Travel, Meeting Restrictions Extended to June 30

Continuing concerns about COVID-19 have prompted Maj. Gen. Mark Smith, Civil Air Patrol National Commander and CEO, to extend restrictions on CAP-related travel and meetings – previously set to expire May 11 – to June 30, Smith announced in his latest letter to members and staff.

In the interim, “we are rolling out guidance on how wings can carefully ease out of their current sets of restrictions,” Smith said.

His new, less restrictive measures, announced on May 12, are detailed below.

Some wings will be able to progress more quickly and move past the existing set of restrictions. he says. Other wings will need to move more slowly, and so the original restrictions will apply for a longer period.”

Echoing previous sentiments, the national commander also expressed concern for the pandemic’s and associated restrictions’ impact on CAP members. As a leader, I worry about people in our organization,” he says. “Is everyone doing okay? Are some people struggling? In earlier messages I urged us to reach out to others – engage – to help make sure that our wingmen are persevering okay through these trying times. Please keep reaching out and connecting.

“ Let’s continue to take care of one another,” Smith concludes. “After all, this is a long haul we are enduring.
Conn. Wing, Submarine Base Train in Joint Exercise
The Connecticut Wing participated in a training exercise, “Operation Bird Dog,” to demonstrate Civil Air Patrol capabilities in aerial anti-terrorism force protection support at Naval Base New London in Groton. The exercise was also designed to train the U.S. Navy’s new submarine commanders through an opposing force simulated event.

Connecticut Wing aircrew members on five CAP planes as well as mission base staff took part in the May 5 exercise. It was the first coordinated training mission between the Connecticut Wing and the Groton submarine base, with the potential for future long-term training and homeland security support missions on the horizon.

“Today's joint exercise worked out well for both the Navy and CAP, said Col. James Ridley, Connecticut Wing commander. "Pre-planning enabled us to execute a near-flawless mission, and we learned a lot of lessons which will serve us well as part of a longer-term mission, which I anticipate.”
N.M. Wing Flies Test Kits for State Health Department
The New Mexico Wing transported COVID-19 test kits from a meat packing plant in southern New Mexico to the Scientific Laboratory Division of the state Department of Health in Albuquerque for processing.

The kits were collected at the plant site in Santa Teresa for each shift, then taken to the Department of Health office in Las Cruces to complete required documentation. After that, the tests were taken to Las Cruces International Airport, where a New Mexico Wing aircrew flew them to Albuquerque.

 We really appreciate the help from the Civil Air Patrol, and how quickly you can get these samples to the laboratory, the health department's Dave Daniels said.
Other CAP wings have also conducted recent COVID-19 missions in support of agencies in their states:

  • New Hampshire members helped with PPE distribution to hospitals and other major facilities and set up central points of distribution around the state.
Tenn. Cadet, Grandmother Make Masks Together
Cadet Staff Sgt. Noah Madewell spent his stay-at-home time during the COVID-19 pandemic learning how to sew from his grandmother, Cathy Tumlin, so he could help her make over 100 masks for the Knox County, Tennessee, Sheriff's Office.

“If there is any way for me to help, I will. One of my goals in life is help as much as I can,” said Madewell, a member of the Tennessee Wing's Knoxville Composite Squadron.

A representative of the Sheriff’s Office posted on Facebook, “Thank you always seems inadequate for a generous gift like this. We hope the two of you along with every other person and or company that has stepped up to help us during this time know it is appreciated.”
NHQ News
'Cadet Proving Grounds' Showcases New Ideas
Cadet Proving Grounds gives the cadet community a voice in evaluating new ideas. Here are three new items:

  • Are we making a difference for cadets and America? Read about Cadet Metrics 2020.

  • What if a cadet’s behavior becomes a problem and local leaders need a positive, creative way to lead the cadet back on track? Read about an optional, draft resource, the Cadet Reset Agreement.

  • How do leading youth organizations use “improvement science”? Read about the Curry Motivation Project, which will test a new methodology for studying potential innovations.

In May-June, we’ll randomly select 200 new cadets to receive, as part of the usual New Cadet Kit, a pair of Cadet Airman chevrons, a Curry Ribbon and an invitation to a webinar, “How to Do Awesome Stuff as a Cadet.” Squadrons affected by the random trial will receive an email with more details.
Coronavir us & CAP
Stay Informed
Make sure to watch for the Special Bulletins that National Headquarters has been emailing the membership to announce CAP's latest actions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the organization's policies and activities.

In addition, the updates can always be found on and
Units Using Innovative Ways to Communicate
National Headquarters staff has noticed the innovative communication tools squadrons are using to engage their members during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Two recent examples stand out one more for its aerospace education value, the other for its ingenuity in attracting CAP members' interest. Both were conducted using virtual conferencing software, which has become so popular in these days of social distancing and self-quarantine.

On May 7, 2nd Lt. Paul Douglas of the Virginia Wing's Burke Composite Squadron presented The United States Space Force: A Primer to members of his squadron and Virginia Wing Group 3. Douglas works for NOAA as a radiometrics engineer and is a member of the newly formed Space Force Association.

As part of Douglas' presentation, retired U.S. Air Force Col. Bill Woolf, president of the Space Force Association, answered questions at the end of the presentation an effective way for members to learn more about the newly created U.S. Space Force. The presentation cleared up a lot of confusion folks have about just what is the Space Force, what its mission is and the difference between it and Space Command.  

After the presentation, many questions about Space Force and how cadets could be involved were answered. The recorded presentation may be found on the Virginia Wing's YouTube Channel or posted on the Burke squadron's Facebook page .

Meanwhile, the 399th Composite Squadron in Danbury, Connecticut, celebrated Hawaiian Shirt Night during its weekly meeting on May 5. The themed nights have been a mainstay recently for the CAP unit and have helped raise morale among members during the COVID-19 emergency. 

But last Tuesday s meeting wasn ’t all leis and pineapples. The unit s senior members and cadets also heard live lectures on emergency procedures and cartography during the 90-minute event.

More on the Danbury squadron s themed night meetings can be found on the unit's Facebook page.
Civil Air Patrol Unveils Wings or Wheels Program
Civil Air Patrol has partnered with IAA, a national leader in car donation programs, to form a new Wings or Wheels Program you can promote and receive income for your unit.

Because CAP is an organization of aviation-minded individuals, we wanted a way for owners of airplanes to be able to donate, too. Now donors can donate their planes as well as their car, boat, RV and heavy equipment to benefit CAP programs.

Donors to the Wings or Wheels Program may designate a CAP unit to be the beneficiary, and up to 80% of those proceeds may be passed to the unit. 
If you have further questions about the program, please email CAP's Development directorate.
The Week's Top Headlines
Eric Shawn: An Air Force In Combat Against Coronavirus

Civil Air Patrol Lets Hospital Workers Know They're Appreciated
(Augusta, Ga.)

N.C. Civil Air Patrol Drives 40,000 Miles in COVID-19 Mission
(Asheboro, N.C.)
Tweet of the Week @CivilAirPatrol

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