Emergency Operations Centre services for Fort McMurray wildfire evacuees end today
May 18, 2024

With the lifting of the wildfire evacuation order for four Fort McMurray neighbourhoods, Edmonton’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in the Clareview Recreation Centre will end services today Saturday, May 18.

The reception centre will remain open until 10 p.m. this evening with all services ending at that time. Those who have been provided a hotel room may stay in it overnight but must check out on Sunday, May 19 as per the hotel’s policies. No food per diems will be issued for any evacuees registered after 10 a.m. today. The Red Cross will provide financial assistance for transportation only until 10 p.m. this evening.

In total, 1,845 wildfire evacuees from Fort McMurray were registered over the five days the centre was in operation. A total of 426 hotel rooms were provided to 1,098 households, and pet care to 92 animals.
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