National Legislative Days Begin in Earnest, to Occur Online Through the End of Month
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Civil Air Patrol's innovative National Legislative Days effort is going virtual in 2021. Over the next two weeks, NLD delegations from all 52 wings will meet online with their states' congressional leaders with the usual intent to educate lawmakers about CAP's indispensable public service role as a congressionally chartered nonprofit Total Force partner of the U.S. Air Force.

"Our approach this year is different, but our intent is the same,” said John Swain, government relations director. "We want to thank our U.S. representatives and senators for their support, update them on our missions and ask for their continued support.”

Without the annual face-to-face meetings in Washington, D.C., the challenge will be to create that personal touch via virtual meetings. CAP delegations will be meeting many of their lawmakers for the first time, as nearly 300 legislators are new to Congress.

"It will be a little more work than usual, but our government relations advisors and their teams are up to the task,” Swain said.

This year's initiative will be held through Feb. 28, or longer if needed.
Pilot Captures This Striking Image While in Flight
Capt. Jonathan M. Salazar of Florida Wing Group 3 Headquarters combined his talents as a corporate pilot and a photographer to capture this striking image during a recent flight
A CAP Love Story:
Airborne Romance
Blossoms in Calif.

It is a true-to-life CAP love story: the union of mission pilots Jenny Lynn Burnett and Travis Carney.

The California couple met in mission aircrew school in 2020, and their romance bloomed.

The love story of Capt. Burnett and 1st Lt. Carney is unusual, even for CAP, especially in the time of COVID-19. In fact, Burnett and Carney — married June 28 — have already been on three honeymoons, taking full advantage of the pandemic's restrictions.
CAP Foundation Welcomes New Board Member
The Civil Air Patrol Foundation officially welcomed its newest trustee when it met this week Vanessa Blacknall-Jamison.
Blacknall-Jamison, change management adviser and leadership coach with the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington, D.C., was appointed to the board in August. The virtual gathering Feb. 16 was her first on the foundation board, which provides general support for CAP and its programs and missions, direct financial support to CAP’s operations and scholarships to CAP members.
N.C. Cadet Earns 'Wings' Through CAP Program
On Feb. 8, Cadet Lt. Col. Cody Matthews became the 69th CAP cadet to earn his private pilot certificate through the Cadet Wings program.

Matthews (at right), pictured with his examiner, David Lackey, is a member of the North Carolina Wing's Winston Salem Composite Squadron.
NHQ News
Commander Offers Tips for Effective Leadership

National Headquarters' Marketing & Strategic Communications team is reprising National Commander Maj. Gen. Mark Smith’s Tips for Effective Leadership Video Series from 2019.

Smith's "Tips for Effective Leadership: Accountability” is featured today.
Is It Time to Renew Your CAP Membership?
National Headquarters' Member Services would like to remind you that when it's time to renew your membership, you'll see a renewal link in red at the top of your eServices homepage.

For more information on how to renew, click on this link
On "This Week in CAP History," we are excited to spotlight the Arizona Wing's long-standing commitment to shaping the lives of local youth.
Pictured: Bryan Connelly (left) pins new ranks on his son, Michael Connelly, 13, a Civil Air Patrol cadet in Deer Valley Squadron 302 during their weekly meeting at the Phoenix Deer Valley Airport.
To read the Arizona Republic article, which was originally published on Feb. 18, 2011, click on this link.
This Week's Top Headlines

“Civil Air Patrol Thanks Capital Regional (Medical Center) Employees for Work During COVID”

“Civil Air Patrol Wing Assists National Guard in COVID-19 Response”
Tweets of the Week @CivilAirPatrol

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