Former National Commander Passes

Maj. Gen. Eugene E. Harwell, whose tenure as Civil Air Patrol national commander from 1986-1990 capped a career that included commanding the Middle East Region now the Mid-Atlantic Region and the North Carolina Wing, passed away Nov. 16 at his home in Mint Hill, North Carolina. He was 90.

A U.S. Air Force pilot from 1948-1952 and a CAP member since 1958, Harwell is survived by his wife, Col. Joyce (Brookshire) Harwell, who also served as North Carolina Wing commander.
CAP's National COVID-19 Response Continues, Surpasses 34,000 Volunteer Days of Service
With no immediate end to the COVID-19 pandemic in sight, CAP's missions in support of America's humanitarian response are continuing.

CAP has been conducting COVID-19 missions for communities, states and the nation since March, recently entering its ninth month of operations. Collectively, CAP members have contributed more than 34,000 days of volunteer service. 

Sixteen CAP wings have ongoing COVID-19 missions. These wings are performing a total of 14 Air Force-assigned missions and eight corporate missions.

Here is a statistical rundown of what CAP's COVID-19 missions have delivered, as of Nov. 16:
  • 7,323,172 meals;
  • 912,560 pounds of food;
  • 2.3 million+ masks;
  • 22,792 test kits;
  • 112,155 test samples; and
  • 1,171 blood units.
There's Still Time to Support 'Candy Bomber'
For CAP members interested in supporting retired Air Force Col. Gail S. Halvorsen, who is being considered for the Presidential Medal of Freedom, there is still time.

CAP's Utah Wing is assisting in the process of collecting the 100,000 signatures needed by Nov. 22 for Halvorsen to possibly receive the medal. More information on the petition can be found here.

Halvorsen, the "Candy Bomber" from the Berlin Airlift following World War II, just celebrated his 100th birthday.

Before his service in the U.S. Army Air Corps/U.S. Air Force, Halvorsen was one of the first pilots in Utah to join CAP in December 1941. He later conceived Operation Little Vittles, where over 23 tons of candy was dropped to hungry children from U.S. aircraft in 1948-1949. During his subsequent career he was involved in the development of the Titan family of rockets and the Manned Orbiting Laboratory project.

Throughout the years, Halvorsen has also maintained a close relationship with CAP, most recently lending his name to the Gail S. Halvorsen Aviation Education Center being built in his hometown of Spanish Fork City, Utah. He also attended a banquet in the nation's capital on Dec. 10, 2014, where he and other founding members of CAP received a replica of the Congressional Gold Medal (pictured above). The medal was awarded to CAP for those members' service during World War II.
CAP Helps Propel Cadet Toward High-Flying Performance
Isabella “Bella” Mollison wasn’t exactly thrilled when her father, U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Anthony Mollison, suggested she give CAP a try when she was 13.

Just for a year, he suggested. More like a one-year sentence, she thought. But she stayed with it, thanks to senior members encouraging her along the way. Now 19 and a cadet lieutenant colonel, Mollison has had more life experiences than most people twice her age. That includes piloting a glider plane at 15 and preparing to earn her private pilot certificate this January.

As the daughter of Air Force parents, Bella has lived on bases all over the world. Not too far into her “one-year sentence,” Bella realized that Civil Air Patrol provided a much-needed constant in her life. She even credits her CAP leadership experiences for the award she received in 2019 as the Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s Overseas Military Youth of the Year.

Now she wants to share her experiences through CAP with other youth, especially those who are interested in the aviation industry.

“I want to help inspire other Black, Native and Latino youth to envision themselves participating in general aviation just as I was when I had the pleasure of being introduced to the commander of the 36th Airlift Squadron,” Bella said.
Get Sneak Peek at Fall 'Volunteer,' Now Available Online
The Fall 2020 Issue of the Civil Air Patrol Volunteer magazine is now available online a week before the printed version is delivered.

This 72-page issue marks the second step in a three-phase process to upgrade the magazine. The objective is to make the Volunteer more dynamic and appealing to external audiences so it works equally well as both a membership publication and a recruiting tool to educate and excite people less familiar with CAP.

The third and final planned phase of the refresh in Spring 2021 includes an expanded distribution strategy to put the Volunteer in the hands of more CAP nonmembers via flight schools, FBOs, professional offices, partnership distribution, and more.

In the meantime, take a look at the digital version of the Fall 2020 Issue. It includes informative features about CAP's COVID-19 response, our first virtual National Conference and the effort to update the organization's branding. There are also interactive features in the electronic issue, including six videos available for viewing.
NHQ News
CAP General Provides Tips for Effective Leadership
National Headquarters' Marketing & Strategic Communications team is reprising National Commander Maj. Gen. Mark Smith’s Tips for Effective Leadership Video Series from 2019.

'CAP Worship Weekend' Scheduled for Dec. 4-6
"CAP Worship Weekend" has been approved for Dec. 4-6. On this weekend, members who participate in worship services of any faith tradition are authorized to wear their service dress or CAP corporate equivalent uniform in commemoration of the organization's 79th anniversary.

Wearing the CAP uniform, encouraged by Chief of Chaplains (Col.) John Murdoch, is a longstanding CAP tradition created by the Board of Governors in the 1970s and continued today as an inclusive activity that shares aerospace, character development and other CAP missions inside its members’ spiritual communities.

Members are asked to share photographs from their activities on social media with the hashtag #CAPWorship.

For those who cannot attend worship in person, the Chaplain Corps will offer an interfaith service online on its social media channels Dec. 4-6. The online service will include the chief of Air Force chaplains, CAP's national commander and the chief of CAP chaplains.
Are You at Least Age 70½? Give to CAP From Your IRA
If you’re 70½ or older, you’re eligible to make a tax-wise, real-time gift directly from your IRA Contributions support our important work — and potentially keep you in a lower tax bracket. IRS rules state the gift must be complete by Dec. 31.

This free resource makes it easy to communicate with your custodian, and get started on a gift to provide immediate support to CAP.
This Week's Top Headlines
“A Busy Hurricane Season for Louisiana CAP Wing”

“Civil Air Patrol Charters New Squadron in Fremont County”

“Wreath Sponsorship Now Open for North Dakota Veterans Cemetery”
Tweet of the Week @CivilAirPatrol
No Newsletter Next Week
We will be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday. The next issue of PROPS will be distributed the week of Dec. 2.

Happy Thanksgiving!

CAP Marketing & Strategic Communications

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