PPOA Legislative Committee Meeting
May 2: Members of the PPOA Legislative Committee hosted a teleconference with our full-time Sacramento legislative representatives — Lang, Hansen, Giroux and Kidaneto engage in the monthly discussion about legislative proposals in the current 2023-2024 session that could potentially impact PPOA members and public safety employees statewide. For perspective, the California Assembly and Senate collectively introduced more than 2,000 bills in the most recent legislative session.
Meeting participants from PPOA included President Nancy Escobedo, 1st Vice President Jay Chapman, 2nd Vice President Tony Coleman, and Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr.
PPOA has a proven track record of impactful legislative strategies that stretches back more than 50 years and has significantly improved the rights and benefits of generations of PPOA members. Click here to read about significant bills proposed in the most recent two-year legislative session that convened on 12/5/22, along with PPOA’s position (support/oppose/watch) on each of them.
Discussions with Custody Assistants at TTCF and IRC
May 3: PPOA 2nd Vice President/Custody Assistant Coleman attended PM shift briefings at Twin Towers and Inmate Reception Center on Wednesday to discuss issues of interest with Custody Assistants. Topics included staffing, drafting, future academies, transfers, Custody LMC, salaries, Save Time, and the Public Records Act Request.
Meet and Confer re: LASD Captain Selection Process
May 4: PPOA engaged in a Meet and Confer with LASD executives regarding the Captain selection process. This meeting was requested by the Sheriff's Department. Meeting participants from PPOA included union legal counsel and Executive Director Quint. A follow-up Meet and Confer will occur in the near future.
PPOA Announces Recruitment for Additional Labor Representative
May 4: PPOA sent an email to the membership on Thursday to inform them of our search for an additional full-time, experienced Labor Representative.

Reimbursements for PPOA Members Who Attend the California Peace Officer Memorial Ceremony
As a reminder, active PPOA members who attend the upcoming 2023 California Peace Officer Memorial Ceremony in Sacramento are eligible for a reimbursement up to $250.

All members are strongly encouraged to attend the candlelight vigil tomorrow (May 7th) and the memorial ceremony on Monday (May 8th) to help honor the service and sacrifice of our fallen brothers and sisters. Click here for a list of the honorees.

Reimbursement eligibility is limited to the first 10 full dues-paying, active PPOA members who call the union office to register. Following the event, each eligible member must submit receipts for hotel and travel expenses to PPOA for reimbursement. If you plan to attend the memorial ceremony and would like to be eligible for reimbursement, please call PPOA at (323) 261-3010.
Fraternal Order of Police News Update
PPOA members have long benefitted from our longtime affiliation with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the world's largest organization of law enforcement officers, with more than 364,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges nationwide. All active PPOA members are part of California FOP Lodge 1.

Important news regarding FOP membership for retired PPOA members: When a sworn PPOA member retires and wishes to reactivate his/her FOP member benefits, the following step must be taken:
To reactivate your membership as a retired peace officer, you will need to pay FOP annual dues of $40 for 2023. To do so, please send an email to the FOP Lodge 1 Secretary: wmwestermann@sbcglobal.net. Be sure to include your full name and advise you are a retired PPOA member requesting membership with FOP.

Please make it a point to check out Washington Watch — a weekly update provided by the National FOP. We encourage PPOA members to stay up to date on the legislative news and activity impacting public safety personnel nationwide. 

15th Annual Peace Officer Memorial Golf Tournament
PPOA will host the 15th Annual Peace Officer Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, June 5th at Friendly Hills Country Club in Whittier. Proceeds will benefit the families of fallen officers. The event is the most significant fundraiser for PPOA's Star & Shield Foundation each year. We invite you to support this noble cause by joining us as a golfer, sponsor or volunteer at the tournament.

23rd Annual PPOA Fishing Trip
Hundreds of PPOA members have enjoyed these annual trips over the last two decades and we hope you join us out on the ocean this summer! This event often sells out, so please reserve your spot as soon as possible. See flyer for details and contact Shannon at (323) 261-3010 to book your seat on the boat.
LA County Fair Ticket Discounts Available to PPOA Members
The Los Angeles County Fair will take place May 5th through May 29th and PPOA members are eligible for discounted tickets. If you're ready to enjoy concerts, competitions, carnival rides, and more, click here and use password code: FAIRPPOA

May 6
LASD Retired Female Deputies Social Club Luncheon
Crowne Plaza, Ventura

May 7
California Peace Officers' Memorial Candlelight Vigil
Capitol Mall, Sacramento

May 8
California Peace Officers' Memorial Enrollment Ceremony
Capitol Mall, Sacramento

May 10
PPOA Board of Directors Meeting
San Dimas

May 10
Unit 615 Special Election Ballots Mailed to Eligible PPOA Members

May 13
National Peace Officers' Candlelight Vigil
Washington DC

May 15
National Peace Officers' Memorial Service
Washington DC

May 19
Submission deadline for PPOA Scholarship Applications

May 19
77th Annual Tree Planting Ceremony
In Memory of Sergeant Christopher Bracks and Retired Commander Walt Allsop
Star Post Memorial Wall, Pitchess Detention Center

May 20
Former LA Deputy Sheriffs in Texas Luncheon
Waskom, Texas
Info: EastLADan21@gmail.com

May 24
Los Angeles County Peace Officers Memorial Ceremony
Biscailuz Training Center
6:00 PM

NEW DATE: May 25
PPOA Delegates Meeting
(orig. scheduled for 5/24)
Quiet Cannon, Montebello
5:00 PM
Eligible delegates: RSVP with full name and employee number to (323) 261-3010