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Spring Fundraising Walk

Saturday, April 6, 2024

10:30am – 1:00pm

This family-friendly event will be held on April 6 at Gospel Grace Church, with a walk around Liberty Park right across the street.

Register today and start building your walking team by spreading the word to family and friends to fundraise together. Ask everyone you know... you may be surprised by how many are willing to sponsor you!

Volunteer at the event. If you're interested in joining the planning team or volunteering at the event, please click the link below to email our events team and register your interest.

Adults $25 | Children $10 (12 and under)

Note: registration fee includes t-shirt + lunch.

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Offering life-saving options

In desperation, *Lucia* called the Pregnancy Resource Center for help. She had received a positive pregnancy test at Planned Parenthood and had asked about her options. However, nothing but abortion was presented to her. Looking for support and information to guide her next steps, she made an appointment at the PRC. 


Reserved and standoffish, Lucia came in for her appointment. Uncertain who the potential father of the baby was, she was considering an abortion but wanted to get an ultrasound before she made her decision. She was already treading water financially, and a positive pregnancy test added to her concerns. Moreover, she didn’t see a viable future with her boyfriend, *Luke. 


As the Client Advocate listened to Lucia’s story, she encouraged her to take time to process all that was happening before rushing into a pregnancy decision. As the Client Advocate began to inform Lucia of her options, she began to express her true feelings. In tears, Lucia shared that abortion was not what she wanted, but she also wanted better life circumstances for this child.

The Client Advocate lovingly shared with her that we all go through difficulties in life, no matter the family or circumstances we are born into, but each person must decide for themselves how they will overcome and grow from adversity.

Learning that there was evident hurt in Lucia’s life from her childhood religion, the Client Advocate shared the gospel with Lucia’s permission. Reading Ephesians 2:8-9, she discussed how humans could never earn God’s favor, but how He freely gives grace and forgiveness through the death and resurrection of His Son. The Client Advocate also talked with Lucia about the importance of support from a local church community. Intrigued, Lucia accepted a Bible, a Church Referral List, and prayer. 

“I am so glad I came here and didn’t go back to Planned Parenthood” Lucia exclaimed.


Lucia was then invited in to meet with one of the PRC Nurse Sonographers. Moments later, Lucia and her boyfriend smiled as they saw their baby on the ultrasound screen. As Lucia was leaving her appointment, she happily showed the Client Advocate the ultrasound pictures and said, "Maybe I'll see you at church!” 


At a follow-up appointment, Lucia shared that she and Luke are no longer together, but they are considering co-parenting. She is eager to start the PRCs Life Steps parenting classes and is excited about Stepping Up fatherhood mentoring for Luke. As seeds of the gospel continue to be planted and cultivated, please pray for the transformational work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. 

Thank you for your faithful support, allowing the PRC to shine truth and light daily. Together, we are cultivating a culture of life in our communities!

March Impact

From the PRC Directors

Spring is upon us! It’s a joyous season when new life begins, where even the most jaded among us appreciate the miracle of life, from seed to tiny sprout to sapling. At the PRC, we also recognize the beauty of life at every stage of development.

Thanks to our state-of-the-art ultrasound machines and skilled medical personnel, mothers and fathers can witness human life at its earliest stages—as early as 5.5 – 6 weeks!

And while flowers are surely beautiful creations, nothing is more wonderous to see than those tiny persons resting safely in the womb, image-bearers of God Himself.

As we gather to celebrate Easter this weekend, let us remember Christ came into the world like all of us, as a baby. His resurrection gives us victory over death and the grave. But while we remain in our earthly tents, the risen Christ gives us the strength to fight the culture of death which surrounds us and provide hope to others.

A woman we call “Emily” became pregnant unexpectedly while still in school and sought help from the PRC. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without the Pregnancy Resource Center,” she said. “I’m so thankful for the hope and help they gave me. My son Brandon will always be thankful too.”

This holiday is all about the hope that Christ provides to us through His finished work on the cross. May we use each opportunity to share this hope with the women & families that come to the PRC!

It is our prayer that each of you will find time this weekend to meditate on the wonderous work that Christ has completed for us; may you find rest and hope in Him. Please also keep the vital work of this ministry in your prayers. We need your support to be hope dealers to all those who enter our doors, and to cultivate a culture of life in our communities.

Have a blessed Good Friday and joyous Easter Sunday celebration!

With our sincere gratitude,


Evangeline Sanders & George Stewart

Executive Director | Development Director

Abortion Pills in the Spotlight

The most important abortion-related case since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 is presently before the Supreme Court of the United States. The case involves the abortion drug mifepristone, which last year (along with misoprostol) accounted for 60% of all abortions in the US. Oral arguments were heard on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

The Justices will be deciding whether to affirm the rulings of two lower courts that the FDA abused its discretion when it allowed these drugs to be dispensed via mail order and removed critical safeguards such as an initial doctor exam to rule out ectopic pregnancies, or even a follow-up visit to ensure the absence of internal bleeding or infection.

Please pray for our Justices, and the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorneys arguing on behalf of women’s health and safety.

Find out More Here!

Your help is needed

Current Baby Boutique needs

The PRCs Baby Boutique urgently needs size four and five diapers, Baby shampoo and new or gently used clothing 6 months to 18 months for both boys and girls.

The PRC has a wish list at both Amazon and Walmart. Please click on the following links to order directly from the retailers and have it delivered to the PRC: Amazon or Walmart.

Note: Please include in the instructions that the PRC is closed on Sat and Sun and not to leave packages at the front door if we are not open.

Medical Receptionist

The PRC is still looking for a bilingual medical receptionist! If you know someone who loves the Lord and is fluent in Spanish & English, please ask them to contact

Click here for the job description

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that many will take part in the PRCs Spring Fundraising Walk so that vital funds can be raised to support more women and families.
  • Pray for the Group Parenting Classes - may life-long friendships be formed.
  • Pray that the new staff and volunteers will settle into their roles quickly and depend on the Holy Spirit to equip them with courage and compassion.
  • Pray that many will participate in the baby bottle campaign to fund and fuel the life-affirming work of the center.
  • Pray for the women who have chosen life for their unborn babies - may nothing stand in their way of embracing parenthood.
  • Pray that more abortion-vulnerable women will come to the PRC.
  • Please pray that the right person will be placed into the medical receptionist role soon.
  • Pray for our Supreme Court justices who are still deliberating on lifting the injunction that is preventing abortion from being illegal in the State of Utah.


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