Civil Air Patrol Launches New Video Series

Today’s Civil Air Patrol is a dynamic organization — we’re on the move, innovating, growing, and changing every day. A new video series, aptly named " Today’s Civil Air Patrol, " is being launched here as a platform where subject matter experts come together to participate in panel discussion, interviews, training, and other approaches to a wide range of topics including education, innovation, technology, current events, diversity, growth opportunities, and more.

Our first video (above) features four panelists in a discussion about diversity moderated by National Commander/CEO Maj. Gen. Mark Smith. Please watch this brief video by clicking on the arrow, and be sure to share with us what other topics of interest you’d like to see addressed by CAP members who are subject matter experts.
BoG Member Named to Transportation Panel
U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao on July 17 announced the appointment of 20 representatives, including Stacey Bechdolt of CAP's Board of Governors, to the U.S. Department of Transportation's Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force.

Chao said the Department of Transportation's objective is to encourage high school students to pursue in-demand careers in aviation. “This task force will help identify and develop pathways to encourage a diversity of young people to enter the exciting aviation sector of the future,” she said.

Bechdolt, who has served on CAP's top governing board since 2016, was selected for the task force through her nonprofit, Aerospace Education Resource Organization, for which she serves as founder and president.
Ariz. Volunteers Set Blood Donor Records;
Conn. Members Help Distribute Food to Needy
The Arizona Wing’s COVID-19 emergency blood donation center mission went on the road for the first time to two squadrons outside the Phoenix area earlier this month.

The Eloy Composite Squadron’s blood drive July 1 yielded 27 units of blood, seven more than its goal. The Cochise Composite Squadron held its first blood drive July 7 and collected 42 units.

Lt. Col. Bob Ditch, incident commander for the wing, congratulated the Cochise squadron: "Your blood donor center broke all existing records. The 42 units of blood collected today is unprecedented."

The total of 69 units of blood puts the wing closer to its goal of 500 units. The mission is scheduled to end on Aug. 31.

The Connecticut Wing, meanwhile, is transporting and delivering food to needy families during the pandemic.

Members are assisting the Walnut Hill Community Church in Bethel, which is distributing fresh produce donated by a farm in nearby Roxbury. The mission is planned to continue throughout the summer months and involves multiple tasks several times a week. 
Legendary CAP Rescue Happened 78 Years Ago
At Coastal Patrol Base 2 in Rehoboth, Delaware, on July 21, 1942, a legend was born when a Civil Air Patrol rescue amphibian was damaged in rough seas as it landed to take onboard a downed CAP pilot.

To compensate for a lost pontoon, the amphibian’s pilot, Lt. Eddie Edwards, applied his own weight to the wing strut, clinging to it all night long in freezing temperatures until the amphibian could taxi back to shore.

For their bravery, Edwards (right) and fellow CAP member Maj. Hugh Sharp received the first Air Medals of World War II directly from President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Oval Office of the White House.
NHQ News
Final NSC Graduates 112
After Virtual Training

The National Staff College held a virtual graduation ceremony on Saturday featuring Maj. Gen. Mark Smith, CAP's national commander and CEO, as the guest speaker. 

In all, 112 members from all over CAP, including one in the United Kingdom and another in South Korea, completed the academically challenging 13-week course. 

“Every person involved in this year's college has truly worked together as a team to make this last legacy National Staff College a success," said Col. Lisa Robinson, activity director.

This was the last NSC in its current format because CAP is transitioning to a new Education and Training program on Aug. 4 to replace the existing Professional Development program.
Conference Registration Surpasses 3,000 Mark
Over 3,000 CAP members have signed up for CAP's first virtual National Conference — more than four times normal registration for an in-person conference.

If you haven't done so already, click here today to sign up and enter registration code CAPExcel2020. (Do not share this on social media or with others outside the organization.)

The 2020 National Conference is scheduled for Aug. 14-15.
Previewing CAP's Education and Training Program
In the weeks leading up to the Aug. 4 launch of Volunteer University, we're providing an overview of the focus and requirements for each level of CAP instruction.
Interactive Presentation Available to CAP Cadets
Calling all CAP cadets interested in becoming U.S. Air Force aviators.

Air Force Recruiting Services is hosting an interactive presentation on Aug. 5. This opportunity is a great way to get first-hand information from Air Force airmen.
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