Pride Month at Sha'ar Zahav!
We Were Here: HIV-AIDS, the Bay Area and the Jewish Community
Thursday, June 9, 7-9pm on Zoom Only

A panel discussion by three key witnesses, former Sha'ar Zahav rabbi, Rabbi Yoel Kahn, Avi Rose and David Weissman, will reflect on the AIDS crisis in the Bay Area and beyond, and its impact on the Jewish community. Rabbi Copeland will be moderating this panel.

Watch the movie here or attend the panel even without prior viewing!
Password to watch the video: NL2022

To register, click here (scroll to the end of the page for registration).
Visit the AIDS Memorial Quilt with Sha'ar Zahav
June 12th, 10-11am
in Golden Gate Park

On the 35th anniversary of the launching of the AIDS Quilt and Names Project, the quilt’s largest display ever will take place in Golden Gate Park. No need to sign up for this free event. Here is a site map and our group will meet at the Volunteer Check-in. For more information, contact Deb Farkas who will be there to greet you wearing a SZ Pride t-shirt! You might get to see a panel she helped create decades ago.
Pride Month Nonbinary-Hebrew Chant
Friday, June 10, 9:30am-10am on Zoom Only

Curious about a nonbinary way to pray? Join Rabbi Copeland in a short chanting service with entirely nonbinary Hebrew and names for the Divine. All prayers will be in transliteration or English, so come even if Hebrew is new to you.

Join the minyan: Register here
Community Pride Seder
Sunday, June 12 at 5pm on Zoom Only

Pride Seder chronicles the liberation of LGBTQ people, much like the Passover Seder retells the story of the liberation of the Jewish people. Celebrate with community members, LGBTQ clergy, as well as civic and interfaith leaders. Led by Rabbi Copeland, Maggid Eli Ramer and Emery Cohen-Wallach.

For more information, click here.
To register, click here.

This virtual event is led by Sha’ar Zahav, with support from the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund, the Jewish Community Relations Council, Keshet, and Keshet Ga'avah: The World Congress of GLBT Jews.
Transgender and Nonbinary Celebration Shabbat
Friday, June 17 at 7:30pm
Hybrid: In-person and on Zoom

This annual SZ holiday is a community-wide festival honoring the transgender, nonbinary and gender-queer community and the living diversity of creation. Led by Martin Rawlings-Fein and Rabbi Copeland. D'rash by Yuridia Yisraeli.
Pride at the Park
ages 0-6 and their adults
Saturday, June 18, 11am-12:30pm at Dolores Park

Gather with PJ Library, Jewish Baby Network and Sha’ar Zahav for Pride at the Park. We will be experiencing Shabbat with Pride-themed stories, puppets, music, snacks, crafts and more. Remember to bring a blanket to sit on, snacks, water, sunscreen, a hat and your enthusiasm. This is our Baby Havurah gathering for June.
Trans* March Shabbat Picnic
Friday, June 24, 5:30-6:30pm at Dolores Park

Gather at Dolores Park to share Shabbat ritual and a BYO picnic dinner before the march.

Co-sponsored by Kehilla Synagogue
Annual Pride Shabbat Celebration
Friday, June 24, 7:30 pm
Hybrid: On Zoom and In-Person

Put on your favorite Pride t-shirt and celebrate our most festive Shabbat service of the year. Stay for a festive Oneg (post-service bites). 
San Francisco Pride Parade
Sunday, June 26, begins at 10:30 am

Join us--we'll be there! We're marching with JCCSF and other Jewish organizations. If you want to march or roll on our bus, contact Kerasa Tsokas.