latest findings in genetics, nesting, rearing, production cycle, etc., this review suggests the best ways producers can minimize floor egg laying and prevent significant economic loss.

Read the Summary

2024 PSA Meeting Updates

Annual Meeting Registration & Abstracts

Registration for the 2024 PSA Annual Meeting will open on Thursday, February 15, 2024. The conference will be held July 15-18, 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky at the Galt House Hotel. Reservations for the Galt House will also open the same day as registration.

Additionally, abstract proposals are being accepted until Monday, March 18, 2024. For details and to submit your abstract, click here.

Latin American Scientific Conference Symposium Proposals

Symposium proposals are currently being accepted now through Thursday, March 14, 2024 for presentation at the PSA Latin American Scientific Conference on October 8-10, 2024. The conference will be held at the Bourbon Cataratas do Iguacu Thermas Eco Resort in Iguazú Falls, Paraná, Brazil. For details on symposium submission, click here.

Cobb Research Initiative

Research Funding for Poultry Genetics

Proposals are being accepted now through March 4, 2024 for the Cobb Research Initiative (CRI). CRI is a platform dedicated to innovative research in poultry genetics. Priority research areas include: broiler breeder livability, broiler livability, meat quality, hatchability and chick quality, and egg fertility and production. In 2023, Cobb awarded nine grants, creating partnerships with eight research programs.

Learn more about CRI and submit a proposal.

Additional Reading

Pathogenicity & Characteristics of ARV Variant

Over the past few years in China, there has been a rapid increase in the cases of viral arthritis caused by avian reovirus (ARV). This has resulted in a variant of ARV that is resistant to traditional vaccines. This short communication from Poultry Science® highlights the results of successfully characterizing an ARV strain in a broiler flock previously vaccinated against the virus. This study offers further exploration of the ARV variant’s characteristics and its pathogenicity.

Read the Short Communication

Student Opportunities

Winner's Guide to Abstracts and Presentations

Unlock the secrets to crafting standout abstracts and delivering award-worthy presentations! Join us on March 6, 2024 11am-12pm CT for a webinar on how to elevate your skills in abstracts and presentations. Three topic areas will be covered: Metabolism and Nutrition (with Dr. Mike Persia), Management and Production (with Dr. John Boney), and Immunology, Health, and Disease (with Dr. Lisa Bielke). A panel discussion will be held at the end to answer any questions you have. Don't miss out! Individuals who register and log into the live webinar will receive a certificate of attendance.

Please note that all members, even non-students, are welcome to attend this event.

Register for the Webinar

Hatchery "Brooder" Development Award

Do you have a poultry-related student event planned and could use some extra funding? The PSA Hatchery “Brooder” Development Award is designed to support students with their poultry-related events, activities, and conferences through additional financial support. Applications can be submitted anytime and are approved on a case-by-case basis.

More Information & Apply

$1,500 in Internship Support Funds for Students

The $1,500 Andrew F. Giesen III Poultry Science Undergraduate Internship Award is given to financially support students who have secured an internship for the year the award is given. These funds are to assist students with travel, room and board, and other related expenses accumulated with their internship. Consideration will be given based on financial needs associated with the internship (e.g., airfare and travel, short-term housing, and other expenses not covered by the employer), as well as what impact the student expects the internship to have on his/her future career.

More Information & Apply

Public Policy Fellowship Opportunity

This is an exciting opportunity to work on a range of science policy projects that could include planning a Capitol Hill science policy briefing, preparing science policy documents, conducting research on science and science education policy initiatives, and attending Congressional and executive branch meetings. It includes a stipend and travel expenses will be covered.

Click Here for More Information

In Memory

Tributes to PSA Colleagues

PSA is honored to bring this new section to the Postings eNewsletter that will feature those members who have recently passed away. If you know of a PSA member, past president, or fellow who has passed away, please share this information with the Association. We will feature these colleagues in each issue of PSA Postings as we receive the news. All former PSA members who have passed away are also recognized in the Resolutions Committee report at the Annual Business Meeting.

Please send obituaries to Sam Shafer at sam.shafer@poultryscience.org.

Colleagues Who Have Recently Passed Away

Lynn G. Bagley

Nelson A. Cox

PSA Fellow

Philip E. Dorr

Abel G. Gernat

Talmadge S. Nelson

Member Spotlight

Are you interested in being featured through a Member Spotlight? Or maybe you would like to nominate someone? Complete the Member Spotlight submission form here!

Adnan Alrubaye

Current Employer:

University of Arkansas, Department of Poultry Science


  • Bachelor's Degree: University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Master's Degree: University of Arkansas, USA
  • PhD: University of Arkansas, USA

Area of Expertise:

Poultry Microbiology, management and nutritional improvements to reduce Bacterial Chondronecrosis with Osteomyelitis lameness in broiler chickens.

Where did you grow up and did you have poultry in your youth?

I grew up in the southern region of Iraq. I grew up raising broilers and layers for my family.

What was your first job out of school and what were your responsibilities?

I worked as a college science instructor teaching biology and basic sciences.

If you had a motto that applied to your daily professional career, what would it be?

“The Best way to predict your Future is to create it.”

– Abraham Lincoln

What value does your PSA membership offer you?

PSA membership offers networking opportunities and access to a community of professionals in the poultry field. I benefited from collaboration opportunities with other members on projects, research, and initiatives. In addition, PSA helps in professional development by attending the PSA Annual Meeting, workshops, seminars, and training programs to enhance skills and knowledge. Finally, PSA provides Information and updates to help members stay informed about trends, news, and developments in the field.

What is your favorite poultry breed?

Broiler chickens

Fun fact about me!

I love gardening and growing my own produce during summer.

Additional News

Topics of Interest to Poultry Scientists

Below you will find several news articles and resources of interest in the field of Poultry Science.

FDA'S Good Manufacturing Practice for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Used in Veterinary Medicinal Products


FDA Launches Tech-Enabled Traceability Video Series to Enhance Food Safety


FSIS Highlights 2023 Accomplishments in Protecting Public Health and Strengthening the Food Supply Chain


NCC Highlights Chicken Industry’s Efforts to Reduce Food Waste


Avian Flu Report: Resurgence in Domestic Flocks


Rising Stars Showcase

From Modern Poultry

Modern Poultry, an independent news website focused on live production, has introduced Rising Stars — a new editorial section featuring work, insights and opinions from graduate research assistants focused on poultry science.

"We’ve always been impressed by the raw energy and enthusiasm of poultry science students pursuing advanced degrees," says Carly Feeks, publisher. "We developed ‘Rising Stars’ to put grad students in the spotlight."

Modern Poultry’s Rising Stars section is easily accessible from website’s menu bar. Graduate research assistants interested in sharing their work and ideas on Modern Poultry should contact Modern Poultry’s editor, Joseph Feeks, to pitch their ideas and obtain writers’ guidelines.

"This is a great professional-development opportunity to give graduate students experience with sharing their research findings, and ultimately showcasing your lab’s work, to an industry-oriented audience," says Allison Pullin, PhD, assistant professor of animal welfare at North Carolina State University.

Welcome Center

New Members of the Poultry Science Association

The Association is pleased to welcome the following individuals who started or reinstated their PSA membership in December 2023. Please note that some individuals may not have listed their organizational affiliation.

Professional Members

Nicholas Brown


Gordan Carter

JinSoo Kim

Kangwon National University

Kristina Kljak

University of Zagreb

Marta Krupa

Phibro Animal Health

Jun Lin

University of Tennessee

Shirish Nigam

College of Veterinary Science India

Kim Rice

Rose Acre Farms

Wolfgang Siegert

University of Goettingen

Graduate Student Members

Grant Bennett

University of Georgia

Brittany Bolger

North Carolina State University

Alexis Clark

Clemson University

Graduate Student Members


Joseph Rishitha Dasireddy

University of Georgia

Olubanjo Deborah

University of Arkansas

Atul Jadhav

McGill University

Opeoluwa Judo

Alcorn State University

Sam Maaskant

University of Guelph

Jasmin schiestel

University of Guelph

Kelly Tremblay

University of Guelph

George Wanjala

University of Debrecen

Brianna Wardwell

Purdue University

Undergraduate Student Members

Aneeqa Imtiaz

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

Dylan Seets

Purdue University

Post-Doctorate position in Animal Science - Poultry Nutrition


Post-Doctorate position in Animal Science - Poultry Nutrition

Laboratory of Poultry Science of Sao Paulo State University

Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor of Poultry Processing, Product Quality and Safety

University of Georgia

Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Food Animal Product Quality and Food Safety

University of Delaware

Research Assistant/Associate Positions – Behavior and Welfare

Auburn University

Global Marketing and Communications Intern

Novus International, Inc.

Do you have a position to list in the Career Center?

PSA is also happy to include complimentary positions, internships, and scholarships directly targeted towards students on the PSA Hatchery site. Please send inquires to Sam Shafer for details.

National Turkey Federation 2024 Annual Convention

February 21 - 24, 2024

Austin Marriott Downtown

Austin, Texas

GEAPS Exchange 2024

Feb 24 - 27th, 2024

Kansas City Convention Center

Kansas City, MO

12th Annual Food Safety Conference

March 5-7, 2024

Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort

Hot Springs, AR

Feed Mill Management Seminar

March 7-8, 2024

Embassy Suites by Hilton Nashville Downtown

Nashville, TN

VICTAM Asia 2024

March 12 - 14, 2024

BITEC Exhibition Center

Bangkok, Thailand

AFIA 2024 Purchasing and Ingredient Suppliers Conference

March 12 - 14, 2024

Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk

San Antonio, TX

Meat Conference

March 18 - 20, 2024

Gaylord Opryland

Nashville, TN

Animal AgTech Innovation Summit

March 18-19, 2024

San Francisco Marriott Marquis

San Francisco, CA

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